Popcorn Lovers Guide

So, I love snacks.

Just a big fan of them. 

My favorite snack? Popcorn. 

It’s probably like 15% of my diet and I just don’t see that changing anytime soon. 

And, what’s not to like about popcorn? 

  • It comes in a bunch of different flavors

  • You can put a variety of toppings on it

  • You can make it fresh or buy it pre-popped

  • It makes the perfect impersonal, yet totally acceptable Christmas gift in the form of a tri-split tin featuring butter, cheddar and caramel 

  • There’s even such a thing as gourmet popcorn

You really can’t lose with PCorn.

So, as a self-proclaimed popcorn connoisseur, and in celebration of National Popcorn Lovers Day, I thought I’d share my fan favorites with you folks at home who are curious about the best snack ever.

Category is: brands.



This is a no brainer and definitely deserves a spot in this guide as it is the O.G. of buttered popcorn goodness. There’s nothing better than going to the flicks in a non-pandemic world with your purse full of candy from the gas station and a bottle of water, so that you only have to drop dollars on the golden gift from the movie theater gods. 

Top qualities:

  • Warm

  • Perfect amount of salt (you add it yourself, duh)

  • Drizzled in real butter

  • Great with any candy (if you haven’t added a whole box of Buncha Crunch to your warm movie theater popcorn, you haven’t truly lived yet!)

  • Still tastes good stale - seriously, if you haven’t tried day-old movie theater popcorn, you’re truly missing out

  • Gives you something to do during the previews because we all know we all eat our movie theater snacks before the movie actually starts

Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP Real Butter Popcorn

Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP Real Butter Popcorn


This is one of my go-to brands for pre-popped popcorn. You really can’t lose with Angie’s.
Side note: This company was featured on NPR’s How I Built This podcast and it was a really interesting story. So, even if you’re not a popcorn person, but you are a podcast person, I highly recommend checking out that episode!

Top qualities:

  • It’s got a fluffy pop - meaning the individual pieces of popcorn are a little thicc and don’t melt as soon as they hit your tongue

  • You can find it at most grocery stores and it’s usually on sale

  • It’s a woman-owned company which isn’t common for popcorn brands

  • Low on the cals in case you can’t stop - I usually cannot

  • Most bags come pretty full, so you’re not cheated by extra air

Favorite Flavors:

  • Buttered - it’s a truly cohesive relationship between the butter flavor and the popcorn. It doesn’t taste like you’re getting popcorn covered in some processed butter powder. The popcorn itself encompasses the buttery flavor.

  • Cheddar Cheese - again, there aren’t any breaks in flavor between tasting the cheese and tasting the popcorn. It’s all wrapped into one experience, so it tastes legit - which is rare for a cheddar popcorn. Big, big fan of this one.

  • Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn - Ugh this one is so delicious. The ratio of sweet to salty on this popcorn is just *chef’s kiss*. The kettle part isn’t like caked onto each piece of popcorn either, it’s just a little crackle coating, so it’s perfect.

  • Seasonal Flavors - they offer some really unique seasonal flavors that I go out of my way to find each year because I’m mildly addicted, including: white chocolate and peppermint, frosted sugar cookie, and pumpkin spice drizzle.

Skinny Pop Popcorn

Skinny Pop Popcorn


Another fan favorite of the grocery store variety.

Top qualities: 

  • Its pop is lighter - which means it melts a little quicker as it hits your tongue but because it’s a lighter pop, you can enjoy more all at once lol

  • You can find it at most grocery stores - also in bulk size at Costco

  • Low cal across the board

  • Available in mini bags at the gas station, so if you’re crazy and don’t like movie theater popcorn, you can pick up a bag of this in lieu and it will still fit in your purse or any large sweatshirt

  • The microwaveable bags are just as noms as the pre-popped in case warm, freshly popped popcorn is more your jam

  • Has a wide variety of unique flavors 

Favorite Flavors:

  • Original - this is in their classic green bag and honestly, just satisfies any and all popcorn-snacky-cravings 

  • Sea Salt & Pepper - I am a pepper gal. RARELY will you hear me at the dinner table ask for the salt, but pepper is a regular request. So, this flavor makes all of my peppered popcorn dreams a reality. It’s not overwhelming, it’s just enough and each piece has a generous amount, so it’s evenly distributed throughout the bag.

