November 2022 Reads

Happy Holiday szn, my friends!

Does anyone else feel like we went from Halloween to Thanksgiving in 2.5 seconds? I mean I saw each day of November pass me by, but I don’t think I registered how quickly it was going lol. Which seems to be a theme to my months this fall. Especially now that it’s getting dark at like 4:30pm :’) 

As a surprise to probably everyone - including myself - I somehow maintained enough self control during Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals to avoid buying any books. My goal for December and January is to not buy nor borrow any books, so that I can solely focus on reading the plethora of books I already own. This does not include audiobooks I will continue to borrow from Libby though. 

Speaking of which, I actually did my own Libby Wrapped because my Spotify Wrapped was less than satisfactory for me this year. I didn’t really listen to a ton of music in my free time, but that’s because ya girl always has an audiobook going in my ear. So, I manually went through my reading log in Libby and added up the total number of hours and minutes I’ve spent listening to audiobooks as of November 30th…

Between February and November, I listened to 45 audiobooks (at various speeds) for a total of 22,164 minutes or 369.4 hours. 🙂

We still have one month left though, so I’ll be sure to keep you updated on the final number at the end of December. 

Okie doke. I suppose that’s it for this intro. Let’s get into everything I read in November!

*All summaries are taken or paraphrased from Goodreads.

The book FireKeeper's Daughter is sitting on the edge of an orange chair. The cover has an illustration that creates the shape of a butterfly .

Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley


Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: As a biracial, unenrolled tribal member and the product of scandal, Daunis Fontaine has never quite fit in - both in her hometown and on the nearby Ojibwe reservation. When her family is struck by tragedy, Daunis puts her own dreams on hold to care for her fragile mother. The only bright spot is meeting Jamie, the charming new recruit on her brother’s hockey team. After Daunis witnesses a shocking murder that thrusts her into a criminal investigation, she agrees to go undercover. But the deceptions - and deaths - keep piling up and soon the threat strikes too close to home. How far will she go to protect her community if it means tearing apart the only world she’s ever known?

My Thoughts: Why I allowed this book to spend so much time in my TBR pile, I literally cannot tell you. It took me a little longer to read compared to my usual pace, but I’m so glad I savored my time with the story, because it was phenomenal. It was a slower burn in the sense that the author not only sets up the plot and characters for you, but really dives into the geographical and cultural context for a better glimpse of the bigger picture. Especially since it takes place in  Sault Ste Marie, I appreciated that she detailed the beauty of the Upper Peninsula. Daunis was the perfect main character for this book. She was strong, stubborn, insanely intelligent, fiercely loyal and truly loved with all of her heart. Honestly, all of the women in her closest circle were amazing and really added another layer to understanding how Daunis became the woman she is at present. Additionally, the Native American cultural references including language, clothing, ceremonies, traditions, storytelling and more, really pulled me deeper into the dynamics of her community. I was absolutely HOOKED by the mystery element of the plot and was constantly on edge from the dangers it posed for Daunis. Not to mention, the constant red herrings kept leading me astray. Personally, I adored the small subplot about the developing relationship between Daunis and Jamie, and absolutely LOVED how it played out in the end. If you haven’t picked up this book already, I can’t say enough good things about it.

My hand is holding a Kindle with the cover of The Roommate by Rosie Danan on the screen. The cover shows a young guy and girl sitting on a couch. The girl is reading a book and the guy is looking at her.

The Roommate by Rosie Danan

THE ROOMMATE by Rosie Danan

Rating: 2/5 stars

Summary: House Rules: Do your own dishes. Knock before entering the bathroom. Never look up your roommate online. The Wheatons are infamous among the east coast elite for their lack of impulse control, except for their daughter Clara. She’s the consummate socialite: over-achieving, well-mannered, predictable. But every Wheaton has their weakness. When Clara’s childhood crush invites her to move cross-country, the offer is too much to resist. Unfortunately, it’s also too good to be true. After a bait-and-switch, Clara finds herself sharing a lease with a charming stranger. Josh might be a bit too perceptive - not to mention handsome - for comfort, but there’s a good chance he and Clara could have survived sharing a summer sublet if she hadn’t looked him up on the Internet… Once she learns how Josh has made a name for himself, Clara realizes living with him might make her the Wheaton’s most scandalous story yet. His professional prowess inspires her to take tackling the stigma against female desire into her own hands. They may not agree on much, but Josh and Clara both believe women deserve better sex. What they decide to do about it will change both of their lives, and if they’re lucky, they’ll help everyone else get lucky too. 

My Thoughts: Mmm. Okay so this book wasn’t terrible, but it’s one of those “the sum of its parts fell extremely short” type of thing. I’ll start with everything I appreciated in this book. The premise was great and I absolutely loved the sex positivity message throughout. It touches on the topic of giving people the confidence to communicate what they need from their partners in their intimate relationships. I also liked the message about treating people in every industry with respect, even if it’s an industry that has a tendency to be seen as taboo. Now onto the things that left me mildly disappointed with this book: Clara is a sweet main character, but she fell incredibly flat to me. There really wasn’t any depth to her, so any emotions she experienced were hard to empathize with because I couldn’t connect with her. Josh was also, at surface level, a nice main character. However, I honestly didn’t fully buy into him either due to the lack of layers. At one point, he basically says he’s falling for Clara, but we really don’t know why since we mainly only witnessed physical attraction up to that point lol. When it came to the spicier scenes in this book, I just didn’t care because I didn’t buy into the chemistry between those two. On top of that, I felt like the writing was pretty inconsistent throughout the book, so I never sank into a comfortable rhythm with it. Overall, I just plainly didn’t like it. I didn’t hate it, but I know a lot of people rate this one pretty highly, so by the time I finished it, I was pretty disappointed.

A screenshot of the audiobook All Systems Red by Martha Wells in the Libby app. The cover of the book shows a robot.

All Systems Red by Martha Wells

ALL SYSTEMS RED by Martha Wells

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: In a corporate-dominated, space-faring future, planetary missions must be approved and supplied by the Company. For their own safety, exploratory teams are accompanied by Company-supplied security androids. But in a society where contracts are awarded to the lowest bidder, safety isn’t a primary concern. On a distant planet, a team of scientists is conducting surface tests, shadowed by their Company-supplied ‘droid - a self-aware SecUnit that has hacked its own government module and refers to itself (though never out loud) as “Murderbot.” Scornful of humans, Murderbot wants to be left alone long enough to figure out who it is, but when a neighboring mission goes dark, it’s up to the scientists and Murderbot to get to the truth.

My Thoughts: So I listened to this on audiobook and really wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s a quick read (only 144 pages or about 3 hours of listening), and the author really does just toss you right into the thick of it. This is such a fun sci-fi read and Murderbot is the ultimate main character. It’s hacked its own government module and is basically trying to stick it to “the man” with its own subtle protests. Also loved that at the end of the day, Murderbot just wanted to be left alone to binge watch its favorite shows. Relatable much? The plot quickly thickens when the research team Murderbot is protecting on this mission realizes someone is out here trying to kill exploratory teams. The ending left me with a cliffhanger, so of course I’m going to continue onto the next book in this series. If you’re looking for something quick and a little different, I highly recommend looking into All Systems Red.

The Locker Room by Meghan Quinn

THE LOCKER ROOM by Meghan Quinn

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Have you heard the rumor around campus about the locker room? If you haven’t, let me enlighten you: legend has it if you bring a girl into the sacred after-game domain of the baseball locker room, it will end with a walk down the aisle. One rowdy naked encounter against the lockers with a girl of your dreams will make her your wife. Translation: baseball players are stupidly superstitious and believe the locker room has magical powers. But not all baseball players are superstitious, me included. So when the girl I’ve fallen for brushes me off, I start to question if I need to switch my way of thinking. Maybe it’s time I finally hand out a coveted invitation to the locker room. The only question is, will she accept?

My Thoughts: Meghan Quinn really does know how to write a sports romance. I’ve read a few books by her throughout this year, and the ones I find myself inhaling are the ones involving baseball players lol. Listen, this was the sweetest cliche storyline I could’ve asked for. Emory Ealson just transferred to Brentwood in Illinois from CalTech in California after she found her boyfriend of six years cheating on her. Luckily, her two best friends welcome her to their three-person dorm room with open arms and she’s off to a fresh start in her junior year, focusing on herself. Knox Gentry is the all-star shortstop at Brentwood and is expected to be drafted to the Major Leagues no problem. He’s also one of the hottest guys on campus who has never had a girlfriend before. So when Emory and Knox find themselves bumping into each other all over campus, it ends up being the slow start of an incredibly fun friendship. The chemistry between these main characters was so sweet and endearing. I loved their banter, the shameless flirting, and the easiness of their platonic relationship. Knox immediately starts falling for Emory, but because she just got out of a serious relationship, he respects her boundaries and takes things extremely slow. Emory obviously can’t deny the romantic connection brewing between them, and although they eventually make the perfect couple, there’s an unexpected obstacle that ultimately tears them apart. But that’s not the end of it lol. The plot actually surprised me a lot and I loved how the storyline progressed, but I will say the eight-year gap towards the end was a little far-fetched to me. It obviously didn’t affect how I felt about the book overall though. Honestly, if you’re looking for a sports romance and haven’t tried Meghan Quinn yet, I highly recommend picking this one up!

My hand holds a Kindle with the black and white screen showing The Dugout by Meghan Quinn. The cover of the book shows a really hot, shirtless guy running his hand through his hair.

The Dugout by Meghan Quinn

THE DUGOUT by Meghan Quinn

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Let me ask you a question: If someone is vying for your spot on a team and just so happens to injure you during practice, would you believe it was on purpose? Word around campus is… it was no accident. That injury cost me everything; my starting position, my junior year - and the draft. Now, I’m a senior fresh off recovery, struggling to find my groove, until the day I run into a nervous, fidgety girl with freckles in the dining hall. They call Milly Potter The Baseball Whisperer, The Diamond Wizard, and The Epitome of All Knowledge. She believes in baseball. She breathes it. She’s the queen of an infamous dynasty, but no one actually knows who she really is, and she plans to keep it that way. One mishap in the panini line, one miscommunication in the weight room, and many failed attempts at an apology equal up to one solid truth - Milly Potter never wants to speak to me again – no matter how good my forearms look. Little do we both know, she’s about to become more than just my fairy ball mother.

My Thoughts: This book was super cute! We met Carson in The Locker Room, and he was a great supporting character with comedic relief. However, this book takes place a year later after he’s suffered an injury inflicted by a fellow teammate that left his plans for the MLB in shambles. So, he’s not a pleasant guy to be around for the most part. Milly is a very sweet kinesiology major who has become an absolute expert in the mechanics of body movement/form of baseball players. I liked that the first few times they met were less than ideal and usually left one of them insanely confused or embarrassed. It made the eventual relationship they formed even more heartwarming because they got off to such a rocky start. I also loved how supportive they were of each other’s dreams - Carson going pro and Milly starting her own baseball mechanics program within her brothers’ existing sports training facility. Buying into the emotional and sexual chemistry between the two was so easy because it was clear how much they were invested in each other. The last part of the book took a turn I did not expect, and though the reconciliation timeline was a lot more realistic than the last book, I wasn’t confident they should get back together. I won’t lie to you, I’m writing the second half of this review a couple of weeks after I finished the book and although I don’t remember specifically why I didn’t love this book, I do know I ended up liking it just fine lol. If you started this series, I’d say continue onto this second book if you liked the first one, but I don’t think it’s a big deal if you don’t. 

A screenshot of the audiobook Us Against You by Fredrik Backman in the Libby app. The cover is an illustration of a sleepy town in the mountains. The sky is purple and blue with white stars.

Us Against You by Fredrick Backman.

US AGAINST YOU by Fredrik Backman 

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: After everything that the citizens of Beartown have gone through, they are struck yet another blow when they hear that their beloved local hockey team will soon be disbanded. What makes it worse is the obvious satisfaction that all the former Beartown players, who now play for  a rival team in Hed, take in that fact. Amidst the mounting tension between the two rivals, a surprising newcomer is handpicked to be Beartown’s new hockey coach. Soon a new team starts to take shape around Amat, the fastest player you’ll ever see; Benji, the intense lone wolf; and Vidar, a born-to-be-bad troublemaker. But bringing this team together proves to be a challenge as old bonds are broken, new ones are formed, and the enmity with Hed grows more and more acute. As the big match approaches, the not-so-innocent pranks and incidents between the communities pile up and their mutual contempt grows deeper. By the time the last game is finally played, a resident of Beartown will be dead, and the people of both towns will be forced to wonder if, after all they’ve been through, the game they love can ever return to something simple and innocent. 

My Thoughts: Fredrik Backman wrecks me again, y’all. I read Beartown last year and loved it, but because it was pretty dark, I’d been putting off picking up this second book in the series. As I’ve mentioned before in my blog, I discovered this year that audiobooks are my new favorite way to consume Fredrik Backman books. So, I decided to give this one a go and by golly it still sucker punched me right in the feels. He has such a gift of taking every bit of vulnerability in each character and exposing it to the world. Somehow, it makes the less appealing parts of humankind a lot more endearing. The residents of Beartown are picking up the pieces of what was left in the aftermath of last year’s trauma and tragedy. They’re not sure they’ll have a hockey program anymore, which is the heart of the town, and everyone is trying to figure out how to keep moving forward. Benji is still and probably will continue to be my favorite character of this series. He is just so misunderstood and still manages to be a kind human being. I also loved that he’s still looking out of Maya whether he realizes he’s doing it or not. There’s a couple of characters we met in the first book, but got to know so much better in this one, and I was obsessed. Especially with how they each played into the dynamics of this recovering community. Honestly, y’all, I laughed. I cried. I cannot recommend this book enough. 

My hand holds a Kindle with Icebreaker by Hannah Grace on the screen. The cover shows an illustrated hockey player and figure skater  standing next to each other in an ice rink.

Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

ICEBREAKER by Hannah Grace

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Anastsia Allen has worked her entire life for a shot at Team USA. A competitive figure skater since she was five years old, a full college scholarship thanks to her place on the Maple Hills skating team, and a schedule that would make even the most driven person weep, Stassie comes to win. No exceptions. Nathan Hawkins has never had a problem he couldn’t solve. As captain of the Maple Hills Titans, he knows the responsibility of keeping the hockey team on the ice rests on his shoulders. When a misunderstanding results in the two teams sharing a rink, and Anastasia’s partner gets hurt in the aftermath, Nate finds himself swapping his stick for tights, and one scary coach for an even scarier one. The pair finds themselves stuck together in more ways than one, but it’s fine, because Anastasia doesn’t even like hockey players… right?

My Thoughts: Okay y’all. I was NOT expecting to love this book as much as I did. I wasn’t convinced about the characters at first, but they quickly sold me on why I needed to love them. Anastasia is an insanely driven figure skater with a goal of going to the Olympics within the next few years. Nathan is a hot-shot hockey player, but underneath that title, he’s the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. The circumstances that throw these two into each other’s paths are less than ideal, but the results are everything I wanted from this book. The banter was great, the friendship layer of their relationship was addicting, and the sexual tension was THICC. I don’t know how realistic some of the living situation is, but it was necessary to the story, so I fully bought into it. Also, we MUST appreciate that Anastasia is a therapized queen and so self aware of her emotions. It was refreshing to see that part of her character bleed into Nathan’s and eliminated any petty misunderstandings. I don’t know if I’m selling y’all on this book yet lol, but all I have to say is, if you love some sweet and spicy sports romance storylines, you gotta try this one immediately.

