December 2022 Reads

I cannot believe we are done with 2022 already.

It was actually a great year for me. I moved into a new apartment, which has been a game changer for my quality of life. It’s not just having a friend that lives below me that’s been great, but it has felt like pressing “reset” on things by being in a brand new space. I also got a new job and am extremely grateful for the opportunity. It’s only been four months, but I do not regret the decision to take the next step in my career at all. Which is all you can really ask for in your professional life, right?

On the reading front, well, if you’ve been following along month after month, you know I didn’t do too shabby in this category. I ended up surpassing my original 2022 reading goal of 100 books. Actually, I more than doubled it lol. 

I read 206 books this year. I know that sounds insane, but when reading is my favorite form of escape and way to relax, I do it a lot. I intentionally make time for it. It’s as ingrained in my routine at this point as brushing my teeth twice a day is.

That’s my best piece of advice if you want to read more in 2023. Just intentionally make time for it. It makes a huge difference. 

Anywho, let me step down from my soapbox and get into everything I read in December!

*All summaries are taken or paraphrased from Goodreads.

My hand is holding a Kindle that has the cover of Faking Under the Mistletoe by Ashley Sheperd on the screen. The cover is an illustration of a couple kissing at an ice rink in the winter time.

Faking Under the Mistletoe by Ashley Sheperd


Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: Olivia Langley is the human embodiment of Christmas cheer, and she has absolutely no problem spreading it around for all to hear. Christmas sweaters? She has twenty. Christmas cookies? She’ll take three dozen. Christmas movies? Yeah, she’s seen them all. So it’s no surprise when she’s put in charge of Loveridge & McGowan’s holiday festivities. Secret Santas? Yep. Ice skating? Of course. Holiday trivia? Duh. Christmas-themed bar crawl? That’s one big jingle bell hell yes. Kissing her boss at a Christmas tree lighting in front of his ex-girlfriend? Well… it is the season of giving. And Olivia does not come with a gift receipt. No exchanges. No refunds. No returns. All sales are final. In an effort to un-grinch the grinchiest man she’s ever met, Olivia enlists herself, Santa’s Executive Helper, to scheme up a plan that includes sleigh rides, snow days, and one too many mistletoe kisses, which certainly gets Ashe’s tinsel in a tangle. She’s pretty sure that she sleighed this whole fake dating thing. Well…until she realizes there’s nothing fake about her feelings for Asher. But tangled tinsel, unsolicited Christmas trees, and pajama parties are suddenly the least of her worries. When a celebrity client’s predatory behavior goes public, Olivia quickly learns that presents wrapped up in the prettiest bows can still be hiding coal.

My Thoughts: This book was cute. It’s a little obnoxious lol, but I enjoyed my time with it overall. The one thing I will start off by saying is that the author wastes NO time diving into the fake-dating trope. I think within the first like 10-15 pages, the two main characters are already in a fake-dating agreement in an attempt to make Asher’s ex-girlfriend jealous. It was so quick, I almost had to do a double take to make sure I didn’t miss any pages lol. We’re also dealing with a grumpy-sunshine trope, and the emphasis on which of the MCs were assigned those two roles was crystal clear. As the summary of this book says, Olivia is the human embodiment of Christmas cheer. She THRIVES on holiday spirit. Whereas Asher is one of those guys you wonder if he’s constipated or something because he’s always so grumpy. I really liked how their relationship developed and the obviousness of the feelings being felt. As a content warning, this book also touches on sexual harassment within the workplace, but I felt for a Christmassy rom-com, the topic was handled with extreme care and respect. It was actually pretty surprising to me how much depth that plot line added to the overall story because I definitely wasn’t expecting it. If you’re looking for a fun holiday read that has a serious note to it as well, this is a good book for that.

The book cover of Tis the Season for Revenge by Morgan Elizabeth is pink with illustrated red and green Christmas lights going across it. There's a illustrated photo in the bottom corner of a young man and woman. Someone has drawn on the man w/ a pen

Tis the Season for Revenge by Morgan Elizabeth


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Abbie Keller thought that Richard Bartholomew Benson the Third would be her forever. In their four years of dating, she never doubted that she wouldn’t end up with his grandmother’s engagement ring on her finger. Sure, she had to change a few things about herself to fit that mold, like dying her hair, dressing more conservatively, and finding golf enjoyable (honestly the most difficult of the changes), but she was sure that at the end of it all, it would be worth it. That is, until he leaves her crying outside her apartment wearing a Halloween costume, having broken it off with her because she’s just not serious enough. She was just fun, he tells her - and now that Richard has becoming a partner at his law firm in his sights, he needs to focus on work. So she does what every girl does when she’s broken up with: she calls her friends, gets drunk, dyes her hair, and formulates her plan for revenge. It just so happens that the universe supports her efforts and gives her the perfect match to prove to her ex that he made a huge mistake: his boss. Abbie starts dating the founding partner of Richard’s law firm, Damien Martinez, with one thing in mind: convincing him to invite her to the huge annual Christmas party as his date. But when the relationship starts to become something more than casual dating and Abbie sees that the tough New York lawyer has a soft side, will she be able to follow through with her plan of deceit? 