  • Twist of Lime - okay hear me out. If you’re obsessed with the touch of lime tortilla chips, then I really do feel like you’d enjoy this one. I was skeptical about it at first, but have purchased this flavor a few times since and it does not disappoint. The lime flavoring does sometimes make the little area at the back of your jaw tingle, but it depends on how sensitive you are to tangy flavors. 

Smartfood Popcorn

Smartfood Popcorn


I’m giving this one a shoutout solely for its most-popular flavor that we all know and love. 

Top Qualities:

  • Fluffy pop - this is the kweeeen of fluffy popped popcorn. These pieces are hearty and you could fill your cheeks with them like a chipmunk. Not that you would, but you could if you wanted to.

  • This brand is so easy to find: grocery store, gas station, vending machine, etc. 

  • They have a low cal version, if 160 calories for 2.5 cups of this is just too much for you, but Ima stick to the original. 

Favorite Flavors:

  • White Cheddar popcorn - this is honestly the only one I’ve ever tried, but it’s a classic that doesn’t get nearly enough hype. The cheese flavor is so legit that it coats your fingers in a v thick layer of white cheddar that would be sacrilegious to not lick off when you’re done snackin. 

Garrett Popcorn

Garrett Popcorn


Okay, we’re going to level-up to the gourmet brands - starting with the OG Garrett Popcorn.

If you’ve ever been to Chicago, but have never had Garrett Popcorn, you’re not doing it right.

Pre-pandemic, people would line up down the block before the shop opened just to get some Garrett Popcorn. Obvi there are a few locations in Chicago, like Navy Pier for example, but there are lines no matter which location you go to because it’s just that good. 

Top Qualities:

  • It’s super fresh

  • Each piece is thicc and crunchy

  • The popcorn is hand-crafted, so you know it’s high quality

  • The amount of flavor that’s packed into each bite is unreal, so you’re definitely getting your money’s worth

  • Because it’s bagged on the spot, they fill those bags to the brim

  • For gourmet popcorn, I honestly feel like the prices are pretty good

  • Still tastes suuuuper good even when it’s a couple days stale

Favorite Flavors:

  • All of the flavors are good, honestly. So, you can’t really lose here.

  • My go-to order is the cheese/caramel mix - I’m a salty sweet kind of gal and that just always hits the spot

  • Just the cheese - this deserves its own bullet point tho because the cheese on this popcorn is so real, your hand becomes covered in the best type of cheesy, buttery grease. I just cannot get enough of it.

Brown Bag Popcorn

Brown Bag Popcorn


I was introduced to this Detroit-based gourmet popcorn company last year when my incredibly thoughtful boss sent everyone on her team a tin of it. And, I just don’t feel like enough people know about it!

Top Qualities:

  • It’s thickly popped and super popcorn-style crunchy - just the way we like it

  • If you order from their website, it comes in this super cute paint can

  • Freshly made if you visit their store

  • Hand-crafted flavors

  • Their core flavors are gluten free for you gluten sensitive people out there


Favorite Flavors:

  • I’ve only had the MMMMMix - which is the caramel and cheese mix - and it was absolutely phenomenal. Like the cheese and caramel perfectly compliment each other vs. one or the other stealing the show (IYKYK).

  • They have a variety of other flavors, including a “Flavor of the Month” which is currently Motown Mint. 

Welp that’s it! To all of you popcorn haters out there, I will give you the one con, which is the little pieces that have a tendency to get stuck in your teeth, but otherwise, it’s the best. 

Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day! 

YOUR TURN: Let me know if you have any favorite brands or flavors that I didn’t include here, and I’ll give them a try.

Witches Brew Wine Review

Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew Wines

Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew Wines

Fall. Autumn. Harvest. PSL Szn.

Whatever you call it, the best season has finally arrived!

I love the fall. 

  • The weather cools off. 

  • Trees look majestic af changing colors.

  • Weekends are graced with football - sorry Lions fans. I know this is a tough topic for us. :/

  • Chunky sweaters, jean jackets, and joggers finally make their debut back into my closet.

  • Slow cookers full of chilis, soups and dips decorate kitchen counters.

  • Hocus Pocus memes are plastered on every social media platform.

  • Pumpkin spice and apple-flavored everything is available.

One key fall feature that tops the list for me though: Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew wine is officially back in-season.