My hand holds a Kindle with A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams on the screen. The cover shows a girl reaching up to  put the start on a Christmas tree while a guy in a flannel watches.

A Very Merry Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Country music’s golden boy Colton Wheeler felt the most perfect harmony when he was with Gretchen Winthrop. But for her, it was a love him and leave him situation. A year later, Colton is struggling to push his music forward in a new direction. If it weren’t about to be the most magical time of year and the support of the Bromance Book Club, he’d be wallowing in self-pity. It’s hard for immigration attorney Gretchen not to feel a little Scrooge-ish about the excess of Christmas when her clients are scrambling to afford their rent. So when her estranged, wealthy family reaches out with an offer that will allow her to better serve the community, she’s unable to say no. She just needs to convince Colton to be the new face of her family’s whisky brand. No big deal… Colton agrees to consider Gretchen’s offer in exchange for three dates before Christmas. With the help of the Bromance Book Club, Colton throws himself into the task of proving to her there’s a spark between them. But Gretchen and Colton will both need to overcome the ghosts of Christmas past to build a future together. 

My Thoughts: I read most of the Bromance Book Club series last year and remembered a little bit about Colton, but it took me a minute to get my footing with this book as I relearned who he is to this series. I appreciated, though, that the author gave us a lot more back story not only to Colton and Gretchen, but what their relationship dynamics are up until this point. Gretchen’s family is the absolute WORST and has led her to loathe the money she comes from. Colton is the sweetest southern gent who is currently struggling with his music career until he and Gretchen rekindle a little something they had a year prior. I was obsessed with all of their dates and his mission to convert her to a holiday lover. It was also so swoon-worthy how quickly he would switch from being the nicest guy in the room to the protective guard of Gretchen when her family would start to talk down to her. I do think the last bit of this book was a little messier storyline-wise than the previous books, but I appreciated the ending nonetheless. If you’ve read and enjoyed the other books in the Bromance Book Club series, I highly recommend picking this one up for the holidays!

My hand holds a hardcopy of Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez. The cover shows an illustration of a man and woman holding hands looking at each other. In the background is a split scene between the country and city.

Part of Your World by Abby Jimenez

PART OF YOUR WORLD by Abby Jimenez

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: After a wild bet, gourmet grilled-cheese sandwich, and cuddle with a baby goat, Alexis Mongomery has had her world turned upside down. The cause: Daniel Grant, a ridiculously hot carpenter who’s ten years younger than her and as casual as they come - the complete opposite of the sophisticated city-girl Alexis. And yet their chemistry is undeniable. While her ultra-wealthy parents want her to carry on the family legacy of world-renowned surgeons, Alexis doesn’t need glory or fame. She’s fine with being a “mere” ER doctor. And every minute she spends with Daniel and the tight-knit town where he lives, she’s discovering just what’s really important. Yet letting their relationship become anything more than a short-term fling would mean turning her back on her family and giving up the opportunity to help thousands of people. Bringing Daniel into her world is impossible, and yet she can’t just give up the joy she’s found with him either. With so many differences between them, how can Alexis possibly choose between her world and his?

My Thoughts: Y’ALL. Okay, so I was hesitant about this book even though I’ve heard nothing BUT good things about it simply because I didn't love her other book, The Friend Zone. Whereas, that book also has received endless praise. I’m pleased to report though, Part of Your World has sold me on Abby Jimenez’s writing. This book was addicting and I could not put it down. Starting with the dynamics between the main characters, Alexis and Daniel. Though I do not love an age-gap trope, this one was done RIGHT. I think that’s mainly because Alexis is the older of the two (37) and Daniel is 28. As expected, the 9-year age gap made Alexis apprehensive about the seriousness or legitimacy of their relationship. Additionally, they just came from such different worlds (per the title lol). She’s an ER doctor working at a hospital where she’s expected to continue her family’s medical legacy. He’s a carpenter and bed and breakfast owner in a small town a couple hours away. However, she cannot deny the chemistry between them and realizes anytime she wants to quiet her mind for a while, she’s on her way to see Daniel. Speaking of his small town, I was obsessed with how welcoming and warm that community was to Alexis and how well she fit in with them. It starts becoming more of a home to her than her literal home is. The whole experience of this book was phenomenal and I loved that at the end of all of it, Alexis wasn’t forced to choose between one or the other. I won’t say more to prevent giving anything away, but this is definitely a romance novel you need to dive into ASAP.

My hand holds a hard copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. The cover is black with gold lettering and shows a 7-star constellation.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: France, 1714: in a moment of desperation, a young woman makes a Faustian bargain to live forever and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Thus begins the extraordinary life of Addie LaRue, and a dazzling adventure that will play out across centuries and continents, across history and art, as a young woman learns how far she will go to leave her mark on the world. But everything changes when, after nearly 300 years, Addie stumbles across a young man in a hidden bookstore and he remembers her name. 

My Thoughts: This book was so freaking clever. I know some people say it’s confusing, but I think that’s because the author managed to weave so many layers together that you end up doing a double take to figure out how she did it so seamlessly. The format of jumping between the present and Addie’s life leading up to 2014 was entrancing. We not only learn how Addie fell into making a deal with Darkness, but also saw the struggles she went through as she navigated this new immortal life where no one remembers her. She’s a nomad with no place to put roots, she can’t even leave a direct mark on the world, like a footprint in fresh snow, before it’s erased, and the loneliness of having no one remember her - although she is free - is a pain she learns to live with. I was obsessed with her character development, not only across centuries, but also with every visit she encounters from Darkness on their “anniversary.” Even Darkness, the epitome of an antagonist, had some really addicting growth that actually left me not hating the relationship he develops with Addie over the years. On the other side of that coin, Henry was an absolute sweetheart and I literally wanted to cry at the connection he and Addie shared. After they both have suffered such loneliness, they finally found someone who made them feel alive and *enough.* There are so many one liners throughout this book that really make you reflect on your life and how people see themselves in the world. I will say, the ending fell just a TOUCH flat for me, but I completely understand why the author did it. This is a highly hyped book and I support the push for people to read it lol. 

A screenshot of the audiobook Artificial Condition by Martha Wells in the Libby app. The cover of the book shows  a robot standing at the edge of a dystopian building.

Artificial Condition by Martha Wells


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: It has a dark past - one in which a number of humans were killed. A past that caused it to christen itself “Murderbot.” But it has only vague memories of the massacre that spawned that title, and it wants to know more. Teaming up with a Research Transport vessel named ART (you don’t want to know what the “A” stands for), Murderbot heads to the mining facility where it went rogue. What it discovers will forever change the way it thinks.

My Thoughts: This is the second novella in the Murderbot Diaries series and I am still hooked on this semi-robot human. In this book, we learn more about why Murderbot didn’t stay with the research team it accompanied on a dangerous mission in the first book, and where it’s heading next to find answers. I was obsessed with the friendship Murderbot developed with ART - a research transport vessel it stowed away on. All of the robots in this series have such charming personalities, it’s hard not to love them. This book dives deeper into the life of Murderbot before it hacked its government system as it returns to the place where, allegedly, it brutally murdered everyone on a mission it accompanied a few years prior. There’s a mystery element that leaves us hanging at the end, and I for sure will be continuing onto the next novella in this sci-fi series. 

My hand holds a Kindle with What if You & Me by Roni Loren on the screen. The cover is of a woman from the shoulders up but her eyes are covered by a rain cloud.

What If You & Me by Roni Loren

WHAT IF YOU AND ME by Roni Loren

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: The world can be a scary place. At least, that’s what Andi Lockley’s anxiety wants her to believe. It doesn’t help that she narrowly escaped a dangerous man years ago, or that every relationship since has been colored with that lingering fear. But things are better now- she’s channeling everything into her career as a horror novelist and true crime podcaster, and her next book may be the breakthrough she needs. If only her grumpy new neighbor would stop stomping around at all hours of the night. Former firefighter Hill Dawson can’t sleep. After losing part of his leg in a rescue gone wrong, he’s now stuck in limbo. He needs to figure out what he’s supposed to do with his life, and he can’t let himself get distracted by the pretty redhead next door. But when someone breaks into Andi’s place, Hill can’t stop himself from rushing in to play hero. Soon, a tentative bond forms between the unlikely pair. But what starts out as a neighborly exchange quickly turns into the chance for so much more… if Andi can learn to put aside her fear and trust in herself - and love - again. 

My Thoughts: This was such a unique premise and I’ve never read anything like it. This is a romance novel that I think all of you true crime lovers would appreciate because it’s almost like a love letter to that audience. Andi is hypervigilant about the dangers of being a woman in this world and, through her true crime podcast, she shares her knowledge and tools women can use to stay safe - especially in relation to men. She’s also a mystery/thriller novelist who has published multiple books under an anonymous pen name. Although it’s clear this is how Andi is processing her trauma from years before, I appreciate that she’s self aware of who she is and the measures she takes to control the beast that is her anxiety. Hill is a gruff, retired firefighter who is trying to figure out who he is now that he’s no longer a part of the immediate responder community. He loves cooking and his friend has been pushing him to write a cookbook, but he’s not confident people would even care what he’d have to share. I LOVED that although these two characters could not be more opposite, they fit together perfectly and filled a space in the other’s life. They’re respectful of each other’s pain points and help one another through tough situations they don’t want to face alone. Though the overall ending is kind of predictable, I really really liked this book and definitely recommend reading it. 

A screenshot of the audiobook Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey in the Libby app. The cover shows Matthew McConaughey with his hands together in front of his face. It's a sepia photo.

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

GREENLIGHTS by Matthew McConaughey

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: I’ve been in this life for fifty years, been trying to work out its riddle for forty-two, and been keeping diaries of clues to that riddle for the last thirty-five. Notes about successes and failures, joys and sorrows, things that made me marvel, and things that made me laugh out loud. How to be fair. How to have less stress. How to have fun. How to hurt people less. How to get hurt less. How to be a good man. How to have meaning in life. How to be more me. Recently, I worked up the courage to sit down with those diaries. I found stories I experienced, lessons I learned and forgot, poems, prayers, prescriptions, beliefs about what matters, some great photographs, and a whole bunch of bumper stickers. I found a reliable theme, an approach to living that gave me more satisfaction, at the time, and still: If you know how, and when, to deal with life’s challenges - how to get relative with the inevitable - you can enjoy a state of success I call “catching greelights.” So I took a one-way ticket to the desert and wrote this book: an album, a record, a story of my life so far. This is fifty years of my sights and seens, felts and figured-outs, cools and shamefuls. Graces, truths, and beauties of brutality. Getting away withs, getting caughts, and getting wets while trying to dance between the raindrops. Hopefully it’s medicine that tastes good, a couple of aspirin instead of the infirmary, a spaceship to Mars without needing your pilot’s license, going to church without having to be born again, and laughing through the tears. It’s a love letter. To life. It’s also a guide to catching more greenlights - and to realizing that the yellow and reds eventually turn green too. 

My Thoughts: This book…this book WAS WILD. Not that I knew what to expect going into this book, but I could have NEVER guessed what was about to happen. I listened to Greenlights on audiobook and having Matthew McConaughey in my ear telling me stories from his life for a few days was an experience in itself. This is not your typical memoir, people. This is a fucking adventure. And, don’t get me wrong, I know most of the shit he was able to experience is because he had the disposable income to do it, but that didn’t make me any less GOBSMACKED by some of the stories he told. Starting with stories from growing up in Uvalde, Texas. His dad, in my opinion, was just a TOUCH unhinged. Studying abroad in Australia for a year when he was 18 and having to stay with a family that pales in comparison to the word strange. The path his career took and how introspective this guy is was incredibly unexpected. The several life epiphanies he experienced via freaking weird wet dreams added a whole other layer to this book lol. Also, I was not expecting Matthew McConaughey to drop multiple nuggets of wisdom that actually made complete sense and really stuck with me days after finishing it. I just… I just think everyone should read this because why the hell not and I feel like you won’t regret it in the slightest. 

All right, all right, all right. That’s it for everything I read in November!

Here’s to hoping for another solid reading month in December to round out 2022. I’m going to try to do a couple of separate blog posts about my favorite audiobooks, Kindle Unlimited books, books in general, etc. from this year within the next few weeks, but don’t hold me to it lol. 

2022 Book Count: 181

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YOUR TURN! What has been your favorite book that you’ve read this year?

April 2022 Reads

Oh, April. 

You and your bursts of fake spring weather followed by long days of winter-esque temps and precipitation. We don’t love it, but it does mean we’re on the CUSP of summer.

I feel like my reading was all over the place in April. It was a hella mood reading month. Meaning, despite my TBR (to be read) list, I was only going to read a book if I was in the m00d for it. Just going on vibes only, really.

The one thing I did that I promised myself I wouldn’t do until later this year is I started Kingmakers which is the spin-off series of Brutal Birthright. Apparently, I have no self control with Sophie Lark books, so of course I inhaled them. 

Otherwise, I’ve been busy getting ready to move in the next couple of weeks which is both exciting and stressful. :D 

Okay, let’s get to what I read in April.

*All summaries are taken or paraphrased from Goodreads. 

Heavy Crown by Sophie Lark

HEAVY CROWN by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: I saw her being stuffed in a trunk: Yelena Yenina, only daughter of the most vicious Bratva boss in Chicago. The Bratva hate my family. They burned my uncle alive. I should have left Yelena to her fate… but she fought like a Valkyrie. Gorgeous, ferocious, and unbreakable. I saved her so I could make her mine. She says she’ll never submit to a man. I guess we’ll see. I’ll push her to the limit. And far beyond. 

My Thoughts: Y’ALL. This is the last book in the Brutal Birthright series and Sophie Lark did NOT hold back. She said, “yanno what? Let me blow this shit up.” And, let me tell you, it went out with a BANG in more ways than one. Sebastian has been through some shit throughout this series and has probably had the most transformative experience from where his character arc started in book one. He’s the youngest boy of the Gallo family and since his older brothers have taken on different roles in the Italian mafia, he’s now the prime candidate to become the head honcho - even though he’s unsure that’s where he’s meant to be. I kind of love that Sebastian wasn’t as good-hearted of a character as everyone expected him to be, and had to change his perspective of himself to realize what he’s capable of. I didn’t understand what he saw in Yelena though lol. She was a pretty underwhelming character and just didn’t impress me all that much. Aside from her, the plot line was suspenseful, there were a few JAW DROPPING moments, and I love how the ending teased the spin-off series - Kingmakers. We love a good second-generation mafia series, do we not? :) 

Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson

BLACK CAKE by Charmaine Wilkerson

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: In present-day California, Eleanor Bennett’s death leaves behind a puzzling inheritance for her two children, Byron and Benny: a traditional Caribbean black cake, made from a family recipe with a long history, and a voice recording. In her message, Eleanor shares a tumultuous story about a headstrong young swimmer who escapes her island home under suspicion of murder. The heartbreaking tale Eleanor unfolds, the secrets she still holds back, and the mystery of a long-lost child, challenge everything the siblings thought they knew about their lineage and themselves. Can Byron and Benny reclaim their once-close relationship, piece together Eleanor’s true history, and fulfill her final request to “share the black cake when the time is right”? Will their mother’s revelations bring them back together or leave them feeling more lost than ever?

