Hale's Kitchen: 5 Food Items to Keep On-Hand

As someone who has been cooking for one for about 6 years now and who generally eats pretty healthy, I feel like I’ve mastered what I need to have on hand in a pinch. 

You know those days when you have scarce groceries in your fridge, but you don’t want to go grocery shopping and just don’t feel like ordering out because it’s going to be too expensive? I experience those days pretty often. After being SOL too many times to count, I finally figured out what essentials to stock in my fridge and pantry to bail me out of these situations. 

Here are the five food items I make sure I have in my kitchen at all times.

Frozen Broccoli


Okay, I know this isn’t the most glamorous starting point, but roll with me on this. 

  • You can buy frozen broccoli for cheap at most grocery stores

  • They usually have steamable bag options, so that you don’t have to cook it over stovetop

  • It always tastes pretty great because the broccoli is frozen at its peak ripeness

  • Broccoli is an easy vegetable you can throw into most dishes

Even if broccoli isn’t your jam, any frozen bag of your favorite veggie can be a game changer when you’re scraping together a last-minute lunch or dinner.



Also known as garbanzo beans, canned chickpeas can serve as a quick and easy protein when you don’t have anything else on hand. Not to mention: 

  • Since they’re in a can, they’re generally pretty cheap

  • They don’t have too strong of a flavor, so you can really mold them into any dish

    • I put them in salads, rice/veggie dishes, soups, you can even get fancy and bake them so they’re crispy, etc. 

  • Depending on how much you use, I can usually split one can into three meals

If you’re skeptical about the chickpeas, think of it this way: buy a can, throw it in your pantry and forget about it. Then when you’re in a pickle of trying to find something to use as a protein, you’ll find the magical can of garbanzo beans smiling back at you from the back of your cupboard. :)



Hear me out. If you’re not down for chickpea town then our tried and true friend tuna will work wonders for having protein on hand when you’re opening and closing the fridge/pantry 43,294,320 times looking for something to eat lol. 

Seriously though. Must I list all the pros to this kitchen classic? Ima do it anyway:

  • You can buy tuna in a can OR it comes in a handy dandy pouch for on-the-go convenience

  • There are a variety of flavors to choose from nowadays - specifically in pouch form

  • It tends to be pretty affordable

  • Most cans and pouches won’t expire for a long time

  • The ways you can use tuna in a dish are endless:

    • Tuna salad sandwich

    • Tuna salad, but eat it with some crackers

    • Throw it into a dish with some rice and a veggie ;)

    • Honestly, you could even eat it alone

Need I say more? Tuna can come in clutch to make somethin’ delicious and nutritious with minimal ingredients. 

Jasmine Rice


If I could create a custom candle scent, it would be jasmine rice (or the bread aisle of the grocery store lol). I looooove jasmine rice. It’s fluffy, floral, and literally the perfect base for a whole slew of dishes. Plus:

  • It comes in microwavable pouches that are ready in just 90 seconds

  • Most brands are budget friendly and won’t break your bank

  • Malleable with almost any flavors you want to throw at it

Even if you’re not a fan of jasmine rice specifically (not that I understand how that could be a thing), keeping some type of rice on-hand could make all the difference when you’re trying to throw a meal together. 

Banza Pasta


Okay, so this pasta is made from chickpeas (lol are you surprised?), but there are plenty of other brands available that make a similar, but slightly different product. For example, some brands make pasta with lentils as an alternative. So, if Banza isn’t your jam, there’s other options to choose from.

Anywho, let’s get down to the bennies of Banza:

  • It’s high in protein and fiber

  • Gluten free

  • Vegan-friendly

  • Easy to make

  • Comes in a variety of shapes (shells, penne, spaghetti, rigatoni, etc.)

  • Add some broccoli and olive oil to it and you’ve got a pretty great meal!

Honestly, most of us have Ramen noodles or some old pasta floating around somewhere in the back of our cupboards, so why not make it plant-based and protein rich? 

Pro Tip for Banza: If the box recommends cooking it for 9-11 minutes, I only cook it for 8. If you over cook this pasta, it can start falling apart or sticking together.