Yes, yes. I know it’s available year round, but there’s just something magical about sipping on a glass of Witches Brew while the leaves are falling outside and you’re enjoying the sweet smells of the new “fall fragrance” Bath & Body Works candle you just bought, even though you still have three untouched from last season, but you had a coupon in your email. :’)

Leelanau Cellars has never steered me wrong and this year, I discovered they added two new flavors to the Witches Brew fam. So, what better way to pay homage to the sweet nectar of All Hallows’ Eve-themed wines that is the Witches Brew Crew than with a blog post?

There’s isn’t a better way. I’m glad you agree. Let’s get started!


  • Color: Red

  • Sweetness: Definitely a sweet red, but not so sweet that your friend who is partial to red wines as dry as my hands during the winter will say, “Whew! That’s sweet!” (You know the one.) 

  • Flavor notes: Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, one small child (lol jk - that’s the Hocus Pocus Life Potion)

  • Lit Score: Like a Lays potato chip, you can’t have just one (glass). I have a tendency to start dancing alone in my apartment to a HAIM playlist on Spotify after a couple of glasses of OG WB. So, not only is this wine lit, but you also may get lit. (Please drink responsibly).

  • My thoughts: I love this wine. Someone recommended it to me in college as a “starter red” because I was trying to get acclimated to red wines and Witches Brew was supposed to be a toe dip into that pool. However, I loved it so much, it became my favorite wine. Honestly, it’s delicious with a charcuterie board, pairs great with pizza, it even compliments a bag of cheese popcorn. You just really can’t go wrong with this wine at any time of the year, but especially during the fall. 


  • Color: White

  • Sweetness: This is definitely on the sweet side, but not to the level of a moscato. Like maybe a few notches down from a moscato. The warmth of its flavors help tone down the sweetness too tho. 

  • Flavor Notes: sweet apples, cinnamon, brown sugar, a warm blanket.

  • Lit Score: After pouring a glass of this, you will want to take your bra off, curl up with a flannel blanket and start watching some trashy, yet socially acceptable tv show like Love Island or the Bachelorette. So, your plan isn’t to get lit, but just a little warm, yanno? The wine itself is about as lit as “Wine Down Wednesday” - something to appreciate, but it doesn’t need to happen every day. 

  • My Thoughts: If you are a big “spiced apple” fan, I think you’d really like this. Personally, it didn’t blow my mind, but I was definitely glad I tried it! That said, I do think this wine would taste pretty dank in a Halloween sangria. Maybe throw some apple slices and cinnamon sticks in there with some lil caramels as a garnish. That’s some Pinterest shit right there. Yw. :)


  • Color: White

  • Sweetness: She sweet. Not in a way that makes you feel like your teeth are going to rot or that you’re going to get a headache drinking it, but this one is definitely sweeter. 

  • Flavor Notes: Ginger, apple, clove, a swift kick in the taste buds. 

  • Lit Score: It’s an unexpected lit. You go in thinking it’s going to be a basic pumpkin spice flavor because what else would you expect of something flavored pumpkin spice? However, the first sip and you quickly realize this wine is NOT as kind-hearted as you expected it to be. As for how lit you get, I kept drinking it because I couldn’t decide whether or not I liked it - which warmed me up v quick. (Again, please drink responsibly.) 

  • My Thoughts: If you’re a big ginger fan, then I think you’d really like this wine. She is quite the spicy lil number. I feel like they may have emphasized/over compensated the spices in this wine because there’s technically no pumpkin flavor in it. It starts with sweet apple for sure and then a tidal wave of all the spices crashes down, but the ginger is like “you guys go ahead, ima hang back,” and gives you one last kick before it disappears. But, it’s almost too much of a kick? To me, it kind of brings out the actual alcohol flavor of the wine. Although I still can’t decide if I like it, I definitely respect it and would probs smash a cinnamon roll then wash it down with PS WB. 


Drink up, witches! Seriously though, if you try any of these wines, I highly recommend the OG WB. I think the spiced apple and pumpkin spice may only be available through the end of October, but don’t quote me on that. In the meantime, how about you leave a comment below answering the following questions:

  • Which of the Witches Brew Crew is your favorite?

  • If you end up making the sangria I mentioned, how’d it go? Please send pics.

  • What’s your favorite part of fall?