My Thoughts: This book was nothing short of phenomenal and the storytelling was absolutely stunning. Black Cake is a multigenerational story about family issues, racism, motherhood, personal identity, climate change, and more. A big part of what made this book so easy to read is the format. Each chapter is noticeably short and rotated through a different character’s point of view from the past and present, so it felt like you were getting a small piece of the bigger picture with every new perspective. There was a mystery element to multiple parts of this story that are slowly revealed as Eleanor shares a few HUGE secrets with Benny and Byron. These secrets make them question if they knew their mother at all, and reflect on how her past affects their personal identities. I was floored at how many adversities Eleanor faced and how much she had to keep close to her chest in order to maintain the life she built. This is an incredibly emotional book that will suck you in from the start, and I definitely recommend adding this to your reading list for 2022. 

Say You Still Love Me by K.A. Tucker


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Life is a mixed bag for Piper Calloway. On the one hand, she’s a twenty-nine-year-old VP at her dad’s multibillion-dollar real estate development firm, and living the high single life with her two best friends in a swanky downtown penthouse. On the other hand, she’s considered a pair of sexy legs in a male-dominated world and constantly has to prove her worth. Plus, she’s stuck seeing her narcissistic ex-fiance - a fellow VP - on the other side of her glass office wall every day. Things get exponentially more complicated for Piper when she runs into Kyle Miller - the handsome new security guard at Calloway Group Industries, and coincidentally the first love of her life. The guy she hasn’t seen or heard from since they were summer camp counselors together. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks. The guy who apparently doesn’t even remember her name. Piper may be a high-powered businesswoman now, but she soon realizes that her schoolgirl crush is not only alive but stronger than ever, and crippling her concentration. What’s more, despite Kyle’s distant attitude, she’s convinced their reunion isn’t at all coincidental, and that his feelings for her still run deep. And she’s determined to make him admit them, no matter the consequences. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and liked it for the most part. This is actually the first K.A. Tucker book that I’ve read outside of her Wild series, and her writing style was definitely identifiable throughout this story. I have to be honest though, this book was probably a borderline three-star experience for at least the first half of the book, and then the second half came through a little stronger which raised it to a 3.5 rating. The book bounces between the present at Piper’s company and the past during summer camp where Piper first met Kyle as camp counselors. This was a cute second chance romance, and I appreciated that there were mystery elements incorporated throughout that slowly started to be revealed the more we visited the past. Piper and Kyle were pretty decent characters, and some of the side characters helped the MCs shine a little brighter, but I was never head over heels for them. Towards the last quarter of the book, some plot twists happened that I definitely didn’t see coming, and they actually added some depth to the overall storyline which is what ended everything for me on a 3.5 star rating. Would I recommend this book? Meh. Maybe if the situation called for it, but it’s not going to be in my top 10 by any means.

The Highland Fling by Meghan Quinn


Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Freshly fired from her third job in a row, Bonnie St. James has lost her way. So when she and her best friend stumble upon a “help wanted” post to run a coffee shop in the Scottish Highlands, they apply on a whim. Who knows? Maybe traveling to a new place is just what she needs to figure out her next move. When the friends arrive in the tiny idyllic town of Corsekelly, they instantly fall for the gorgeous Highland landscape and friendly townspeople. But Bonnie finds a less-than-warm welcome in Rowan MacGregor, the rugged local handyman. Busy wrestling his own demons, Rowan’s in no mood to deal with the quirky American - even if she is a bonny lass. As Bonnie’s and Rowan’s paths inevitably cross, insults - and sparks - fly. Can the pair build on their similarities to help each other find purpose and direction… and maybe romance too? Or will their passionate tempers fling them apart?

My Thoughts: Ugh I really wanted to like this one much more than I did. I’ve read and appreciated the last few Meghan Quinn books I’ve come across, and I’ve only heard good things about this one. However, it missed the mark for me. Don’t get me wrong, the concept is really cute and I definitely found myself chuckling at much of the banter between Bonnie and Rowan. However, Bonnie’s character was a little too obnoxious for me. I think her personality was supposed to be perceived as “quirky,” but she just came off immature and un-self aware more often than not. Rowan was a good grumpy contrast to her sunshine energy, and was likable for the most part. The only thing that rubbed me the wrong way is how he handled a blow-up they had towards the last third of the book. The “oh shit, I messed up” realization moment came much later for him than I was expecting it to. Overall, there were definitely some laughable moments in this rom-com, but it’s not my favorite Meghan Quinn book.

Wildcat by Rebecca Jenshak

WILDCAT by Rebecca Jenshak

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: I met my dream girl. That’s right. She’s stunning and the worst bartender I’ve ever seen. I should have gone home and gone to sleep - dream girl or not. I had an early morning and the season was starting soon. But when she threatened me with boy band karaoke I couldn’t help myself. I went. The stars aligned. I have never felt more alive or wanted anyone more than I want her. When it’s time for me to head on my annual pre-season boys’ trip, I barely let her go. It’s been a week and I can’t stop thinking about her. Except there she is. Right here at the Wildcat’s kickoff party. And as luck would have it, my dream girl is the coach’s youngest daughter. But everyone knows the coach’s daughter is off limits. Right?

My Thoughts: I saw that the sequel to this book is coming out soon, and although they said the second book (Wild About You) could be read as a standalone, y’all know how much I love a series that specifically involves romance and hockey players lol. And, let me tell you, Wildcat was super cute! It was a really well-rounded romance story with just a little bit of drama to keep it interesting, but nothing over the top. Leo was an absolute gem and a book boyfriend if I’ve ever met one. He was sweet, protective, thoughtful, and adored Scarlett aka his dream girl. I was swooning the entire time to say the least. Scarlett was a little self conscious and unsure of herself, but not in an annoying way. Plus, she managed to resolve those internal conflicts more quickly than I expected. Was this book a groundbreaking romance? Not at all. Did it give me all of the elements I could want in a sports-themed romance novel? Absolutely! If you’re looking for a lighter, satisfying read, I recommend picking this one up!

She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan

SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by Shelley Parker-Chan

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: In 1345, China lies under harsh Mongol rule. For the starving peasants of the Central Plains, greatness is something found only in stories. When the Zhu family’s eighth-born son, Zhu Chongba, is given a fate of greatness, everyone is mystified as to how it will come to pass. The fate of nothingness received by the family’s clever and capable second daughter, on the other hand, is only as expected. When a bandit attack orphans the two children, though, it is Zhu Chongba who succumbs to despair and dies. Desperate to escape her own fated death, the girl uses her brother’s identity to enter a monastery as a young male novice. There, propelled by her burning desire to survive, Zhu learns she is capable of doing whatever it takes, no matter how callous, to stay hidden from her fate. After her sanctuary is destroyed for supporting the rebellion against Mongol rule, Zhu takes the chance to claim another future altogether: her brother’s abandoned greatness. 

My Thoughts: My gosh was this a beautiful book. It’s a Mulan retelling with plenty of layers, plot lines, and characters to get lost in. So, let me just say, this book will give to you as much as you give to it. Meaning it is definitely a slower burn, but if you immerse yourself in the storyline and the experiences of each character, the pages truly turn effortlessly. This book really does pack a punch with phenomenal world building, messy politics, fractured alliances, betrayals, and some dark fantasy elements. There were so many unique qualities to all of the different characters and although some were on opposing sides, their stories shared themes of queer desire, figuring out where they belong in this world, and deciding their own fates. This book is considered an epic fantasy, so if you’re new to fantasy, I’m not sure this is the greatest place to start. I also have to say, it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea due to the slow burn element. However, if you’ve been interested in this book or are looking for something a little different in the fantasy genre then I definitely think you should give it a try!

The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Vanessa Mazur knows she’s doing the right thing. She shouldn’t feel bad for quitting. Being an assistant/housekeeper/fairy godmother to the top defensive end in the National Football Organization was always supposed to be temporary. She has plans and none of them include washing extra-large underwear longer than necessary. But when Aiden Graves shows up at her door wanting her to come back, she’s beyond shocked. For two years, the man known as The Wall of Winnipeg couldn’t find it in him to tell her good morning or congratulate her on her birthday. Now? He’s asking for the unthinkable. What do you say to the man who is used to getting everything he wants? 

My Thoughts: This book was on a few different “Top Kindle Unlimited Romances” lists that came up for me over the last couple of months, so I decided to try it. Let me tell you, it was not what I was expecting. This is the epitome of a slow burn romance. I don’t always love a slow burn romance because the timing can make it feel unbelievable. However, this story’s pacing was absolutely perfect. I loved how headstrong and independent Vanessa’s character was, and that she didn’t agree to what Aiden was proposing until he made her an offer she couldn’t say no to. Then she put her foot down and changed the dynamics of their relationship by refusing to be his personal assistant again which pushed him so far out of his comfort zone. Though he comes off cold and indifferent, it was impossible not to see the huge heart Aiden was harboring under that off-putting facade. As things progress, they slowly start developing a friendship which turns into genuine adoration and feelings for each other - even though neither vocalizes the shift they’re experiencing. The surrounding plotline was really sweet with just the right amount of emotion weaved throughout. Overall, if you’re looking for a slower burn romance that is perfectly paced, definitely go pick this up! Note: please check trigger warnings before going into this though!

The Seat Filler by Sariah Wilson

THE SEAT FILLER by Sariah Wilson

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: The meet-cute award goes to dog groomer Juliet Nolan. It’s one of Hollywood’s biggest nights when she volunteers as a seat filler and winds up next to movie heartthrob Noah Douglas. Tongue tied and toes curling in her pink Converse, she pretends that she doesn’t have a clue who he is. It’s the only way to keep from swooning. She’s pretty and unpretentious, loves his dog, and is not a worshiping fan. No way Noah’s giving up on her, even if his affectionate pursuit comes with a bump: Juliet has a pathological fear of kissing and the disappointments that follow. What odds does romance have without the momentous, stupendous, once-in-a-lifetime first smooch? Patient, empathetic, and carrying personal burdens of his own, Noah suggests a remedy: they rehearse. The lessons begin. The guards come down. But there’s another hitch they weren’t betting on. As for that happy ending? It might take more than practice to make it perfect. 

My Thoughts: This was such a cute concept! Who wouldn’t want to have a gorgeous celebrity swoon over you after meeting them briefly as a seat filler at an awards ceremony? This is definitely a meet-cute situation worth daydreaming about. The banter between Juliet and Noah was addicting, the friendship they developed felt like a really satisfying hug (IYKYK), and there’s a subplot line involving the pure love of dogs. We are checking BOXES, people! That said though, I had a few hang-ups. Juliet’s character was strong and sassy, but I kept wanting to yell at her: “READ THE ROOM, JULES.” She could not believe a famous actor actually liked her as more than just a friend even though all of his intentional actions (therapy taught me that one lol) communicated how much he cared about her. I also felt like the ~issue~ they experience was blown so far out of proportion on Noah’s side of things. Like, he was the most down-to-earth guy the entire book and the reaction he had when something came to light just felt dRAmATiC. They had developed this beautiful friendship that was clearly leading to something more due to their deep connection, so the way he handled that was just such a contrast to everything we had seen prior. All in all, this was definitely a fun and cute book, and I say pick it up for a quick rom-com read!

Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour

BLACK BUCK by Mateo Askaripour

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: An unambitious twenty-two-year-old, Darren lives in a Bed-Stuy brownstone with his mother, who wants nothing more than to see him live up to his potential as the valedictorian of Bronx Science. But Darren is content working at Starbucks in the lobby of a Midtown office building, hanging out with his girlfriend, Soraya, and eating his mother’s home-cooked meals. All that changes when a chance encounter with Rhett Daniels, the silver-tongued CEO of Sumwun, NYC’s hottest tech startup, results in an exclusive invitation for Darren to join an elite sales team on the 36th floor. After enduring a “hell week” of training, Darren, the only Black person in the company, reimagines himself as “Buck,” a ruthless salesman unrecognizable to his friends and family. But when things turn tragic at home and Buck feels he’s hit rock bottom, he begins to hatch a plan to help young people of color infiltrate America’s sales force, setting off a chain of events that forever changes the game. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and it was a WILD ride. We follow Darren who works as a lead barista at Starbucks until he’s presented with the opportunity to work for a tech startup called Sumwun. From there, the book goes so many different directions, I felt like I had whiplash from everything that happened. The storytelling was phenomenal though. Specifically Darren’s character arc and development. He goes from being a really chill guy who unapologetically loves his mother, girlfriend, and neighborhood, to becoming somewhat of a morally gray character, and then into somebody else entirely. That said, even when his character was at a low point and not very likable, I was still incredibly invested in his story. Plus, there was a suspenseful element to the overall plot line that kept me coming back for more because I just had to know how it all ended. Besides accurately depicting the toxic work environment some start-ups have been known to have, Darren’s story touches on real and relevant topics such as racism, gentrification, homelessness, and more. This was truly a unique book and I definitely recommend giving the audiobook a try!

Flock by Kate Stewart

FLOCK by Kate Stewart

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: I grew up sick. Let me clarify. I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy. Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted in my illness. When I lived this story, my own twisted fairy tale, it was unbeknownst to me at the time because I was young and naive. I gave into temptation and fed the beating beast, which grew thirstier with every slash, every strike, every blow. Triple Falls wasn’t all what it seemed, nor were the men that swept me under their wing. But in order to keep them, I had to be in on their secrets. Secrets that cost us everything to keep. That’s the novelty of fiction versus reality. You can’t relive your own love story, because by the time you’ve realized you’re living it, it’s over. At least that was the case for me and the men I trusted my foolish heart to. Looking back, I’m convinced I willed my story into existence due to my illness. And all were punished. 

My Thoughts: I’ve seen Flock all over the place lately and decided to give it a try. I definitely think it lived up to the hype. In terms of characters, I didn’t love Cecelia because she clearly has some emotional issues she needs to work through and that usually manifested in knee jerk reactions to things. However, I did appreciate that she found her voice in situations she previously wouldn’t have caused a stir about. Though I was a little skeptical about Sean at first, he ended up winning over my heart with his warmth and assurance. Dom is a whole other story as his icy exterior and reluctance to open up made him come off as an asshole. Eventually, I found a soft spot for him as a little broody boy. This book had so many random things going for it including a mystery element. It kept me guessing on multiple occasions. For example, you really don’t know who the love interest is until almost a quarter into the book which kept me on my toes in choosing which characters we could actually trust. The main secret isn’t revealed until 95% through and let me tell you, it is a plot twist I did not predict while leaving us on a cliffhanger that was absolutely rude af, and obviously had me wanting more. This book is definitely spicy, so reserved readers beware. 