My Thoughts: This book was so silly and stupid and I really enjoyed my time with it lol. It’s a nod to Legally Blonde, so you have to take that in stride with the main character, Abbie. She means well and was treated like trash by an f-boy named Richard aka Dick. I loved that what started as a revenge plan by dating Damien, Richard’s boss, actually turned into something real. He treated her like a freaking princess and soothed the insecurities Dick had deeply rooted in her through verbal and emotional abuses. It was heartwarming to watch them fall all a little more for each other with literally every conversation they had - especially with scenes that touched on more sensitive subjects such as domestic abuse. Even with Abbie being a character I wouldn’t expect to vibe with, I couldn’t help but root for her as she regained confidence in her self image, ambitions, and overall life. Honestly? I wasn’t expecting much out of this book, but it pleasantly surprised me. There’s even a mild age-trope involved that I really didn’t mind - and I usually do not like age tropes lol. Overall, if you’re looking for a fun, a little mindless holiday rom-com, this would be a good one to pick up! Please check trigger warnings before heading in though.

My hand is holding a Kindle with the cover of Resting Scrooge Face by Meghan Quinn on the screen. The cover is illustrated with a Christmas postcard at the top that says Resting Scrooge Face with an xmas tree stamp in the top right corner.

Resting Scrooge Face by Meghan Quinn


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: After a bad breakup, Nola wants nothing to do with Christmas, especially in her quaint hometown of Bright Harbor, Maine. Infuriatingly charming and cheery, Nola’s surroundings only worsen her sour mood. To make matters worse, Caleb, the boy who broke her heart years ago, is all grown up and still living in town. While doing her best to avoid him, Nola bumps into the local mailman, who gives her a mysterious letter. And when she finds that the writer is a fellow Scrooge, she can’t help but feel her spirit lifting. Nola writes back to her new pen pal - who, unbeknownst to Nola, is none other than Caleb. When Caleb gets a response hand delivered by the mailman, he’s intrigued by the mystery sender. A friendly correspondence develops - and quickly turns flirtatious. Although Nola and Caleb claim they can’t stand each other, they can’t deny the simmering attraction that brought them together in the first place. Can these nameless pen pals write their own love story - or will they be too caught up with the ghosts of their Christmases past to find a future together?

My Thoughts: Meghan Quinn does it again with this fun holiday novella! I think this book is literally less than 100 pages which is the perfect amount for its story. Nola and Caleb have a history. They were dating seriously years ago, but when Nola wanted to leave for the big city, Caleb didn’t want to go with her because he was scared. Per usual with men, that was poorly communicated on his part, and instead he broke her heart. Now that she’s back in Bright Harbor, she’s been avoiding Caleb like the plague lol. However, thanks to her grandma and the town’s old mailman’s meddling, they become pen pals - unbeknownst to them. The banter within their letters was phenomenal and the connection they shared was undeniable even when they didn’t know who they were corresponding with. I was obsessed with the scene where they truly reconnected in-person and fell into the groove they had so many years ago. You could feel their joy radiating off the pages. It was electric. Overall, if you’re looking for a quick read that involves Christmas feels and lighthearted, I definitely recommend giving this novella a try. 

My hand is holding a Kindle with the cover of Us by Sarina Bowen on the screen. The cover is an illustration of a young man leaning his back against a wall with one leg bent back. He's holding a hockey stick in his left hand.

Us by Sarina Bowen

US by Sarina Bowen

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Five months in, NHL forward Ryan Wesley is having a record-breaking rookie season. He’s living his dream of playing pro hockey and coming home every night to the man he loves - Jamie Canning, his longtime best friend turned boyfriend. There’s just one problem: the most important relationship of his life is one he needs to keep hidden, or else face a media storm that will eclipse his success on the ice. Jamie loves Wes. He really, truly does. But hiding sucks. It’s not the life Jamie envisioned for himself, and the strain of keeping their secret is taking its toll. It doesn’t help that his new job isn’t going as smoothly as he’d hoped, but he knows he can power through it as long as he has Wes. At least apartment 10B is their retreat, where they can always be themselves. Or can they? When Wes’s nosiest teammate moves in upstairs, the threads of their carefully woven lie begin to unravel. With the outside world determined to take its best shot at them, can Wes and Jamie develop major-league relationship skills on the fly?