Press Pause on Overthinking

I’ve always had a bad habit of overanalyzing everything. 

It starts as a simple run-through in my brain about a situation, person, etc., and quickly progresses into me picking apart every little inch of it. Usually, I’ll fall into what I like to call “thought circles.” A thought circle is when you’re analyzing the situation yet again and it always starts with the same notion. Then you proceed to follow the same general path of points that you have the last 21,983,920 times you thought about this, and eventually, end up at the same conclusion. 

The first chunk of quarantine, I was staying with my parents which was an absolute blessing. On top of the obvious benefits of living with my parents (i.e. not paying for groceries, homemade meals, free laundry, etc.), it was incredibly valuable having other people around for my mental health. Even just for daily interactions, having someone physically in the same vicinity as me was a consistent source of comfort. Plus, if I needed to externally process, all I had to do was find someone to listen.

Since moving back into my 475-square-foot apartment a couple of months ago, the struggle of keeping my mental health pristine and my mind clear has become more difficult without anyone else around. Especially when I found myself quickly falling into a daily habit of overthinking and overanalyzing literally everything. 

About a month ago, I decided to find things that can pull me out of my thought circles and put a stop to the mental overload. So, if you’re like me and tend to overthink or overanalyze, I hope one of these tricks will provide you with some brain decongestion.

I am onto my third journal in 3 months because I use this method so much.

I am onto my third journal in 3 months because I use this method so much.


Journaling is one of my absolute favorite methods for finding some peace of mind. It doesn’t even have to be in an actual journal. Just find a pen and some paper and “data dump” literally everything on your mind that’s been distracting you lately. 

It doesn’t have to be perfect because you’re the only person who will be reading it. Personally, I like to write as though I’m venting to a friend. Sometimes I slide some third-person reminders/affirmations in there like, “Hales, you’re justified to feel this way. Don’t doubt yourself. Trust your gut.”

Journaling is an incredibly easy way to find some therapeutic release and can help you process anything you’ve felt “stuck” trying to figure out.

Podcasts are an equally great distraction as they are a tool.

Podcasts are an equally great distraction as they are a tool.


Podcasts are a great way to get you out of your head and focused on something else. 

For those of you who haven’t mastered the art of listening to a podcast, I recommend pairing it with an activity that doesn’t require your undivided attention. Personally, I prefer to listen to podcasts while I’m on a long walk outside, cleaning my apartment, cooking dinner, if I have to drive more than an hour somewhere or if I have my window AC unit running and can’t have my TV on at the same time at the risk of blowing a fuse lol.

Plus, whatever is on your mind - career changes, relationships, friendships, etc. - I guarantee there is a podcast out there that discusses that exact topic in detail.

Listening to a podcast related to whatever you’re overthinking may sound counter-intuitive, but it can actually be extremely beneficial. Especially if you’re looking for some validation, guidance, or non-biased insight that can help put your thought circle to rest.

A few of my favorite go-to confidantes.

A few of my favorite go-to confidantes.


Though sometimes it’s the last thing you want to do, actually talking to someone you trust about everything that’s going on in your mind can help alleviate the mental strain. 

I have a few friends who are my go-to confidantes whenever I’ve finally exhausted myself with overthinking. These are people who I know have zero judgements or biases towards what I’m sharing and often point out things I may have overlooked, validate my thoughts or feelings, or just simply listen while I externally process everything out loud until I come to my own final conclusion.

Simply talking it out with someone who knows you best is a great way to feel more clear-minded and less like a hot mess mentally.

Distract yourself with a book..

Distract yourself with a book..


What is something you enjoy doing that you find yourself literally lost in for hours?

Personally, I can get lost in a really great book, going down a YouTube rabbit hole of watching various celebrities eating really spicy chicken wings on Hot Ones, doing a social distancing-friendly outdoor pop-up workout class with friends and blogging (lol spoiler alert that I started writing this blog as a distraction from my overthinking).

So, whether you enjoy LARPing, needle point, slappin’ the bass, doodling, convincing people to vote, or even just binge-watching a series you’ve seen more than 10 times but it still makes you laugh out loud - go lose yourself in it. 

It may not help you process whatever is on your mind, but it will at least give you the much-needed mental (and sometimes emotional) break for a while.