Exodus by Kate Stewart

EXODUS by Kate Stewart

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: It’s a ghost town, this place that haunts me, the one that made me. It’s clear to me that I’ll never outgrow Triple Falls or outlive the time I spent here. I can still feel them all, my boys of summer. Even when I’d sensed the danger, I gave in. I didn’t heed a single warning. I let my sickness, my love, both rule and ruin me. I played my part, eyes wide open, tempting fate until it delivered. There was never going to be an escape. All of us are to blame for what happened. All of us serving our own sentences. We were careless and reckless, thinking our youth made us indestructible, exempt from our sins, and it cost us all. I’m done pretending I didn’t leave the largest part of me between these hills and valleys, between the sea of trees that hold my secrets. It’s the reason I’m back. To make peace with my fate. And if I can’t grieve enough to cure myself in my time here, I’ll remain sick. That will be my curse. But it’s time to confess, to myself more so than any other, that I’d hindered my chances because of the way I was built, and because of the men who built me. At this point, I just want to make peace with who I am, no matter what ending I get. Because I can no longer live a lie. 

My Thoughts: Holy CRUD. Okay, okay, so let me preface by saying, I literally do not know if this is actually 4 stars or if I’m just blinded by all of my feels due to what happened in this book, but my god it was a doozy. It splits between the past where the first book ended and the present - which is seven years later. Within the first 40% of the book, I was CRYING, and when I tell you I audibly GASPED at something that happened, I am not exaggerating in the slightest. It messed me up, y’all. Kate Stewart did not come to play. She came to wreck me. We’re finally let into more of the mystery that was only introduced in Flock, and meet a new character we’ve heard about, but had yet to see. Now let me just say, in no way do I condone the obvious toxic, codependent traits of the relationship that engulfs Cecelia unexpectedly in this book. Like obvi she’d be better off seeing a therapist to work a few things out before developing something with this other character. HOWEVER, I definitely appreciated how much of a badass she’s grown to be since her summer in Triple Falls. Sure, she’s still a little messy, but aren’t we all? The emotions that radiated off the pages cut me at my core, you can feel the static tension between two of the characters any time they’re in each other’s vicinity, and the story that unfolds due to multiple plot twists was something I never could have predicted. I was SHOOK. Needless to say, if you read Flock then you HAVE to continue to Exodus or I’ll be super upset lol. 

A Master of Djinn by P. Djeli Clark

A MASTER OF DJINN by P. Djeli Clark

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Cairo, 1912: Though Fatma el-Sha’arawi is the youngest woman working for the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities, she’s certainly not a rookie, especially after preventing the destruction of the universe last summer. So when someone murders a secret brotherhood dedicated to one of the most famous men in history, al-Jahiz, Agent Fatma is called onto the case. Al-Jahiz transformed the world 50 years ago when he opened up the veil between the magical and mundane realms, before vanishing into the unknown. This murderer claims to be al-Jahiz, returned to condemn the modern age for its social oppressions. His dangerous magical abilities instigate unrest in the streets of Cairo that threaten to spill over the global stage. Alongside her Ministry colleagues and her clever girlfriend Siti, Agent Fatma must unravel the mystery behind this imposter to restore peace to the city - or face the possibility he could be exactly who he seems…

My Thoughts: I’ve read a few of P. Djeli Clark’s novellas over the last year and have loved his unique storytelling style. So when I heard he published a full-length novel, I had to jump on it! This book was a grungy, fun, clever, magical, whodunnit story set in early 20th century Egypt where the country is thriving with the help of Djinn - magical beings. There’s a murder of a high-ranking European guy who, as it turns out, was organizing a secret Brotherhood that has been procuring various magical relics belonging to incredibly strong djinn. Cue Agent Fatma - a kickass lesbian detective with the snappiest wardrobe and even sharper magical mystery solving skills. This experience was a whirlwind to say the least. Though the plot starts as a murder mystery, it takes a few turns involving some subplots, and that’s where things got muddy for me. It felt like the characters kept getting side tracked by things that kind of tied back to the main goal, but not entirely which made it hard to know what to focus on. Also, I guess I just assumed magic was more integrated into the present culture - beyond just djinn - but the main character works for the Ministry of Alchemy, Enchantments and Supernatural Entities, and yet she misses a few major magical happenings. AND she’s supposed to be the best at what she does! Like wut?? The only other thing that threw me for a loop is all of the non-English words that were integrated with no context clues. I had to keep setting the book down to Google what something was which caused a really stop-go reading experience. Overall, I think this was a pretty good book, but if you’re new to fantasy then I wouldn’t recommend starting here. 

The Finish Line by Kate Stewart

THE FINISH LINE by Kate Stewart

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: I’ve lived the entirety of my life wrapped up in subterfuge for one purpose - revenge. Through the years, I lived more as an enigma than a man. For so long, I denied I had a beating heart of my own. Until her. Until she unearthed the starving vessel inside, forced me to acknowledge it, forced me to understand that I’m capable of bleeding the same as any other. For that, we paid. We’re still paying. Yet, she demands it still, the useless heart of the ruthless thief and shameless villain she fell for. My fear is, I’m no longer that man. With the lies I’ve told, the life I’ve led, my mistakes are beginning to catch up with me, day by day, one by one. This is my last chance, and I have no intention of losing her again, but as the deception of my past starts to unravel and close in, shedding my humanity may be the only thing that can save us both. 

My Thoughts: Wow. Kate Stewart really said, “are you ready to be emotionally wrecked even more than the last book? The Ravenhood trilogy is going out in a blaze of glory.” Y’all, I did not expect to like this book as much as I did. Mostly because it felt like there was a tone of finality in Exodus which left me guessing what could possibly happen next? Let me tell you, SO MANY THINGS. This book mainly focuses on Tobias, his side of the story, and his background. Up until this point, we’ve seen everything through Cecelia’s eyes, so I loved getting to know Tobias’s character on a much deeper level to understand why he’s the man he is today. That said, some chapters do bounce over to Cecelia’s POV - specifically of the present - as Tobias works to earn back her trust and love. Since the timeline flips back and forth between Tobias’s past, parts of the story we already saw in the two previous books, and the present, there are a lot of puzzle pieces clicking together to form a bigger picture. This was an incredibly emotional book and every feeling these characters experience (grief, anger, deep love, joy, etc.) had me in a chokehold. Plus, romance storyline aside, there is a HUGE plot twist that occurs that I didn’t even realize was on the table lol. It was so surprising, I had to regroup to realize what just happened. A lot of loose ends and unanswered questions are settled by the end of this book which made the entire series that much more satisfying. If it’s not clear enough, I definitely enjoyed The Ravenhood trilogy and highly recommend it if you’re looking for something smutty with an incredibly strong plotline.

Kiss My Putt by Tara Sivec

KISS MY PUTT by Tara Sivec

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: After spending my entire pro golfing career being known as the quiet, controlled, no-nonsense golfer on the tour, there’s nothing more humiliating than throwing all of that down the drain - or into a water hazard - on national television. Needing some place to hide, to lick my wounds and figure out what I even want to do with my life once this blows over, I can only think of one place I need to be. Summersweet Island, where everyone treats me like one of their own, and they’ll all be happy to have me home again. Well except for maybe one person. It’s been two years since I last set foot on Summersweet Island or spoke to anyone there. But I’m sure Birdie Bennett, my best friend since I was 15 and the clubhouse manager of my favorite golf course, has had plenty of time to forgive me for that tiny little misunderstanding where I blocked her on social media and blocked her in my phone. Oh, and I guess I kind of, sort of accused her of being a stalker. It’s fine! Once my sexy, spunky, former best friend gets over the shock of seeing me again and stops trying to drive a 9-iron into my skull before I can finally let her know I’ve also kind of, sort of always been in love with her…

My Thoughts: This was a random Kindle Unlimited find and it was everything I could have wanted out of a golf-themed romantic comedy! There were laugh out loud moments, a variety of characters with distinct personalities that play into the overall story, and the sexual tension… Let me tell you, it was palpable. Although Birdie and Palmer start the book not on good terms, I loved watching the iciness between them start to melt until they fell back into their familiar rhythm as best friends. Birdie is a spunky, stubborn gal who refuses to fully let down her walls after being burned by Palmer two years prior. Palmer is a sweet guy who misses his best friend, and just wants to get her back. The only thing that irked me is they both had feelings for each other, and weren’t necessarily hiding it through various behaviors, yet neither of them wanted to come right out and say it! Y’all already wasted the last two years by not talking to each other! Why not just say what’s on your mind? Anywho, if you’re looking for something lighter, steamy, with a little bit of sports mixed in, and can get you ready for the summer, this is a great choice! 

Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

SPOILER ALERT by Olivia Dade

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Marcus Caster-Rupp has a secret. While the world knows him as Aeneas, the star of the biggest show on TV, Gods of the Gates, he’s known to fanfiction readers as Book!AneasWouldNever, an anonymous and popular poster. Marcus is able to get out his own frustrations with his character through his stories, especially the ones that feature the internet’s favorite couple to ship, Aeneas and Lavinia. But if anyone ever found out about his online persona, he’d be fired. Immediately. April Whittier has secrets of her own. A hardcore Lavinia fan, she’s hidden her fanfiction and cosplay hobby from her “real life” for years - but not anymore. When she decides to post her latest Lavinia creation on Twitter, her photo goes viral. Trolls and supporters alike are commenting on her plus-size take, but when Marcus, one half of her OTP (one true pairing), sees her pic and asks her out on a date to spite her critics, she realizes life is really stranger than fanfiction. Even though their first date is a disaster, Marcus quickly realizes that he wants much more from April than a one-time publicity stunt. And when he discovers she’s actually Unapologetic Lavinia Stan, his closest fandom friend, he has one more huge secret to hide from her. With love and Marcus’s career on the line, can the two of them stop hiding once and for all, or will a match made in fandom end up prematurely canceled?

My Thoughts: After putting off reading this book for a while, I’m so glad I finally did! The writing is so clever and truly had me in a trance at a few different parts because the choice of words was just artistic. It was also refreshing that the book bounces between different formats, including fanfictions, messages on social media, etc. The premise was unique and this was such a fun way to depict fanfiction fandom - especially since it paralleled the last season of Game of Thrones lol. April was one of the best main characters you could ask for in this book. She’s confident, quirky, an absolute knockout, and is learning to love herself by setting boundaries with people in her life. Marcus was the sweetest guy who was dealing with a little bit of an identity crisis after putting on a dim-witted facade for the cameras for so long. When in reality, he’s actually extremely intelligent, curious about the world around him, and incredibly articulate. One of my favorite things about this book is that both characters had enough self awareness to reassess when they made a mistake and remedied whatever misunderstanding had occurred. It made me feel like both April and Marcus truly see each other, yanno? Though this book is pretty predictable, it didn’t take away from the overall experience. Especially since the story touches on real topics such as fat-shaming, dyslexia, emotional abuse from parent figures, and more. I definitely recommend picking this one up if you’re looking for something a little nerdy and dirty (this is a pun you will understand if you read the book :)).

The Dutch House by Ann Patchett

THE DUTCH HOUSE by Ann Patchett

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: At the end of the second World War, Cyril Conroy combines luck and a single canny investment to begin an enormous real estate empire, propelling his family from poverty to enormous wealth. His first order of business is to buy the Dutch House, a lavish estate in the suburbs outside of Philadelphia. Meant as a surprise for his wife, the house sets in motion the undoing of everything he loves. The story is told by Cyril’s son Danny, as he and his older sister, the brilliantly acerbic and self-assured Maeve, are exiled from the house where they grew up by their stepmother. The two wealthy siblings are thrown back into the poverty their parents had escaped from and find that all they have to count on is one another. It is this unshakable bond between them that both saves their lives and thwarts their futures. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and absolutely loved it! Tom Hanks is the narrator, so you really can’t go wrong here. I’ve gotta start out by saying, if the plot of a book is the most important aspect to you then this will not be your cup of tea. The Dutch House is largely a character-driven book about two siblings, Danny and Maeve Conroy. This slow burn, coming of age story stretches across five decades as we watch this brother/sister duo face unexpected adversities starting from childhood all the way into their 60s. I kind of loved that The Dutch House was treated like another character in all of this. Most of the issues Danny and Maeve experience start inside the grandiose estate after their late father’s young wife, Andrea, kicks them out. For decades, the siblings are entangled in a past they can’t seem to let go of and make it a routine of driving to The Dutch House, sitting in Maeve’s car across the street, smoking cigarettes and reminiscing about their time in that house. This beautifully written book touches on topics of grief, loss, familial relationships, abandonment, forgiveness, and more. I definitely recommend this book - specifically the audiobook because what’s better than Tom Hanks reading a book to you for hours? :)

Swing and a Mishap by Tara Sivec


Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Two years ago, I was a pretty big deal. I thought I had it all, until a blast from my past popped up on my social media feed, keeping my ego in check and reminding me how basic I am. Except sassy Wren Bennett isn’t just a blast from my past. She’s the only woman I ever saw a future with. Even though my soul leaves my body every time she says she hates baseball and has never watched me play, a year’s-worth of messages filled with laughter and sarcasm only remind me how amazing my “pen pal” is. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how fine I look in a pair of baseball pants; I’m still 3,000 miles away and she’s taken… or so I thought. Maybe I should have thought a little harder before I dropped her like a seeing-eye single into the outfield. When an injury has me questioning everything about my life, I can only think of one place I need to go and one person I need to see. Home, to Summersweet Island, to get back my “pen pal.” Now I just need to make sure single mom Wren knows I didn’t come back for a change, and I didn’t come back for a job. I’m swinging for the fences, and I'm finally coming home to make her mine. If only she’d stop insulting me and stay in one place long enough for me to tell her. She wouldn’t try to drown me with a tub of ice cream right? I’m sure it will be fine. 

My Thoughts: Gah! This was seriously so cute. A little saccharine - like rotting-your-teeth sweet - but I enjoyed Wren and Shep’s story nonetheless! We got to know Wren in Kiss My Putt as Birdie’s older sister who plans to take over the family’s ice cream business and has a 14-year-old son, Owen. Kevin, Owen’s father, is absolute trash and although he’s never around, he’s spent years chipping away at Wren’s confidence whenever he stopped by unannounced. So even though the book starts with Wren maintaining the people-pleasing behavior she’s practiced for so long, I loved watching her start to stand up for herself, acknowledge everything she’s achieved over the years despite the adversities she’s encountered, and stop giving time and attention to people who don’t deserve it. Shepard was literally the best guy for this book. He absolutely adores Wren and has for years. Everything he says to her has so much intent and emotion behind it - I was melting in a puddle of swoon on multiple occasions. There were a few frustrating miscommunications (per usual), but most were quickly resolved, so I wasn’t irritated by them. Are there some incredibly cheesy moments in this book? Big fat YES. Did that take away from Wren and Shepard’s story? Nope! Overall, I think if you’re looking for something a little sweet, a little spicy, and involves baseball, this is a good one!

The Heir by Sophie Lark

THE HEIR by Sophie Lark

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: I’d go anywhere for her - even to Kingmakers, the most brutal college in the world. Where mafia heirs are trained to control, dominate, infiltrate, and kill. I followed Anna because she’s my best friend. I’ve always been right by her side. She needs me to protect her. Especially from Dean Yenin, a Bratva heir with a lethal grudge. He plans to take everything from me. Starting with Anna.