That’s it y’all! Hopefully this first installment of Hale’s Kitchen was somewhat helpful. :)

YOUR TURN! Let me know in the comments below what food essentials you keep stocked in your kitchen.

Popcorn Lovers Guide

So, I love snacks.

Just a big fan of them. 

My favorite snack? Popcorn. 

It’s probably like 15% of my diet and I just don’t see that changing anytime soon. 

And, what’s not to like about popcorn? 

  • It comes in a bunch of different flavors

  • You can put a variety of toppings on it

  • You can make it fresh or buy it pre-popped

  • It makes the perfect impersonal, yet totally acceptable Christmas gift in the form of a tri-split tin featuring butter, cheddar and caramel 

  • There’s even such a thing as gourmet popcorn

You really can’t lose with PCorn.

So, as a self-proclaimed popcorn connoisseur, and in celebration of National Popcorn Lovers Day, I thought I’d share my fan favorites with you folks at home who are curious about the best snack ever.

Category is: brands.



This is a no brainer and definitely deserves a spot in this guide as it is the O.G. of buttered popcorn goodness. There’s nothing better than going to the flicks in a non-pandemic world with your purse full of candy from the gas station and a bottle of water, so that you only have to drop dollars on the golden gift from the movie theater gods. 

Top qualities:

  • Warm

  • Perfect amount of salt (you add it yourself, duh)

  • Drizzled in real butter

  • Great with any candy (if you haven’t added a whole box of Buncha Crunch to your warm movie theater popcorn, you haven’t truly lived yet!)

  • Still tastes good stale - seriously, if you haven’t tried day-old movie theater popcorn, you’re truly missing out

  • Gives you something to do during the previews because we all know we all eat our movie theater snacks before the movie actually starts

Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP Real Butter Popcorn

Angie’s BOOMCHICKAPOP Real Butter Popcorn


This is one of my go-to brands for pre-popped popcorn. You really can’t lose with Angie’s.
Side note: This company was featured on NPR’s How I Built This podcast and it was a really interesting story. So, even if you’re not a popcorn person, but you are a podcast person, I highly recommend checking out that episode!

Top qualities:

  • It’s got a fluffy pop - meaning the individual pieces of popcorn are a little thicc and don’t melt as soon as they hit your tongue

  • You can find it at most grocery stores and it’s usually on sale

  • It’s a woman-owned company which isn’t common for popcorn brands

  • Low on the cals in case you can’t stop - I usually cannot

  • Most bags come pretty full, so you’re not cheated by extra air

Favorite Flavors:

  • Buttered - it’s a truly cohesive relationship between the butter flavor and the popcorn. It doesn’t taste like you’re getting popcorn covered in some processed butter powder. The popcorn itself encompasses the buttery flavor.

  • Cheddar Cheese - again, there aren’t any breaks in flavor between tasting the cheese and tasting the popcorn. It’s all wrapped into one experience, so it tastes legit - which is rare for a cheddar popcorn. Big, big fan of this one.

  • Sweet & Salty Kettle Corn - Ugh this one is so delicious. The ratio of sweet to salty on this popcorn is just *chef’s kiss*. The kettle part isn’t like caked onto each piece of popcorn either, it’s just a little crackle coating, so it’s perfect.

  • Seasonal Flavors - they offer some really unique seasonal flavors that I go out of my way to find each year because I’m mildly addicted, including: white chocolate and peppermint, frosted sugar cookie, and pumpkin spice drizzle.

Skinny Pop Popcorn

Skinny Pop Popcorn


Another fan favorite of the grocery store variety.

Top qualities: 

  • Its pop is lighter - which means it melts a little quicker as it hits your tongue but because it’s a lighter pop, you can enjoy more all at once lol

  • You can find it at most grocery stores - also in bulk size at Costco

  • Low cal across the board

  • Available in mini bags at the gas station, so if you’re crazy and don’t like movie theater popcorn, you can pick up a bag of this in lieu and it will still fit in your purse or any large sweatshirt

  • The microwaveable bags are just as noms as the pre-popped in case warm, freshly popped popcorn is more your jam

  • Has a wide variety of unique flavors 

Favorite Flavors:

  • Original - this is in their classic green bag and honestly, just satisfies any and all popcorn-snacky-cravings 

  • Sea Salt & Pepper - I am a pepper gal. RARELY will you hear me at the dinner table ask for the salt, but pepper is a regular request. So, this flavor makes all of my peppered popcorn dreams a reality. It’s not overwhelming, it’s just enough and each piece has a generous amount, so it’s evenly distributed throughout the bag.