The best doodle of a happy brain to represent “mental calm” that I could muster. :)

The best doodle of a happy brain to represent “mental calm” that I could muster. :)


If you can relate to the never-ending thought circles, I hope a couple of these methods help you press pause on your overthinking. 

Now it’s your turn. Please comment:

  1. Any techniques you use to simmer down your overthinking

  2. Your favorite podcast/podcast recs

  3. One thing you are grateful for today :)

The Athleisure Movement

I am a strong believer/supporter/advocate of athlesiure.

Everyone has career goals and one of mine is to work for an organization that allows me to wear athleisure everyday because, let’s be honest, nothing stumps creativity or a good mood more than starchy dress pants that don’t allow you to bloat like your lunch intended.

Let’s get one thing clear too. Athleisure does not mean your bag-lady sweat pants that you should have thrown out years ago because you can hear the elastic crackle a little bit, but have also developed an emotional connection to, so you keep them in your drawer anyway. Nor does it mean your old college sweats and tee shirts (unless they’re in good condition. Clearly, subjective guidelines).

Athleisure is the quality joggers, leggings, sweatshirts, etc. that are comfortable to wear, can be dressed up with non-athleisure pieces such as a jean jackets, heeled booties, etc. Honestly, when I’m not being an extreme introvert acting like I’m 85 vs. 25, I opt for wearing athleisure to social events like the bar. Yeah, I said it. I wear athleisure to the bar. Hell, I’d even wear athleisure on a date. It’s cute, it’s comfy - when are you not taking a W by wearing athleisure??

Benefits of athleisure:

  • Comfortable yet fashionable.

  • Relaxed fit - won’t ride up

  • Can be worn at the gym and in the streets - meaning you can wear it for more than just one setting/occasion (side eye to bridesmaid dresses)

  • Flexible - will stretch with your bloat or whatever else you’re doing.

  • Moisture wicking and breathable - nothing is more uncomfortable than when you’re pitting out in a cute top, so you have to just make sure you’re keeping your arms down as much as possible to try not to draw attention to the GIANT sweat circles forming in your underarm area.

As an athleisure connoisseur, I’ve tried my fair share of brands over the years and have built a pretty solid roster of reliable favorites. So, if you’ve been interested in adopting the athleisure lifestyle but aren’t sure where to start, I recommend the following brands.

Note: I’m a pretty frugal person, but I’m also an impulsive buyer (retail therapy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), so some of these brands I stumbled upon by chance and others I’ve found at my go-to stores.

Napolean Dynamite.

Napolean Dynamite.


WEBSITE: www.mpgsport.com

PRICE: $$ - Their regular-priced items can be a smidge pricy depending on how much your budget allots. For example, most of their leggings (WHICH MOST ALSO HAVE POCKETS, HELLER?) range in price from about $54 - $70. However, they often have sales/clearance items that bring down the price quite a bit and make this brand quite affordable. Highly recommend following MPG Sport on Instagram because that’s where they promote their sales.

WHAT I OWN (examples below): several pairs of leggings (the coach and roster 7/8 leggings with pockets are my fave), four pairs of joggers, two sports bras, a couple pairs of shorts, two or three pairs of nicer pants that I can wear to work or out with friends, and a winter coat (not technically athleisure but worth mentioning).

HOW I FOUND THEM: About a year ago, I bought a pair of leggings from TJ Maxx that I found myself wearing pretty regularly. Then one night, it dawned on me that I didn’t know what brand had created my new favorite leggings. Thus, my love for MPG Sport was born.

WHAT THEY OFFER: They have a variety of options for both men and women. As I mentioned above, they offer more than just workout-related items, I have about 2-3 other pairs of pants that are made of an athleisure material, but are dressy enough that I can wear them to work (see below). They also offer a ton of cute tops, jumpsuits and dresses (depending on the season), sweaters and cardigans, jackets and coats, and select accessories.

CONCLUSION: This brand has quickly become my go-to and a staple in my wardrobe. As Ms. Norbury once said, “I’m a pusher, Cady.” I literally push all of my friends to try this brand because I love it so much, and one who actually bought leggings texted me, verbatim, “Nike who? Lululemon who?” after receiving hers in the mail. So, like, yeah - highly recommend giving them a try.

Left: the athleisure material pants that I can dress up enough to wear to work. Right: some of my favorite leggings.