My Thoughts: Okay I started the Kingmakers series on a whim, and although this book didn't blow me away, I definitely liked it overall! The Heir bounces between three characters’ points of view - Anna Wilk, Leo Gallo, and Dean Yenin. Anna and Leo grew up together and are attached at the hip. Dean’s family has a grudge against Leo’s family due to mafia activities in the past, so he tries everything he can to drive a wedge between the best friends. Although I liked all three of the main characters, none of them blew me away. Dean was actually a little scary due to his temper and resentment, so as soon as it was clear where he stood with Anna, I was kind of hoping we’d drop his POV because he wasn’t adding to my experience with this story. That said, the purpose of this book is definitely for world-building, introducing us to Kingmakers (a school for mafia kids), and setting the stage for how characters are connected. So, that’s why I’m not being too critical about it. The plot wasn’t mindblowing, but it was enjoyable nonetheless! Overall, it was fun following the next generation of the Brutal Birthright characters and I’m excited to keep going with this series!

The Rebel by Sophie Lark

THE REBEL by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Zoe Romera is trapped in a marriage contract with the most sadistic psychopath at Kingmakers. She couldn’t be more off-limits. Stealing her from Rocco Prince would break the most ironclad rules of the mafia world. But I have to have her. She’s my soulmate. I want her, or no one at all. I’ll do anything to save her. Rocco will do anything to destroy her. I’ve got one chance to achieve the impossible. 

My Thoughts: Yuuus! We love a dark academia, mafia-infused, suspense-ridden romance novel! We met Zoe Romera and Miles Griffin in The Heir, and from what we know, Miles is the go-to guy at Kingmakers if you need any sort of contraband. He doesn’t take anything too seriously and seems to be walking through life a little aloof. Zoe is set to marry Rocco Prince who is a freaking creep. He’s like the Ted Bundy of Kingmakers. So, she does everything she can to avoid him and his friends because Rocco endlessly taunts her. After Miles witnesses one of these traumatic occurrences, he finds himself wanting to protect Zoe from Rocco and inevitably falls for her. I absolutely adored their connection and watching their walls come down. Zoe and Miles are both extremely intelligent and filled in emotional spaces for one another. The plotline of this book kept me on my TOES and had my heart racing multiple times. Similar to the last book with three POVs, there’s a subplot going on with Zoe’s little sister, Catalina, which provides a cliffhanger at the end. Between the swoon-worthy romance and the high intensity suspense, I thoroughly enjoyed the second book in the Kingmakers series. 

The Bully by Sophie Lark

THE BULLY by Sophie Lark 

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: I know her secret. Cat is in so much trouble. She did something bad, and I saw. I’ll keep her secret… for a price. Poor, sweet, timid Cat should never have come to Kingmakers. It’s a place for monsters and killers. People like me. She wandered into the lion’s den and now she’s mine. Mine to play with. Mine to torment. Mine to break. 

My Thoughts: Ahhh! Broody boy villain turning into the passionate hero? Um, YES PLZ! This book follows Dean Yenin - who we originally met in The Heir. Up to this point, he’s been a complete dick to everyone and is fueled by pure anger at all times. It also follows Cat Romero - who we met in the last book and know as Zoe’s little sister. She has a HUGE secret that only Dean knows, so she’s agreed to a deal with him in exchange for his silence. Cat’s character arc is just *chef’s kiss*. Last book, she was assigned to the Spy division at Kingmakers and was basically experiencing baptism by fire because she had never been exposed to the mafioso life back home. She was quite delicate and timid in this new environment which somewhat carried into this book. However, as time goes on, she starts finding her voice and strength and becomes an absolute boss by the end of this book. I was so invested in watching her and Dean’s relationship develop as well. It was one of those situations where they each needed each other and didn’t even know it. Dean has a new teacher who completely changes his outlook on life and makes him a man he can be proud of. The plot of the series overall definitely thickens as a new character’s POV (The Spy) is sprinkled into this storyline. Although I wasn’t expecting it at all, this is definitely my favorite book of the Kingmakers series thus far!

The Spy by Sophie Lark

THE SPY by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: I’ve waited three long years for this. Hiding. Lying. Spying. Waiting like a spider for her to wander into my web. Now she’s here, and I have to get even closer to her. I’ll help her. Befriend her. Seduce her, even. The only thing I can’t do is fall in love with her. Her father took everything from me: my money, my family, my life. He has to pay for what he’s done. And she’s the only thing that can hurt him. 

My Thoughts: Wow. What a wild ride this book was! The plot was freaking fantastic and revealed the secrets behind some of the easter eggs the author left in the previous books. We finally get to see inside the mind of Ares - Leo Gallo’s close friend and roommate at Kingmakers. What we know about Ares thus far is that he’s from a poor family who lives on a small island in Greece. He’s quiet, composed, extremely studious, and built like a Greek god lol. Most of the information he’s shared with his friends and fellow classmates in the previous years has been decently vague, so it was exciting to see beneath the gentle giant facade. Nix is the newest character to the series. She’s the daughter of a mafia boss who is known to be absolutely ruthless and untrustworthy. However, he’s kept a ton of secrets from her and has only fed Nix his version of the story. So, she comes to Kingmakers absolutely naive about his work and is hated by most by extension of her dad. I was obsessed with watching Ares falling for Nix when he wasn’t supposed to (cue forbidden romance trope). Since he’s been lying for years about the true reason he’s at Kingmakers, it felt like a weight lifted from his shoulders to finally be honest and tell Nix things he hasn’t told anyone else. All because she gave him the room to do so. There’s a few plot twists involving side characters as well as a few INTENSE scenes towards the end of this book that left my jaw on the floor. Needless to say, if you started the Kingmakers series, definitely stick with it to The Spy!

The Savage by Sophie Lark

THE SAVAGE by Sophie Lark

Rating: 2/5 stars

Summary: Sabrina Gallo is an animal. From the moment I laid eyes on her, I had to have her. But Sabrina won’t be taken by anyone. She’s wild and reckless - downright dangerous. Lucky for me, I’ve always loved a challenge. I want to hunt. Even if I capture her, caging a tiger doesn’t mean it’s tamed. The harder she fights, the more ruthless I become. She needs to learn how savage I can be. 

My Thoughts: It hurts me to say, but this book was such a disappointment. Obviously, I still love Sophie Lark as an author, but she really missed the mark on this book. Sabrina and Adrik’s relationship was teased at the end of The Spy, and I was expecting something exciting since their characters are a little wilder than others. However, even 60% into this book, I just did not care about them. There was hardly a build up to them developing a connection, and the relationship that was created was heavily based on lust more than love. So, I never fully bought into this pairing. Sabrina is only 19, so she’s still pretty immature, has the WORST temper ever, and is just freaking reckless all the time. Also, she never really grew out of that? Like there was no character development here. The only quality to Adrik was he embraced Sabrina’s wild nature, but he had just as bad of a temper and clearly never saw her as his equal. The conflict that drives a wedge between them is due to BOTH characters - not just Sabrina - and yet she’s the one who apologizes…? The overall plot was kind of weak compared to the previous storylines and definitely not worth 500+ pages. The only reason I kept reading was because I was hoping the story would eventually redeem itself. Spoiler alert: it did not. (Even with a few Nero appearances. IYKYK.) This book is extremely sexual, so if you’re looking for something more heavy on the smut than the plot then you might like this more than I did. That said, since this is the last book in the Kingmakers series, I honestly think you could just skip it and not miss anything.

You Had Me At Hola by Alexis Daria

YOU HAD ME AT HOLA by Alexis Daria 

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: After a messy public breakup, soap opera darling Jasmine Lin Rodriguez finds her face splashed across the tabloids. When she returns to her hometown of New York City to film the starring role in a bilingual romantic comedy for the number one streaming service in the country, Jasmine figures her new “Leading Lady Plan” should be easy enough to follow - until a casting shake-up pairs her with telenovela hunk Ashton Suarez. After his last telenovela character was killed off, Ashton is worried his career is dead as well. Joining this new cast as a last-minute addition will give him the chance to show off his acting chops to American audiences and ping the radar of Hollywood casting agents. To make it work, he’ll need to generate smoking-hot on-screen chemistry with Jasmine. Easier said than done, especially when a disastrous first impression smothers the embers of whatever sexual heat they might have had. With their careers on the line, Jasmine and Ashton agree to rehearse in private. But rehearsal leads to kissing, and kissing leads to a behind-the-scenes romance worthy of a soap opera. While their on-screen performance improves, the media spotlight on Jasmine soon threatens to destroy her new image and expose Ashton’s most closely guarded secret.

My Thoughts: This book was such a delight! Among the many aspects of this story that I thoroughly enjoyed, the characters were top notch. Both Jasmine and Ashton are Latinx actors who have made a name for themselves through soap operas and telenovelas, when they land a main role on the new show of a popular streaming service. Each of them were perfectly flawed and incredibly endearing. I loved that their lives matched up in ways neither expected and I was absolutely addicted to the chemistry crackling between them. Besides the developing romance, the other storyline that had me obsessing over this book was the close family dynamic Jasmine shared with her cousins Michelle and Ava. We love a powerful support system composed of strong women, and they were Jasmine’s rock. Overall, this was a fun, spicy rom-com that was incredibly rich in culture. The pages turned effortlessly and I definitely recommend picking it up if you haven’t already!

All righty, friends! That’s it for April! :D

I can’t promise I won’t read as much romance next month, but I can promise to mix some other genres in there lol. 

2022 Book Count: 84

Add me on Goodreads if you haven’t already.

YOUR TURN! How do you choose your next book? Are you a mood reader like me or do you have all of your next books planned?

March 2022 Reads

Okay, y’all. Remember last month when I said I was going to try to rotate a wider variety of genres into my reading list for March?

Well, lol. That is the last time I’ll be making any promises. 

Ya girl went through a really weird reading funk this month, and the only thing that sounded enticing to me when I wasn’t feeling any genre was a raunchy romance novel. That said, I did manage to squeeze in a few non-fiction books and a couple of mystery/thrillers.

So, I didn’t totally miss the mark. I just went hard in the paint and doubled down on the romance books lol. 

Welp, let’s get to it! Buckle up for this very lengthy March reading wrap-up!

*All summaries are taken or paraphrased from Goodreads

Dating You Hating You by Christina Lauren

DATING YOU HATING YOU by Christina Lauren

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Despite the odds against them from an embarrassing meet-awkward at a mutual friend’s Halloween party, Carter and Evie immediately hit it off. Even the realization that they’re both high-powered agents at competing firms in Hollywood isn’t enough to squash the fire. But when their two agencies merge - causing the pair to vie for the same position - all bets are off. What could have been a beautiful, blossoming romance turns into an all-out war of sabotage. Carter and Evie are both thirtysomething professionals - so why can’t they act like it? Can Carter stop trying to please everyone and see how their mutual boss is really playing the game? Can Evie put aside her competitive nature long enough to figure out what she really wants in life? Can their actor clients just be something close to human? Will these two Hollywood love/hatebirds get the storybook Hollywood ending or just a dramedy of epic proportions?

My Thoughts: LOL this book was so much fun! I listened to it on audiobook which made all of the office place shenanigans in this rom-com even more entertaining and animated thanks to the awesome narrators. I loved that this story didn’t start with your typical enemies-to-lovers trope where the characters despise one another before falling for each other. Evie and Carter actually genuinely liked each other at the beginning of this book and had hope in the relationship that was blossoming between them. It was only when they realized they’d be competing for the same job that the claws came out and it was every person for themselves. Some of the pranks they pulled on each other were laugh-out-loud funny, you could cut the sexual tension with a knife, and when their walls came down momentarily, I swooned over the heartwarming exchanges. Evie and Carter were both incredibly likable characters in their own respect and it was really fulfilling to watch them band together to fight the misogyny radiating from their asshole boss. Overall, this book was an absolute delight and I definitely recommend it!

The Friend Zone by Abby Jiminez

THE FRIEND ZONE by Abby Jimenez

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Kristen Petersen doesn’t do drama, will fight to the death for her friends, and has no room in her life for guys who just don’t get her. She’s also keeping a big secret: facing a medically necessary procedure that will make it impossible for her to have children. Planning her best friend’s wedding is bittersweet for Kristen - especially when she meets the best man, Josh Copeland. He’s funny, sexy, never offended by her mile-wide streak of sarcasm, and always one chicken enchilada ahead of her hangry. Even her dog, Stuntman Mike, adores him. The only catch: Josh wants a big family someday. Kristen knows he’d be better off with someone else, but as their attraction grows, it’s harder and harder to keep him at arm’s length.

My Thoughts: There was a lot that happened in this book, and I was going back and forth on my feelings about it the entire time. For the most part, it was fun to watch Kristen and Josh’s relationship grow from enemies to friends to lovers. There’s a forbidden love aspect to it that adds even more anticipation to the sexual tension building for a large portion of the book. They’re both decently likable characters, but I think I liked them more together than as individuals because their dynamics gave depth to the story. Aside from the romance, there are some subplots that provide some intense tear jerking moments - including a huge plot twist, so grab your tissues. Overall, this was a pretty decent read, but I probably won’t read it again nor use it as an immediate recommendation. As a side note, please check the trigger and content warnings before picking this up if you plan to.

Knot My Type by Evie Mitchell

KNOT MY TYPE by Evie Mitchell

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Frankie - when you say you’re a sexologist, people imagine Marilyn Monroe. They don’t expect a woman who uses a wheelchair. As the host of the All Access Podcast, I’m breaking down barriers, crushing stigmas, and creating sexual connections that are fulfilling for my fans. Only I’ve hit a snag. A lovely listener wants some advice about accessible rope play and I’m drawing a blank. Which leaves me with no option but to get out there and give it a go. Which is how I meet Jay Wood - rigger, carpenter, and all-round hottie. I’d be open to letting him wine and dine me - only Jay isn’t my type. He’s not a one-girl kind of guy and I’m not a woman who’ll settle for being second choice. But the closer we get, the more Jay has me tied up in knots. And it’s making me think maybe I could compromise. Jay - Frankie’s funny, intelligent, and ridiculously sexy. This should be a no-brainer. A little fun in the sheets - simple. Only the infuriating woman is asking for more and I’m not that kind of guy. I wouldn’t even know how to be that kind of guy. I’m the definition of easy. It’ll be fine. We’ll be friends. Just friends. So, why does my heart feel frayed? And why is it I can’t help but consider taking the ultimate leap of faith - tying myself to Frankie. Permanently.

My Thoughts: I went into this book not knowing anything about it, but I can tell you that accessible BDSM is not what I was expecting at all! Though I’m not a huge fan of instant-love tropes, it worked well for this story and made the connection between Frankie and Jay feel much more swoony in an “oh they found their person” type of way. I loved how strong Frankie’s character was. She was unapologetically herself and radiated confidence through everything from her incredibly successful podcast, to her brightly-colored wardrobe, and even to the risque self portrait she proudly displays above her bed. Her personality just jumped off the pages. Jay was a little less confident, but the sweetest guy you could ask for and was incredibly attentive to Frankie’s wants and needs (both in and outside of the bedroom lol). This is definitely an open-door romance with some rope play sprinkled in, so if that sort of thing makes you feel uncomfy, this may not be for you. Although this book was a little saccharine for me, I do think it’s a great read outside of the regular rom-com template.  