  • Twist of Lime - okay hear me out. If you’re obsessed with the touch of lime tortilla chips, then I really do feel like you’d enjoy this one. I was skeptical about it at first, but have purchased this flavor a few times since and it does not disappoint. The lime flavoring does sometimes make the little area at the back of your jaw tingle, but it depends on how sensitive you are to tangy flavors. 

Smartfood Popcorn

Smartfood Popcorn


I’m giving this one a shoutout solely for its most-popular flavor that we all know and love. 

Top Qualities:

  • Fluffy pop - this is the kweeeen of fluffy popped popcorn. These pieces are hearty and you could fill your cheeks with them like a chipmunk. Not that you would, but you could if you wanted to.

  • This brand is so easy to find: grocery store, gas station, vending machine, etc. 

  • They have a low cal version, if 160 calories for 2.5 cups of this is just too much for you, but Ima stick to the original. 

Favorite Flavors:

  • White Cheddar popcorn - this is honestly the only one I’ve ever tried, but it’s a classic that doesn’t get nearly enough hype. The cheese flavor is so legit that it coats your fingers in a v thick layer of white cheddar that would be sacrilegious to not lick off when you’re done snackin. 

Garrett Popcorn

Garrett Popcorn


Okay, we’re going to level-up to the gourmet brands - starting with the OG Garrett Popcorn.

If you’ve ever been to Chicago, but have never had Garrett Popcorn, you’re not doing it right.

Pre-pandemic, people would line up down the block before the shop opened just to get some Garrett Popcorn. Obvi there are a few locations in Chicago, like Navy Pier for example, but there are lines no matter which location you go to because it’s just that good. 

Top Qualities:

  • It’s super fresh

  • Each piece is thicc and crunchy

  • The popcorn is hand-crafted, so you know it’s high quality

  • The amount of flavor that’s packed into each bite is unreal, so you’re definitely getting your money’s worth

  • Because it’s bagged on the spot, they fill those bags to the brim

  • For gourmet popcorn, I honestly feel like the prices are pretty good

  • Still tastes suuuuper good even when it’s a couple days stale

Favorite Flavors:

  • All of the flavors are good, honestly. So, you can’t really lose here.

  • My go-to order is the cheese/caramel mix - I’m a salty sweet kind of gal and that just always hits the spot

  • Just the cheese - this deserves its own bullet point tho because the cheese on this popcorn is so real, your hand becomes covered in the best type of cheesy, buttery grease. I just cannot get enough of it.

Brown Bag Popcorn

Brown Bag Popcorn


I was introduced to this Detroit-based gourmet popcorn company last year when my incredibly thoughtful boss sent everyone on her team a tin of it. And, I just don’t feel like enough people know about it!

Top Qualities:

  • It’s thickly popped and super popcorn-style crunchy - just the way we like it

  • If you order from their website, it comes in this super cute paint can

  • Freshly made if you visit their store

  • Hand-crafted flavors

  • Their core flavors are gluten free for you gluten sensitive people out there


Favorite Flavors:

  • I’ve only had the MMMMMix - which is the caramel and cheese mix - and it was absolutely phenomenal. Like the cheese and caramel perfectly compliment each other vs. one or the other stealing the show (IYKYK).

  • They have a variety of other flavors, including a “Flavor of the Month” which is currently Motown Mint. 

Welp that’s it! To all of you popcorn haters out there, I will give you the one con, which is the little pieces that have a tendency to get stuck in your teeth, but otherwise, it’s the best. 

Happy National Popcorn Lovers Day! 

YOUR TURN: Let me know if you have any favorite brands or flavors that I didn’t include here, and I’ll give them a try.