Left: the athleisure material pants that I can dress up enough to wear to work. Right: some of my favorite leggings.


Website: 90degreebyreflex.com

PRICE: $-$$$ - I have never purchased anything directly from 90 Degree by Reflex because TJ Maxx carries this brand which makes it substantially more affordable and why I gave the price point rating a range. Scrolling through their website, it looks like regular priced items are between $25-110 - depending on what you’re buying - but their sale items cut those prices down to anywhere from $15-40. Plus, as I just mentioned, you can usually find this brand pretty easily at TJ Maxx, Marshall’s, etc., for hella low prices, so I recommend starting there if you’re interested in giving this brand a try.

WHAT I OWN (examples below): various types of leggings and a couple pairs of shorts. I also found a really nice cowl neck sweatshirt that is one of my favorite “fancy” sweatshirts to wear if I’m going to lunch with friends, shopping, etc. There’s only a few pairs of 90 Degree by Reflex leggings that I own that I will actually wear to work out - the rest I just wear casually.

HOW I FOUND THEM: Just like literally any other girl who is balling on a budget, but wants to find a quality pair of leggings that won’t break down quickly nor turn see-through, I discovered this brand at TJ Maxx when I was in high school. Though that was light years ago, I’m pleased to report that they still carry it in 2020.

WHAT THEY OFFER: 90 Degree by Reflex offers a variety of options for women and men (and kids if you have those lol). Most of what they offer is what’s in your typical athleisure line-up: leggings, shorts, joggers, sports bras, tanks, sweatshirt pullovers, etc. They also offer plus size options in leggings, shorts and some jackets.

CONCLUSION: This is a great brand to have as part of your athleisure artillery as it’s good quality and will last quite a few years. It’s also super accessible if you’re a frequenter of TJ Maxx. Initially, I didn’t necessarily go actively looking for this brand, but 90 Degree by Reflex has become pretty dominant in my athleisure apparel.

Left: a pair of my tried and true 90 Degree by Reflex leggings. Right: the light gray cowl neck sweatshirt ft. Sunday morning groutfit.

Left: a pair of my tried and true 90 Degree by Reflex leggings. Right: the light gray cowl neck sweatshirt ft. Sunday morning groutfit.


Website: www.balanceathletica.com

PRICE: $$-$$.5. I’m giving this brand a little tougher of a rating (two dollar signs to two and a half dollar signs lol) because although their leggings range between $75-80 - which isn’t much different from the two brands above - they have shorts and sports bras that are priced between $45-53, and to my cheap ass, that is just a little lofty.

WHAT I OWN (examples below): three pairs of leggings, but two are definitely some of the coolest leggings I own because they’re leopard and snake skin print. The seams on their leggings are also incredibly flattering because they cut down in a V on the butt to help accentuate the curves of your booty. The waistband also comes up pretty high which holds in everything you need them to without rolling down.

HOW I FOUND THEM: This is kind of a long story, so I’m going to try to make it short, even though brief storytelling is not in my skill set lolz. In 2018, I reconnected with an acquaintance from college who introduced me to this high-quality supplement brand. This person got free shipping for being an affiliate of sorts, but communication ended between us. Therefore, I searched for other people on Instagram who were also affiliated with this brand, so that I could continue to get free shipping (lol) and found a fitness influencer named Taylor. She, her husband and sister had been developing Balance Athletica for a few years, and when I discovered her Instagram was around the same time of their first collection launch. The end. Boom. 125 words or less. In your face, brevity.

WHAT THEY OFFER: Balance Athletica offers a variety clothing for both men and women. Since it’s a newer brand, they don’t have an endless supply available on their website at all times like bigger brands. Instead, they start sharing information about the new collection about a month or so in advance and have a limited stock available prior to the launch. The launch date is usually announced on the Balance Athletica Instagram and then leading up to the launch, they feature all of the pieces of the collection on various body types, in different settings, etc. That said, there have been collections that were so popular and sold out so quickly, that Balance Athletica did an additional pre-order launch to give people a second chance if they weren’t able to order from the initial launch. Although I only own leggings, you can also purchase joggers, shorts, tanks, sports bras, sweatshirts, cropped compression shirts, zip-ups, etc.