Normal People by Sally Rooney

NORMAL PEOPLE by Sally Rooney

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: At school, Connell and Marianne pretend not to know each other. He’s popular and well-adjusted, star of the school soccer team while she is lonely, proud, and intensely private. But when Connell comes to pick his mother up from her housekeeping job at Marianne’s house, a strange and indelible connection grows between the two teenagers - one they are determined to conceal. A year later, they’re both studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Marianne has found her feet in a new social world while Connell hangs at the sidelines, shy and uncertain. Throughout their years in college, Marianne and Connell circle one another, straying towards other people and possibilities but always magnetically, irresistibly drawn back together. Then, as she veers into self-destruction and he begins to search for meaning elsewhere, each must confront how far they are willing to go to save each other. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and really liked it. I’m not sure if it was the actual story or the narrator’s voice or a combination, but this book was both peaceful and upsetting. Marianne and Connell were such complicated characters who found solace in each other. The moments when their communication and feelings were aligned provided a pocket of calm in a storm of melancholy. When they weren’t on the same wavelength, though, it was physically frustrating - like my gut was tight because I was so irritated by how stubborn they were. Both of them were trying to figure out who they were out in the world, and nothing felt right except for when they were together. Their relationship had such potential to be healthy, but I think it was just so lowkey codependent that it never reached that level of balance. Especially when Connell suffered from anxiety, and Marianne was dealing with her own demons that manifested in deep depressive episodes and self harming behaviors. That said, this was a really beautiful book about how impactful people can be in each other’s lives and what it takes to nurture those relationships as you continue to work on yourself. Please check all the trigger warnings though before you go into it. 

Hook, Line, and Sinker by Tessa Bailey

HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER by Tessa Bailey

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: King crab fisherman Fox Thornton has a reputation as a sexy, carefree flirt. Everyone knows he’s a guaranteed good time - in bed and out - and that’s exactly how he prefers it. Until he meets Hannah Bellinger. She’s immune to his charm and looks, but she seems to enjoy his… personality? And wants to be friends? Bizarre. But he likes her too much to risk a fling, so platonic pals it is. Now, Hannah’s in town for work, crashing in Fox’s spare bedroom. She knows he’s a notorious ladies’ man, but they’re definitely just friends. In fact, she’s nursing a hopeless crush on a colleague and Fox is just the person to help with her lackluster love life. Armed with a few tips from Westport’s resident Casanova, Hannah sets out to catch her coworker’s eye… yet the more time she spends with Fox, the more she wants him instead. Hannah can’t deny she loves everything about Fox, but she refuses to be another notch on his bedpost. Living with his best friend should have been easy. Except now she’s walking around in a towel, sleeping right across the hall, and Fox is fantasizing about waking up next to her for the rest of his life and… man overboard. He’s fallen for her, hook, line, and sinker. Helping her flirt with another guy is pure torture, but maybe if Fox can tackle his inner demons and show Hannah he’s all in, she’ll choose him instead?

My Thoughts: I loved Hannah in It Happened One Summer and was so excited she got her own story! This may be a bold statement, but I think I may have liked Hannah and Fox’s story better than Piper and Brendan’s? The friends-to-lovers trope made sinking into this developing romance feel like snuggling into a cozy blanket. Their chemistry as friends was undeniable and I loved that Hannah wanted to emphasize to Fox that a friendship between them is just as, if not more, important to her than acting on any sexual impulses they had. Hannah in general is a really down-to-earth character which makes her incredibly easy to like, but she also has this unique drive and strength to her that kicks her likeability up to 100. Fox has officially been added to my list of “book boyfriends” lol. He definitely had a lot to work through before he could give Hannah what she truly deserved, and we love a guy with some self-awareness, do we not? Though you technically could read this book without having read It Happened One Summer first, I don’t recommend it. I think the experience will be so much more enjoyable if you read the books in order. So, quickly go pick the first one up, so you can dive into this absolute gem! :)

The Guest List by Lucy Foley

THE GUEST LIST by Lucy Foley

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: The bride. The plus one. The best man. The wedding planner. The bridesmaid. The body. On an island off the coast of Ireland, guests gather to celebrate two people joining their lives together as one. The groom: handsome and charming, a rising television star. The bride: smart and ambitious, a magazine publisher. It’s a wedding for a magazine, or for a celebrity: the designer dress, the remote location, the luxe party favors, the boutique whiskey. The cell phone service may be spotty and the waves may be rough, but every detail has been expertly planned and will be expertly executed. But perfection is for plans, and people are all too human. As the champagne is popped and the festivities begin, resentments and petty jealousies begin to mingle with the reminiscences and well wishes. The groomsmen begin the drinking game from their school days. The bridesmaid not-so-accidentally ruins her dress. The bride’s oldest (male) friend gives an uncomfortably caring toast. And then someone turns up dead. Who didn’t wish the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?

My Thoughts: I have to start by saying, though I’m usually a grade A scaredy cat with mystery/thriller books, I really enjoyed this one! The first chunk of the book is a little slower paced, but I think it was essential for setting a solid background on the characters and the history of the island where the story takes place. Although there are a handful of characters, each chapter is from the perspective of a different person, so it was easy to keep track of everyone and how they played into the bigger picture. Hannah was probably my favorite because she felt the most down-to-earth amongst this gang of incredibly eccentric, sometimes wicked, wedding goers. There were plot twists on plot twists in this book, and I did not see any of them coming. Once a couple of the plot twists revealed themselves, I was like oh okay, looking back, I probably could have predicted that. However, there were other plot twists that made my jaw drop lol. This wasn’t necessarily a ~scary~ book as much as it was a little creepy. Don’t get me wrong, my heart was pumping a couple of times, but if you’re not usually great with thrillers, I still think you’d be fine with this one. Needless to say, this was my first Lucy Foley book, but it won’t be my last! 

Yes & I Love You by Roni Loren

YES & I LOVE YOU by Roni Loren

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Everyone knows Miz Poppy, the vibrant reviewer whose commentary brightens the New Orleans nightlife. But no one knows Hollyn, the real face behind the media star… or the fear that keeps her isolated. When her boss tells her she needs to add video to her blog or lose her job, she’s forced to rely on an unexpected source to help her face her fears. When aspiring actor Jasper Deares finds out the shy woman who orders coffee every day is actually Miz Poppy, he realizes he has a golden opportunity to get the media attention his acting career needs. All he has to do is help Hollyn come out of her shell… and through their growing connection, finally find her voice.

My Thoughts: Eek! I really enjoyed this book! Hollyn and Jasper had such bright and unique personalities that absolutely jumped off the page. The amount of vulnerability and trust they showed each other made my heart melt, and I absolutely adored them as a team. Both of them were working through some insecurities stemming from adversities they’d faced, so the character development was really satisfactory alongside the romance that was blooming. Not to mention, they gave us the wittiest of banter, the thickest of sexual tension, and so many swoon-worthy moments. There’s even a small love triangle plotline involved that really throws a wrench in things. This is definitely an open door romance, so if you’re more into the “fade to black” type of scenes, this might not be your jam. Otherwise, I highly recommend this book and cannot wait to read the next one in this series!

The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren

THE HONEY-DON’T LIST by Christina Lauren

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Carey Douglas has worked for home remodeling and design gurus Melissa and Rusty Tripp for nearly a decade. A country girl at heart, Carey started in their first store at 16, and - more than anyone would suspect - has helped them build an empire. With a new show and a book about to launch, the Tripps are on the verge of superstardom. There’s only one problem: America’s favorite couple can’t stand each other. James McCann, MIT graduate and engineering genius, was originally hired as a structural engineer, but the job isn’t all he thought it’d be. The last straw? Both he and Carey must go on a book tour with the Tripps and keep the wheels from falling off the proverbial bus. Unfortunately, neither of them is in any position to quit. Carey needs health insurance, and James has been promised the role of a lifetime if he can just keep the couple on track for a few more weeks. While road-tripping with the Tripps up the West Coast, Carey and James vow to work together to keep their bosses’ secrets hidden, and their own jobs secure. But if they stop playing along - and start playing for keeps - they may have the chance to build something beautiful together.

My Thoughts: Ummm, HGTV show meets rom-com novel? Yes please! This was such a fun audiobook and the narrators did a great job pulling you into the story with their various voices. Carey and James were great main characters for this story. They each had to put up with the Tripps to ensure they didn’t lose something important to them. And, let me tell you, the Tripps were a TRIP. You could feel the toxicity of their relationship radiating from this story, and the tension it caused in multiple scenes. That said, I feel like the book focused a little too much on the Tripps and I wish it zoomed in a little more on the relationship developing between Carey and James. I totally understand that suffering as the Tripps’ assistants was what ultimately brought them together, but by paying attention to that subplot more than their romance made it feel a little rushed. Did I love this book? No. Did I like it and enjoy it? Definitely! It’s not as spicy as other Christina Lauren books tend to be, but if that’s more your vibe anyway, then I’d say this book might be up your alley! 

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: For decades, we’ve been told that positive thinking is the key to a happy, rich life. In his wildly popular internet blog, Mark Manson doesn’t sugarcoat or equivocate. He tells it like it is - a dose of raw, refreshing, honest truth that is sorely lacking today. This book is his antidote to the coddling, let’s-all-feel-good mindset that has infected American society and spoiled a generation, rewarding them with gold medals just for showing up. There are only so many things we can give an f about, so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because true wealth is about experience. Once we embrace our fears, faults, and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start confronting painful truths, we can begin to find the courage, perseverance, honesty, responsibility, curiosity, and forgiveness we seek.

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and definitely enjoyed it, but feel like everything would have stuck with me more if I had the physical book to make notes in too. I’m just such a visual learner that it’s hard for my brain to really soak in all of the advice, listicles, tidbits, etc. that the author provides if I’m not visually reading them. So, keep that in mind if you’re a visual learner too! Overall though, Mark Manson is definitely a blunt author to say the least. I appreciated that he didn’t make this feel like a “hand holding” book as he takes us through the subtle art of not giving a fuck. My main takeaway was that we need to get out of our heads and take a different approach to how we view life and what’s in front of us. One thing that really resonated with me was the lesson about success. I think I’ve spent the last 4-5 years unlearning what it means to be successful. As an overachiever for most of my life, the fear of failure has always been that nagging entity in the back of my brain, but Manson tore apart the idea that you have to be the best at everything to be successful. And, I just really appreciated that lol. Anywho, I definitely liked this one! 

Earn Your Extra Credit by Meghan Quinn


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: “She went home with someone else that night?” Hearing the disbelief in my best friend’s mouth makes the events of my failed date sting that much more. I would like to make it known, I have a lot more swagger than what it seems. I don’t normally ask a girl out, have her fail to recognize it’s a date, and then give me a high five - as if I’m her wingman - and take off with someone else. No. Normally, I’m the one taking the girl home but with Stella, it’s been one failed attempt after another and frankly, I’m done trying. But thanks to my best friend getting married in Hawaii right before the school year starts, I’m stuck on a tropical island, watching Stella parade around in what she claims is a bathing suit. Unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it, just the tip of the iceberg. Because what I think is going to be a relaxing vacation, avoiding the one girl I can’t seem to make it work with, has turned into a spectacle of being reunited as Stella’s doting fake fiance, so she can save face with an old “friend” from high school. Now I’m navigating through purgatory while trying not to get turned on by the way she holds my hand or kisses my jaw. It’s fake, that’s what I keep telling myself, even though it feels entirely too real. 

My Thoughts: Preface - I have Kindle Unlimited for free through April. So, I was trying to get some KU books mixed into my reading line-up before I don’t have it anymore. Meghan Quinn has made her way onto my radar over the last few months and I’ve liked what I’ve read of hers thus far. So, I DJ Khaled with anotha one. This book was super cute, but it was also so much longer than it needed to be. The first 65-70% of it takes place on a Hawaiian vacation, and then the last chunk is in Chicago after they return home. So there was a mild disconnect for me because I had to quickly transition the settings after having envisioned a tropical paradise for a majority of the experience. The storyline rotated through a few different tropes: enemies-to-lovers, fake-dating, friends-to-lovers, and coworkers-to-lovers - which caused quite the whirlwind for this developing romance. Stella and Brock (Romeo) definitely had an undeniable connection, but because they each were working on themselves and were awful communicators, it took a hot minute for their desired relationship to come to fruition. Overall, I for sure liked this book and plan to read more of Meghan Quinn’s books, but I don’t think this will end up in my top favorites of hers. 

Put Me in Detention by Meghan Quinn


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: I was hanging with the girls, celebrating my divorce when I saw him, my crush, sitting in the corner at the bar all alone. Being single and looking for a wild night, I asked him if he wanted to join me. To my delight, he said yes. Drinks were consumed, fun was had and then… one drunken conversation with a cranky gondolier in Las Vegas led to an Uber lift through a drive-thru wedding chapel with the incredibly hot, British bad boy, Pike Greyson. On paper, it seemed like I hit the jackpot. And if I wasn’t fresh from a toxic marriage, I would have absolutely noticed the finer things about him. But I wanted nothing to do with being married, so when I arrived back home from my eventful weekend in Vegas, the last thing I expected to see was a doting husband already moved in. I asked for an annulment, he pulled a Ross Geller and said no. That’s right, he said NO! Instead, he asked for three months to prove we could be good together. Insanity clearly knocked him in the head and the only way I could convince him to give up on our sham of a marriage was to show him just how wrong we were for each other. Only problem with that was, he saw right through every prank, every trick, and every yearning emotion I attempted to mask. 

My Thoughts: All righty, y’all! This book is the follow up to Earn Your Extra Credit and let me tell you, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Cora and Pike were such fun characters individually, so when they were thrown together, their energy absolutely shined through the pages. Cora was spunky and scrappy in the best possible way. She was determined to show Pike that she was a less-than-desirable wifey to convince him to get their Vegas marriage annulled. So, she kicked it into high gear with pranks, unappetizing homemade meals, and telling him bizarre lies - all of which provided some LOL-worthy moments. Although he had an ulterior motive for staying married, I really loved Pike. He treated Cora so well, was protective of her, and provided a safe space that allowed her to let her guard down. It was swoon city to say the least. On a side note, this rom-com story is packed with sexual tension and steam, so reserved readers beware! Overall though, I’m glad I impulsively picked up this book. :)

We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: What does “feminism” mean today? That is the question at the heart of this book, a personal, eloquently-argued essay - adapted from her much viewed TEDx talk of the same name - by Chimanda Ngozi Adichie, the award-winning author of Americanah and Half of a Yellow Sun. With humor and levity, here Adichie offers readers a unique definition of feminism for the 21st century - one rooted in inclusion and awareness. She shines a light not only on blatant discrimination, but also the more insidious, institutional behaviors that maginalize women around the world, in order to help readers of all walks of life better understand the masked realities of sexual politics. Throughout, she draws extensively on her own experiences - in the U.S., in her native Nigeria, and abroad - offering an artfully nuanced explanation of why the gender divide is harmful for women and men alike. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and it took maybe 30 minutes, so if you’re interested in this book, the audio version is quick! It’s read by the author which makes it easier to be sucked into the anecdotes and explanations due to the inflections in her voice. As for the actual content, I liked that she took a different approach to the topic of feminism by pivoting our brains to look at things from a new angle. The other aspect I really appreciated is that she covered the topic of toxic masculinity. Instead of focusing solely on the cultural/societal expectations of a woman, she zeroes in on how these expectations need to be changed for men too. The only thing that really rubbed me the wrong way is that she definitely has a heteronormative/cisnormative approach to this essay which excludes most of the LGBTQ+ community, and I don’t agree with that. So, yeah. Do with that what you will, but overall I think this book makes some good points.