CONCLUSION: Though it’s a newer brand and you have to keep an eye on when the next collection launches, the quality and style of Balance Athletica’s pieces make it totally worth it. I feel like I’m seeing more women my age following this brand on Instagram, so it’s definitely growing quickly in popularity - I’m sure the fitness influencers who are also brand ambassadors for them has something to do with that awareness. If you’re looking for some unique pieces to add to your athleisure wardrobe, I highly recommend taking a peek at Balance Athletica.

Left: black Balance Athletica leggings. Notice the high waistband. Right: the leopard print leggings I bought from the Kingdom Collection.

Left: black Balance Athletica leggings. Notice the high waistband. Right: the leopard print leggings I bought from the Kingdom Collection.

Though my athleisure wear is full of other brands, MPG Sport, 90 Degree by Reflex and Balance Athletica have quickly become my favorite. Hopefully, this helped you realize the level of comfort missing from your life that is athleisure. Especially if you’re one of those serial killer types that can take a NAP IN JEANS and PREFERS to wear jeans when you’re just hanging out with friends. Like who are you and why are you the way that you are…???????

Let me know your favorite athleisure brands or if you give any of the above a try!


Lease for one, please.

We’re going on three years since I started living by myself. I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect because I’ve always had roommates since moving out of my parents’ house. There’s always been someone else to talk to, help problem solve, make the space feel more like a home instead of a temporary place, keep everything running smoothly, etc.




(Also, honorary shout out to my girl Hanna Q. We were only roommates for 3 weeks, but you’re an awesome roommate too and not just because you also go to bed at 8:30 p.m. every night lol.)


Recently, I was asked if I like living alone and what my experience has been. After some reflection, I realized these past few years have taught me quite a bit about myself and life lessons in general.

Hales Lessons

Being my own roommate has been quite an experience. You learn a lot about yourself when it’s just you hanging out with you for the majority of time.

Lesson 1: I can kill bugs and spiders. (Most of the time.)

To this day my family will tell you I have “insect fear.” Though I only agree to an extent, I have two childhood memories that will mildly justify this irrational fear. One time, after swimming in my aunt’s pool, I could feel something moving in my ear canal and to no surprise because I was a melodramatic little shit, my dad thought it was just water. However, even if i wasn’t moving, the thing in my ear was. So, to humor me, Johnny gently stuck a hydrogen peroxide-soaked cotton swab in my eAR AND OUT CRAWLED A FREAKING BEETLE. TO WHICH MY DAD SAID, “OH MY GOD.” CORRECT, JOHN. OH EM GEE THERE’S A MOTHER FREAKIN BEETLE IN MY EAR LIKE. I. SAID. Story two, we had an earwig problem at my childhood home one summer. Those fuckers were just EVERYWHERE. I was having cereal out of one of those bowls that had a built-in straw, so that you could drink the cereal-infused milk afterwards (cue “90s kids will remember” Buzzfeed article). Welp, as I was about to dig into the cereal, guess what came crawling out of the MF straw…? Correct. An earwig. SO, I know I’m a bit bias, but I think my irrational dislike/fear of insects back in the day was justified. However, living alone, I’ve learned no one else is here to kill the little crawly shits. It’s on me to remove them from my home. So, ya girl has become a decently-confident bug killer. The only one that threw me for a whirl was a silver fish. If you don’t know what those are, Google it. I dare you.

Lesson 2: I don’t like to wear shoes in the house.

I won’t lie, I have become a mild germaphobe in the recent years. Not Howie Mendel level, but if you need hand sanitizer, I’m your girl. Which leads me to shoes in the house. Do you ever think about all of the places your shoes go throughout the day? Salt-covered sidewalks, gym locker rooms, PUBLIC FREAKING BATHROOMS! The bottoms of your shoes are an atrocious mess of bacteria that, personally, I don’t want to bring into my tiny apartment. Think of it this way, you walk around the house in your shoes for a bit and then a few hours later you’re walking barefoot through that same grime your shoes left behind. THEN, you get into your bed. Technically, you just brought bacteria from a public bathroom into your bed… How’re you going to sleep tonight knowing that?

(Also, I want to take a moment to apologize to Steph lol. I’m sorry I wore shoes at Copper Beech which made walking in the kitchen only 789843x louder in your room. Karma has done its job tho and put the loudest MF walker in the apartment above me…)

Lesson 3: I am an ambivert.

I know this one may surprise some of you due to how outgoing I can be, but it’s true. After living by myself for a while, I realized I am an ambivert, borderline introvert. I always used to think I was an extrovert. Not only because my Myers Brigg’s test usually comes out as ENFP, but I have a track record of being fairly outgoing and social. What I’ve learned though is just because someone is outgoing, doesn’t mean they draw their energy from being around other people. Don’t get me wrong, I love going out and having fun with people, but I can literally pinpoint the moment in time when I can feel my energy draining and all I want to do is go home and be by myself. I recharge by being alone, which is a perk when you’re living that sans roommate life.

Lesson 4: I function way better when I go to bed at 8:30 p.m.

This isn’t really a lesson, just a theory that I’ve had for a while and can now confidently say it’s true. :)

General Lessons Applicable for Life

Lesson 1: Make your needs known.

It took me a while to learn this one. When I moved into my quaint lil apartment, the water pressure from my kitchen sink was pathetic. I figured it’s just that it was just one of those “quirky Ann Arbor” things I had to deal with living in an old apartment. So, I just went about my way for almost a year and a half hand washing my dishes with the saddest water pressure ever. Last summer, I finally put in a maintenance request that my sink’s water pressure was pathetic. You wanna know what happened…? Turns out, my pipes were old and bad, so they replaced those as well as gave me an entirely new faucet with a built-in retractable handle. I know this one might sound like a no brainer, but I don’t think enough of us voice our needs enough. No one should ever feel guilty about voicing their needs either. It doesn’t make you demanding, it makes you transparent and the situation better for all of those involved. So, if you’re uncomfortable with a situation or maybe you need more from someone in a relationship (platonic or romantic), be transparent, speak your needs and see what happens.

Lesson 2: Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap is magic.

This one I actually learned yesterday while I was cleaning my kitchen (which happens to be more of a kitchenette as it is only one wall of my living room). My sink is white and can start to look tan or brown towards the end of the week as things like coffee, tea, etc. stain the bottom of it. Usually I use a small drop of bleach to clean it, but in this new year, I am trying to be more mindful about the chemicals I use, especially ones going down the sink. So, yesterday I grabbed the random bottle of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap that was left behind by the girl I took this lease over for, and poured a bit into my kitchen sink. And by golly, WOULDN’T YA KNOW, it cleaned that thing better than any other chemical I’ve used in there to remove the stains.

So, moral of this story, if you’re trying to find safer cleaning products, Dr. Bronner’s is bomb.

Lesson 3: How to properly and effectively insulate a window air conditioner for the winter.

This was a “third time’s the charm” kind of lesson lol because it took me three years to perfect. This is the first time I’ve ever had a window air conditioner (really not a fan. (no pun intended)) and when winter rolls around you have to cover it on the inside to prevent the White Walkers from seeping through. (Because winter is here… get it? lol or should I say GoT it? LOL) The first year, as a novice, it was a disaster. The indoor cover I ordered from Amazon never came, so instead I decided to SARAN WRAP THE SHIT out of this thing. It was literally a mess of saran wrap and packing tape - kind of like one of Dexter’s victims but without the blood. After about a month of that not working as well as I hoped, I decided to tape a few unopened garbage bags over the saran wrap which sufficed. Year two of this sad series, I just went straight in with the garbage bags and packing tape. I think it probably had about 5 layers of garbage bags over it.** Way more successful than year one, but room for improvement for sure as I was missing one key component. Fast forward to 2018, I felt like a pro walking into JoAnn Fabrics with my 10% off coupon to buy scrap fabric to use as an insulator. The purple tie-dyed fleece went underneath the layers of trash bags this year, and that, my friends, is how you insulate your window air conditioner on a budget. :)

**I carefully take down the trash bag layers in the spring and use them as intended. I don’t waste them.

Ain’t she a beaut?

Ain’t she a beaut?

So, to wrap things up, I do like living alone. I also like living with roommates. There’s pros and cons to everything, but I figured I’d share some of the lessons I’ve learned through this experience. Honestly, there’s about 3243920 other lessons I’ve learned like how to grocery shop when eating for one, what are the essential tools everyone should have on hand (Philips Head screw driver fo’sho.), etc. but everyone’s experience is different. So, if there’s something you’ve learned while living alone, please share! I love learning life hacks/lessons from other people too.

Until my next sub-par written blog. :) pz. out.