Twisted Love by Ana Huang


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Alex Volkov is a devil blessed with the face of an angel and cursed with a past he can’t escape. Driven by a tragedy that has haunted him for most of his life, his ruthless pursuits for success and vengeance leave little room for matters of the heart. But when he’s forced to look after his best friend’s sister, he starts to feel something in his chest: a crack, a melt, a fire that could end his world as he knew it. Ava Chen is a free spirit trapped by nightmares of a childhood she can’t remember. But despite her broken past, she’s never stopped seeing the beauty in the world… including the heart beneath the icy exterior of a man she shouldn’t want. Her brother’s best friend, her neighbor, her savior, and her downfall. Theirs is a love that was never supposed to happen - but when it does, it unleashes secrets that could destroy them both… and everything they hold dear.

My Thoughts: My goodness this was an experience. What we have here folks is a romance novel driven by sunshine/grumpy and forbidden love tropes - both of which are done impeccably well. I wasn’t sure about this story at first. Sometimes, with a grumpy-sunshine trope, the Negative Nance of the two can be such an asshole that when their redeeming moments/qualities finally happen, they just can’t save enough face for me to like them. Alex, however, is a broody boy with an incredibly dark past who has never experienced unconditional love. So when his icy heart started thawing and we got to see how protective, vulnerable, and intentional he was with Ava, he definitely found a place in my heart. The subplots revolving around Ava's storyline were WILD and also pretty dark. Which is such a stark contrast to the warm, open-hearted person she is. I didn’t see some of the plot twists coming, but I was thoroughly invested in this developing romance and the chemistry between them. It’s a pretty steamy book, but I melted from the cuteness just as much. There are two more books in this series that I will definitely be adding to my TBR. Please check trigger warnings before you jump in!

Uncomfortable Conversations With A Black Man by Emmanuel Acho


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: In Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man, Acho takes on all the questions, large and small, insensitive and taboo, many white Americans are afraid to ask - yet which all Americans need to know the answers to, now more than ever. With the same open-hearted generosity that has made his video series a phenomenon, Acho explains the vital core of such fraught concepts as white privilege, cultural appropriation, and “reverse racism.” In his own words, he provides a space of compassion and understanding in a discussion that can lack both. He asks only for the reader’s curiosity - but along the way, he will galvanize all of us to join the antiracist fight. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and really liked it! The author is also the narrator and, for lack of a better word, it was incredibly conversational which made it a lot easier to absorb the book’s information. I appreciated how he had the same format for each chapter and provided not only background stories based on historical events, but gave personal anecdotes as well as clear actionable items. At the end of each chapter, he also directs you to other pieces of literature or media that is directly related to the topic he just addressed, so that you can dive more deeply into it. Though not a lot of information was new to me, the delivery of this book was like talking to a friend. I think it’d be a great read for anyone (specifically white people) looking for some answers about race or those who are new to the topics he covers. If you’re a visual learner, I’d say pick up the physical or e-book, but I enjoyed the audiobook just the same. 

Birthday Girl by Penelope Douglas

BIRTHDAY GIRL by Penelope Douglas

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Jordan - He took me in when I had nowhere else to go. He doesn’t use me, hurt me, or forget about me. He listens to me, protects me, and sees me. I can feel his eyes on me over the breakfast table, and my heart pumps so hard when I hear him pull in the driveway. I have to stop this. It can’t happen. My sister once told me there are no good men, and if you find one, he’s probably unavailable. Only Pike Lawson isn’t the unavailable one. I am. Pike - I took her in, because I thought I was helping. As the days go by, though, it’s becoming anything but easy. I have to stop my mind from drifting to her and stop holding my breath every time I bump into her in the house. I can’t touch her, and I shouldn’t want to. But we’re not free to give into this. She’s 19 and I’m 38. And her boyfriend’s father. Unfortunately, they both just moved into my house. 

My Thoughts: Ugh. Okay. I really wanted to love this book, but I just liked it. I can’t decide if that’s because I read Credence by Penelope Douglas first and that set a VERY high bar, or if it’s because I just don’t like an age-gap trope all that much. It’s probably a combination of the two, but I digress. Jordan and Pike are both pretty complex characters at their core. Jordan has grown up feeling lonely in any room of people who are supposed to love her. She’s hardworking, making her own way in the world, and incredibly resilient. Pike’s life didn’t pan out the way he expected after a one-night-stand when he was 19 turned him into a father. He’s diligent in creating a life he can be proud of, selfless (humbly at that), and has been fighting an uphill battle trying to form a relationship with his son for years. I felt the mix of fear and rush these MCs had when they realized they found someone who felt like home. That said, I just wasn’t as invested in this story as I expected to be. The one thing I adored about this book though is Jordan’s character arc. I “whooped!” when she was on the upswing of her personal development which involved knowing (clap) her (clap) WORTH (clap). That’s often something missing in stories like this. A lot of people love this book, so if you’re down for an age-gap/forbidden love trope combo, this could be for you! Fair warning though, it’s definitely an open door, explicit romance, so don’t bother if that’s not your jam. 

The Deal by Elle Kennedy

THE DEAL by Elle Kennedy

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Hannah Wells has finally found someone who turns her on. But while she might be confident in every other area of her life, she’s carting around a full set of baggage when it comes to sex and seduction. If she wants to get her crush’s attention, she’ll have to step out of her comfort zone and make him take notice… even if it means tutoring the annoying, childish, cocky captain of the hockey team in exchange for a pretend date. All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation, but his plummeting GPA is threatening everything he’s worked so hard for. If helping a sarcastic brunette make another guy jealous will help him secure his position on the team, he’s all for it. But when one expected kiss leads to the wildest sex of both their lives, it doesn’t take long for Garrett to realize that pretend isn’t going to cut it. Now he just has to convince Hannah that the man she wants looks a lot like him.

My Thoughts: Okay, okay, okay. One of my BFFs slid this book onto my radar a few months ago, and by golly does it live up to its hype! Hannah and Garrett are such fun characters - I have friend crushes on both of them. This book gave me everything I could’ve hoped for: quick-witted banter, heart-wrenching moments, S-P-I-C-Y scenes, and some hot hockey players lol. Seriously though, Hannah and Garrett’s chemistry was absolutely undeniable. I loved that they organically developed a genuine friendship with each other first, because it made the trust between them feel so much more authentic later on when things get rocky. Honestly, I just loved this book, and will definitely be picking up the next one in the series! NOTE: there are some subplots involving sensitive topics including sexual assault, domestic violence, victim-blaming, etc., so PLEASE look up the trigger warnings before diving into this one.

Twisted Games by Ana Huang


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Stoic, broody, and arrogant, elite bodyguard Rhys Larsen has two rules: 1) Protect his clients at all costs, 2) Do not become emotionally involved. Ever. He has never once been tempted to break those rules… until her. Bridget von Ascheberg. A princess with a stubborn streak that matches his own and a hidden fire that reduces his rules to ash. She’s nothing he expected and everything he never knew he needed. Day by day, inch by inch, she breaks down his defenses until he’s faced with a truth he can no longer deny: he swore an oath to protect her, but all he wants is to ruin her. Take her. Because she’s his. His princess. His forbidden fruit. His every depraved fantasy. Regal, strong-willed, and bound by the chains of duty, Princess Bridget dreams of the freedom to live and love as she chooses. But when her brother abdicates, she’s suddenly faced with the prospect of a loveless, politically expedient marriage and a throne she never wanted. And as she navigates the intricacies - and treacheries - of her new role, she must also hide her desire for a man she can’t have. Her bodyguard. Her protector. Her ultimate ruin. Unexpected and forbidden, theirs is a love that could destroy a kingdom… and doom them both.

My Thoughts: This is the second book in the Twisted series and by golly we love a slow burn romance, do we not? Throw in some royalty of an imaginary country and a super hot bodyguard and I was SOLD. Starting with my new book boyfriend, Rhys. Not only is he an attractive young lad, but he’s such a hard ass with the sweetest/softest core. Like when Bridget can’t go to the music festival because it’s not safe, so he surprises her with an indoor, at-home music festival replica?? Be still my heart. Besides that, his undying dedication, unconditional love, and protectiveness for Bridget made me swoon on multiple occasions. Bridget is an absolute QUEEN (both literally and figuratively). She had such composure and  compassion which made some people underestimate her. However, that was a big mistake because she was headstrong AF and had a ruthless side when she needed to. The romance between this princess and royal bodyguard was unstoppable. They drew towards each other like magnets in every situation and their love radiated off the pages. This is a pretty steamy book as well, just so ya know. Needless to say, I’m going to continue on with the Twisted series because I am HOOKED. :) 

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

THE SILENT PATIENT by Alex Michaelides

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Alicia Bereson’s life is seemingly perfect. A famous painter married to an in-demand fashion photographer, she lives in a grand house with big windows overlooking a park in one of London’s most desirable areas. One evening her husband Gabriel returns home late from a fashion shoot, and Alicia shoots him five times in the face, and then never speaks another word. Alicia’s refusal to talk, or give any kind of explanation, turns a domestic tragedy into something far grander, a mystery that captures the public imagination and casts Alicia into notoriety. The price of her art skyrockets, and she, the silent patient, is hidden away from the tabloids and spotlight at the Grove, a secure forensic unit in North London. Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist who has waited a long time for the opportunity to work with Alicia. His determination to get her to talk and unravel the mystery of why she shot her husband takes him down a twisting path into his own motivations - a search for the truth that threatens to consume him. 

My Thoughts: WTF lol. I literally made it 88% of the way through this book and STILL didn’t know what the big reveal/”oh shit” moment was going to be. This book was sooo good! The characters were phenomenal, the writing was stunning, and there were just enough creepy moments sprinkled throughout to keep me on my toes. Once some of the bigger plot twists occurred towards the end, I literally had to read those pages twice because my brain couldn’t comprehend what just happened. They were just so unexpected lol. This book was definitely a slow burn at the start, but quickly picks up the deeper you get into it. Did it live up to its hype? At face value, I’m going to say not exactly. Am I going to be thinking about it months from now? Yeah lol. I definitely will. If you’re looking for a twisty mystery/thriller that is impossible to predict what happens, grab this book for sure!

The Fine Print by Lauren Asher

THE FINE PRINT by Lauren Asher

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Rowan - I’m in the business of creating fairy tales. Theme parks. Production companies. Five-star hotels. Everything could be all mine if I renovated Dreamland. My initial idea of hiring Zahra was good in theory, but then I kissed her. Things spiraled out of control once I texted her using an alias. By the time I realized where I went wrong, it was too late. People like me don’t get happy endings. Not when we’re destined to ruin them. Zahra - After submitting a drunk proposal criticizing Dreamland’s most expensive ride, I should have been fired. Instead, Rowan Kane offered me my dream job. The catch? I had to work for the most difficult boss I’d ever met. Rowan was rude and completely off-limits, but my heart didn’t care. At least not until I discovered his secret. It was time to teach the billionaire that money couldn’t fix everything. Especially not us. 

My Thoughts: *Taps mic* Is this thing on? Because the people in the BACK need to hear how freaking amazing this book was! I was obsessed. Up reading it late at night just to see how things panned out. You couldn’t pry my Kindle from my hands. Now, although this story takes place in a fictional Florida theme park, it does NOT give you the “Disney adult” vibes. IYKYK. Zahra has got to be one of my top 5 favorite characters in a sunshine/grump trope. She’s confident, quirky, creative, bright, and has so much depth to her. Even the side characters within her orbit added so many layers and definition to who this gem was at her core. It was incredible. Rowan was the perfect contrast to Zahra’s ray of sunshine. He had layers that needed to be peeled back and evaluated, but one thing is for certain, his true self only came out when he was around Zahra. I kind of loved that although she developed strong feels for him first, he fell HARD. Like an all-consuming love that makes you wonder how he ever existed without her. This book was the *chef’s kiss* balance of romance, smut, and a BEAUTIFUL plotline. There’s a portion towards the end that addresses ableism in our society, and I just wasn’t expecting to cry from this book, but here we are. So yeah, I can’t find a reason why you shouldn’t pick up this book lol.

The Mistake by Elle Kennedy

THE MISTAKE by Elle Kennedy

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: College junior John Logan can get any girl he wants. For this hockey star, life is a parade of parties and hook-ups, but behind his killer grins and easygoing charm, he hides growing despair about the dead-end road he’ll be forced to walk after graduation. A sexy encounter with freshman Grace Ivers is just the distraction he needs, but when a thoughtless mistake pushes her away, Logan plans to spend his final year proving to her that he’s worth a second chance. After a less than stellar freshman year, Grace is back at Briar University, older, wiser, and so over the arrogant hockey player she nearly handed her V-card to. She’s not a charity case, and she’s not the quiet butterfly she was when they first hooked up. If Logan expects her to roll over and beg like all his other puck bunnies, he can think again. He wants her back? He’ll have to work for it. This time around, she’ll be the one in the driver’s seat and she plans on driving him wild. 

My Thoughts: I know I’ve only read the first two books, but I’m calling it now: the Off-Campus series by Elle Kennedy is going to be one of my favorite romance series this year. How can I not be obsessed with it when you’re giving me a couple as cute as Logan and Grace?? I loved that although Grace’s character was meant to have a “girl next door” vibe, she didn’t feel naive or innocent. She held her own, especially during her sophomore year, and we love a down-to-earth main character who knows what she wants. After meeting Logan in The Deal, I knew he was going to get his own story and I was invested from the start. All he wants is a relationship similar to what his best buddy, Garrett has with Hannah, and that type of longing is really relatable. He makes a few mistakes with Grace, and I’m so glad she made him WERK for her forgiveness and attention. Not only is that some queen shit right there, but it also provided some hysterical moments involving a list of things he has to do to prove he’s worthy of a second chance. The subplots in this book really showed how phenomenal their connection was and emphasized the authenticity of their relationship. Needless to say, I’ve already got the third book in this series on my radar and there’s no turning back now lol.

Over the Top by Jonathan Van Ness

OVER THE TOP by Jonathan Van Ness

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Before he stole our hearts as the grooming and self-care expert on Netflix’s hit show Queer Eye, Jonathan Van Ness was growing up in a small Midwestern town that didn’t understand why he was so… over the top. From choreographed carpet figure skating routines to the unavoidable fact that he was Just. So. Gay., Jonathan was an easy target and endured years of judgment, ridicule and trauma - yet none of it crushed his uniquely effervescent spirit. Over the Top uncovers the pain and passion it took to end up becoming the model of self-love and acceptance that Jonathan is today. In this revelatory, raw, and rambunctious memoir, Jonathan shares never-before-told secrets, and reveals sides of himself that the public has never seen. JVN fans may think they know the man behind the stiletto heels, the crop tops, and the iconic saying, but there’s so much more to him than meets the Queer Eye.

My Thoughts: Okay, so to start, I’m a JVN fan - I love Queer Eye and JVN’s Getting Curious podcast. That said, listening to this on audiobook was the way to go because I’m not sure their writing would’ve made the same impact on paper. Like having JVN chattering away in my ear for this entire experience was everything because their “voice” is so unique in general that hearing them recall various stories, summing up life lessons, and all of the random banter sprinkled within made it much more enjoyable. JVN makes it as easy to laugh with them as it was to feel sympathetic towards the dark times in their life. This book won’t be for everyone. Especially if you’re not very familiar with JVN going into the memoir. So, I would recommend it more to people who already have a taste of this “non-binary fairy’s” personality AND I’d say make sure you listen to it on audiobook.

Twisted Hate by Ana Huang


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Gorgeous, cocky, and fast on his way to becoming a hotshot doctor, Josh Chen has never met a woman he couldn’t charm - except for Jules Ambrose. The beautiful redhead has been a thorn in his side since they met, but she also consumes his thoughts in a way no woman ever has. When their animosity explodes into one unforgettable night, he proposes a solution that'll get her out of his system once and for all: an enemies with benefits arrangement with simple rules. No jealousy. No strings attached. And absolutely no falling in love. Outgoing and ambitious, Jules Ambrose is a former party girl who’s focused on one thing: passing the attorney’s bar exam. The last thing she needs is to get involved with a doctor who puts the SUFFER in insufferable… no matter how good-looking he is. But the more she gets to know him, the more she realizes there’s more than meets the eye to the man she’s hated for so long. Her best friend’s brother. Her nemesis. And her only salvation. Theirs is a match made in hell, and when the demons from their past catch up with them, they’re faced with truths that could either save them or destroy everything they’ve worked for.

My Thoughts: My friends, this was much longer than I anticipated, and while I definitely ship Jules and Josh after finishing the book, I could not decide if I liked them while I was reading it. There’s a lot of anger and animosity that is experienced between the two main characters, as well as within their inner dialogue. Jules is an absolute firecracker who has been through some SHIT in her life, but doesn’t let the past define her. She’s resilient, clever, and fierce. Josh is struggling with huge trust issues as a result of some adversity he experienced just two years prior. Dealing with all of that has caused him to become an ounce of the adventurous, luminous energy he used to be. Jules and Josh have always had a rocky relationship, but the truce they call allows them to put away the claws and actually get to know each other. I definitely think this friendship and developing romance happens exactly when they both needed it most which is mainly what sold me on this unexpected coupling. The writing was great, but there were a couple of spots that felt incomplete or spotty. For example, Jules experiences an episode of paralysis towards the beginning of the book and the author doesn’t dive into it right away. So, I was waiting for the explanation behind the paralysis, but it never happened. Overall though, I’m glad I read Jules and Josh’s story, and will definitely be moving onto Twisted Lies when that comes out later this year. Please check trigger warnings for this book before you dive in tho.

Terms and Conditions by Lauren Asher


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Declan - I’m destined to become the next CEO of my family’s media empire. The only problem? My grandfather’s inheritance clause. Fulfilling his dying wish of getting married and having an heir seemed impossible until my assistant volunteers for the job. Our marriage was supposed to be the perfect solution to my biggest problem. But the more we act in love for the public, the more unsure I feel about our contract. Caring about Iris was never part of the deal. Especially not when breaking her heart is inevitable. Iris - My plan to marry Declan was simple in theory. Move in together. Throw a wedding. Have a baby. We set rules to prevent any kind of issues. Ones that were never meant to be broken, no matter how much Declan tempts me. But what happens when our fake relationship bleeds into our real one? Falling in love was never an option. At least not for me. 

My Thoughts: Let’s talk about how great Lauren Asher is at writing a grumpy sunshine trope! Iris is such a strong character. She’s driven, extremely loyal, takes no shit, and a fellow plant lady. :) Though I didn’t like Declan as much as I hoped, he was the perfect match for Iris. This story is definitely a slow burn with a series of events that force this couple to reflect on what they mean to each other, reevaluate what they want for the future, and face their biggest inner fears. It wasn’t as ~whimsical~ as The Fine Print, but it generated an emotional response from me all the same. I loved how straightforward Declan was about communicating to Iris what she meant to him once he realized where his heart was at. It was incredibly refreshing that there wasn’t some unnecessary hesitation about declaring those feelings. I do feel like the first part of this book was a little flat which is why I can’t give it a full 4 stars, but by the time it wrapped up, I was satisfied. Not to mention, I was giddy that Iris’s best friend is Cal, Declan’s little brother, which makes me even more excited for his book to come out!

The Score by Elle Kennedy

THE SCORE by Elle Kennedy

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn’t have the first clue about what she’s going to do after college. To make matters worse, she’s nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship. Wild rebound sex is deifnitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won’t include the king of one-night stands. Dean always gets what he wants. Girls, grades, girls, recognition, girls… he’s a ladies man, all right, and he’s yet to meet a woman who’s immune to his charms. Until Allie. For one night, the feisty blonde rocked his entire world - and now she wants to be friends? Nope. It’s not over until he says it’s over. Dean is in full-on pursuit, but when the life-rocking changes strike, he starts to wonder if maybe it’s time to stop focusing on scoring… and shoot for love.

My Thoughts: Dean and Allie are hands down my favorite couple of the Off-Campus series thus far! They were so much fun and such direct communicators, the entire experience was refreshing to say the least. For starters, I loved how sex positive this relationship was. As a serial relationship person, Allie battles uncertainty whether she should embrace the casual enjoyment of their initial hook-up. Dean tells her to forget what society finds taboo because they both enjoyed the consensual experience and that’s all that matters. He also has a reputation for his active sex life, but Allie doesn’t think any differently of him because of that. Dean’s character had so much more depth to him that I assumed wasn’t there based on how he was described in the other two books, so I thoroughly enjoyed peeling back those layers. Though this storyline was pretty predictable, it was no less swoon-worthy. Especially as their feelings grow stronger and they start getting ingrained in all areas of each other’s lives - I was giddy at every turn. Allie’s ex-boyfriend, Sean, can go sit on a cactus. He’s an absolute shit and says some extremely nasty things to her in a drunken rage. We do not like Sean. We do love this book though and read it in one sitting. So, I definitely recommend picking this one up after you read The Deal and The Mistake!

Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

BRUTAL PRINCE by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Callum Griffin is the heir to the Irish Mafia. He’s ruthless, arrogant, and he wants to kill me. We got off on the wrong foot when I set a (very small) fire in his house. Our families believe a marriage pact is the only thing that will prevent all-out warfare. I think I might need to murder him while he sleeps. This would all be a lot easier if Callum wasn’t so damned good-looking. But I’ve got a lockbox around my heart. Because even if I’m forced to marry him… I could never love a brutal prince. 

My Thoughts: As a BIG fan of shows like Peaky Blinders, I was obsessed with this mafia-style dark romance. Plus, with grumpy/sunshine AND fake-dating tropes, I basically inhaled this book in one sitting on a casual Wednesday evening lol. Starting with the characters, Aida is the youngest and only girl in the Gallo family. She has four older brothers which meant, while growing up, she was the smallest dog in every fight and had to learn how to hit hard, fast, and first. That was in addition to figuring out how to strategically navigate the politics of Chicago’s different gangs and people in power to benefit her family’s motives. Aida takes ZERO shit from anybody and although she’s a smaller gal, her character’s energy and personality is larger than life. Callum is the oldest of the Griffin fam and the grumpiest guy we could ask for. He’s cold, borderline unapproachable, and protective af. The only person who can wind him up enough to drop his cool politician facade is Aida - luckily, they’ve been forced into an arranged marriage to keep the peace between the Italian and Irish gangs. The plot was absolutely lovely, the spice was muy caliente, and you can BET I’m continuing onto the next book in this series ASAP. :)

Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark

STOLEN HEIR by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: They murdered my father, so I stole their daughter. She’s my captive, my little ballerina who dances only for me. Nessa is sweet and innocent. She doesn’t deserve any of this. But that’s how our world works - the wolves eat the lambs, no matter how gentle they may be. I’ll use her to get my revenge. Unless I give into my hunger first…

My Thoughts: Listen, going into this book, I didn’t have high expectations because Nessa was such a BORING character in Brutal Prince. She’s the youngest kid in the Griffin family and has always been sheltered from the Irish mafia’s business and lifestyle. Her character just felt naive and saccharine, so I wasn’t super invested in her at the start, but definitely ended up with a change of heart. Miko is the new boss of the Polish mafia after his father was killed by the Italian mafia who is allied with the Griffins. He is extremely cold, pretty ruthless, and emotionally withdrawn from the world around him. His main focus is on the mafia’s businesses and the success of The Brotherhood. Miko’s initial perspective of Nessa was similar to mine - innocent, young, naive, too emotional, etc. - which he considered a weakness. However, as they fell into each other’s orbit and connected on a deeper level, his icy heart melted and saw that Nessa is just genuinely a good-hearted person and her ability to feel so deeply is anything but a shortcoming. The surrounding plotline perfectly accents their growing relationship and though there’s still some spicy scenes in this book, they’re lined with a touch of sweetness. Overall, I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did and will definitely be continuing on with this Brutal Birthright series. 

Savage Lover by Sophie Lark

SAVAGE LOVER by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: There’s a reason I never go to parties. I saw him in a cloud of smoke, like sin made flesh. Even bruised and battered, I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. Unless I hate myself, I should stay far away from Nero. He’s a heartbreaker. A mess-maker. A walking disaster. Here’s the problem: I’m in deep trouble with a dirty cop. The only person who can save me is Nero. We’re not friends. If he saw me drowning, he’d throw me an anchor. But he’s the only chance I’ve got. He’s no hero, he’s a savage lover. 

My Thoughts: This book was probably the calmest in the Brutal Birthright series so far despite the bank heist/car chases. I think I enjoyed the slower burn and smooth pace of it though because it made experiencing the relationship between Camille and Nero feel much more organic and realistic. I loved that both of these characters had an underdog air to them. Although people had an infatuation with Nero for his chaotic/unstable reputation, they underestimated how intelligent and strategic he actually is. Camille was an absolute BOSS, but was overlooked because she spent more time keeping her family’s auto shop running than she did anything else people her age were doing. However, a deep appreciation and love for cars is what these two MCs bonded over initially, and got them on the road to being vulnerable with one another. If you already started the series then I definitely recommend continuing to this third installment because I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Nero and Camille.

Would Like to Meet by Rachel Winters

WOULD LIKE TO MEET by Rachel Winters

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: After seven years as an assistant, 29-year-old Evie Summers is ready to finally get the promotion she deserves. But now the TV and film agency she’s been running behind the scenes is in trouble, and Evie will lose her job unless she can convince the agency’s biggest and most arrogant client, Ezra Chester, to finish writing the script for a Hollywood romantic comedy. The catch? Ezra is suffering from writer’s block - and he’ll only put pen to paper if singleton Evie can prove to him that you can fall in love like they do in the movies. With the future of the agency in jeopardy, Evie embarks on a mission to meet a man the way Sally met Harry or Hugh Grant met Julia Roberts. But in the course of testing out the meet-cute scenes from classic romantic comedies IRL, not only will Evie encounter one humiliating situation after another, but she’ll have to confront the romantic past that soured her on love.

My Thoughts: AH! Okay this was the cutest premise I’ve seen for a rom-com in a while. We’ve all seen the swoon-worthy meet cutes in our favorite movies over the years and Evie has to convince Ezra that those fictional kismet moments really can find you love in real life. Evie having to force a reenactment of these meet-cutes provides unending comedic moments throughout the entire book. She gets into some absolutely absurd situations that had me laughing out loud because it’s so relatable to the concept of trying to meet someone “out in the wild” (aka randomly in public) nowadays. Aside from that, I appreciated Evie’s willingness to push outside of her comfort zone in the meet-cute situations, and loved that it helped her find enjoyment in screenwriting again. That said, there’s a love triangle of sorts in this book that drove me up a wall. All of the signs were in front of Evie that a different character was interested in her and she was completely oblivious to it all which made a part towards the end of the book a little anticlimactic. It was like she suddenly was catching up to what we’ve known the ENTIRE book, so it didn’t feel as impactful as I would’ve hoped. That said, the other character also annoyed me by not saying anything until the very end, so it’s not all on her. Overall though, I genuinely enjoyed this light-hearted romantic comedy and think it’s worth picking up!

Bloody Heart by Sophie Lark

BLOODY HEART by Sophie Lark

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: I only meant to steal a car. I didn’t know I was stealing a girl too. Until the most gorgeous face I'd ever seen popped up in the rear-view mirror. I fell hard, fast, and forever… but she tore out my heart - left me alone and bleeding. How can I forget her when I have to see that damned perfect face on billboards and magazines? It’s torture. 9 long years. I thought I moved on. Then I saw her in the flesh and my heart started bleeding all over again. 

My Thoughts: Okay although this wasn’t my favorite book of the Brutal Birthright series, I’m glad we finally got Dante’s story! He’s the oldest of the Gallo kids and the manpower for many mafia jobs that need a little extra muscle behind it. We’ve gotten glimpses of him in other books and it’s clear he’s a no nonsense type of guy, but in this book we finally get to know why. I felt the uncontrollable, unstoppable love he and Simone had for each other when they were younger. It was unexpected and torn away very abruptly, so it was understandable how heartbroken they both were even 9 years later. That said, I never fully vibed with Simone’s character. It just seemed like any time there was even a WHIFF of a disagreement in the air, she would dip out. She took “avoiding conflict like the plague” to a whole new level which just got really frustrating. Dante also didn’t blow me away necessarily, but I think since I’ve gotten to know him through other books, I had a soft spot for him going into this story. All of that aside, the last portion of the book was WILD. Like I did NOT expect all of that craziness to happen. So anyway, don’t skip this book, but it wasn’t my favorite of the series.

Broken Vow by Sophie Lark

BROKEN VOW by Sophie Lark

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Riona Griffin is gorgeous, intelligent, and iron-willed. My perfect woman, except she hates my guts. She thinks she doesn’t need anybody. But she needs me. She’s being hunted by an assassin who never misses his mark. I’m going to stay by her side, day and night, keeping her safe. Riona thinks that’s a fate worse than death but I know she’ll learn to love me. If this hitman wants to kill her, he’ll have to go through me first. 

My Thoughts: YEE FREAKING HAW! Not only are we continuing on the mafia romance train in the Brutal Birthright series, but Sophie Lark said, “Hold my beer.” Then gave us everything we could have asked for in a “Save a horse ride a cowboy” themed mashup. This book follows Riona who we’ve come to know as the most fiery daughter in the Irish mafia as well as a badass lawyer, no-shit-taker, and an extremely driven lass. As the lawyer for the family’s business, she always felt she had to prove herself and worth, so she developed a need to control everything around her and never let anyone in. So I loved getting to know Riona on a deeper level past the icy exterior she presents to everyone. Raylan is a newer character to the series and an absolute GEM. I loved how rough around the edges he was with some country boy roots that mixed with a well-traveled spirit after doing post-military contract missions for the government. Riona and Raylan could not be more opposite at face value, but once this inevitable connection starts coming to a head, it’s clear they’re more similar in all the ways that count. I absolutely loved their story and appreciated that part of it takes place outside of Chicago. Plus, there is a plot twist that I did NOT see coming until it was almost revealed. Needless to say I definitely recommend reading this one! :)

If you made it this far (a.k.a. The end), THANK YOU!

I know this was a longer monthly wrap-up than usual, but I won’t always dive into a weird seasonal depression with the only desired escape being books, so do not fret lol. 

Hopefully you got something out of it tho. :’)

2022 Book Count: 61

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YOUR TURN! What was the last book you rated five stars?