My Thoughts: Okay okay okay. I read Him back in June and absolutely fell in love with Jamie and Wes’s story, but wanted to pace myself with the series. So it wasn’t until this month that I allowed myself to read the follow-up book, Us. UGH THE AMOUNT OF SWOON, I TELL YOU. These guys have the sweetest relationship and you can feel the tension it's causing that they have to keep it a secret for a little while longer until Wes’s rookie season is over. It definitely put me on edge when a new neighbor (and one of Wes’s teammates) kept dropping in unannounced to their apartment and required them to act like they’re just roommates. When something happens to Jamie that puts him in the hospital, all reservations are tossed out the window. Although now that Wes is out to the world, their relationship still goes through some challenges as Jamie physically and mentally recovers and they both navigate this new experience of having their love life put on blast. I just loved every bit of this book and it truly sucked me into every emotion the characters were feeling. If you read and enjoyed Him, I definitely stand by continuing onto Us

My hand holds a kindle with the black and white screen showing Epic by Sarina Bowen cover on it. It is an illustration of a hockey player facing away  with his arms raised in the air triumphantly. He has a hockey stick in his right hand.

Epic by Sarina Bowen

EPIC by Sarina Bowen

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: They’re back! Epic is a novella about your favorite hockey duo! Jamie and Wes are having a blast living and working in Toronto. Until a scout for another team swoops in to make one of them an offer that might complicate the life they’ve built together. 

My Thoughts: I loved this novella! This book is almost like an extended epilogue that takes place a little while after the ending of Us. Per usual, Jamie and Wes are the cutest couple ever and are willing to make sacrifices for the other’s happiness. I loved the way the story panned out as Jamie figured out what direction he wanted his career to go after receiving news he didn’t receive the promotion he was expecting. Honestly? If you’ve read Him and Us, you might as well pick up Epic because if you’re like me, you’ll have a Jamie and Wes hangover lol. So this short novella pacifies the want for more of their story.

Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn

BLOODMARKED by Tracy Deonn

Rating: 4.75/5 stars

Summary: The shadows have risen, and the line is law. All Bree wanted was to uncover the truth behind her mother’s death. So she infiltrated the Legendborn Order, a secret society descended from King Aurthur’s knights - only to discover her own ancestral power. Now Bree has become someone new: A Medium. A Bloodcrafter. A Scion. But the ancient war between demons and the Order is rising to a deadly peak. And Nick, the Legendborn boy Bree fell in love with, has been kidnapped. Bree wants to fight, but the Regents who rule the Order won’t let her. To them, she is an unknown girl with unheard-of power, and as the living anchor for the spell that preserves the Legendborn cycle, she must be protected. When the Regents reveal they will do whatever it takes to hide the war, Bree and her friends must go on the run to rescue Nick themselves. But enemies are everywhere, Bree’s powers are unpredictable and dangerous, and she can’t escape her growing attraction to Selwyn, the mage sworn to protect Nick until death. If Bree has any hope of saving herself and the people she loves, she must learn to control her powers from the ancestors who wielded them first - without losing herself in the process. 

My Thoughts: Y’ALLLLLLLLL. When I read Legendborn earlier this year, it IMMEDIATELY jumped to the number one spot on my list of favorite urban fantasies. So, I was ECSTATIC for the sequel to come out in November. This book was incredible. Tracy Deonn really gets into the magical constructs of the different aether-using communities, our girl Bree goes through the RINGER with some character development, and the number of action-packed events that occur in this book are endless. That being said, I REALLY wish I would have reread Legendborn before diving into Bloodmarked because when I say you’re going to be getting into the nitty gritty of bloodlines, magical constructs, the history of Root-users, etc. I am not exaggerating. Like there were a few sections in this book that I had to go back and reread because it kind of felt like solving a math equation. Not that any of that took away from the phenomenal experience of this world at all, but bless my brain’s heart, she was trying her best to flip from her creative side to the logical/mathematical side without skipping a beat. All of that aside, Bree is still the most stubborn character I’ve ever come across and also one of the strongest. I love her character arc and this wild journey she’s on. Also, SELWYN? Aka BAE. He hath stolen me heart and needs to be protected at ALL TIMES. I swear to you, Nick who? Anyway, Tracy Deonn does it again and has produced a stunning sequel to an already remarkable series. I cannot wait for the third book, but will definitely need to reread the first two before diving in.

A screenshot of the audiobook cover of Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng in the Libby app.

Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down. In Shaker Heights, a placid, progressive suburb of Cleveland, everything is meticulously planned - from the layout of the winding roads, to the colors of the houses, to the successful lives its residents will go on to lead. And no one embodies this spirit more than Elena Richardson, whose guiding principle is playing by the rules. Enter Mia Warren - an enigmatic artist and single mother - who arrives in this idyllic bubble with her teenage daughter Pearl, and rents a house from the Richardsons. Soon Mia and Pearl become more than just tenants: all four Richardson children are drawn to the mother-daughter pair. But Mia carries with her a mysterious past, and a disregard for the rules that threatens to upend this carefully ordered community. When old family friends attempt to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a custody battle erupts that dramatically divides the town - and puts Mia and Elena on opposing sides. Suspicious of Mia and her motives, Elena is determined to uncover the secrets in Mia’s past. But her obsession will come at an unexpected and devastating cost…?

My Thoughts: All right, y’all. I’m a little late to this party but completely understand why this book blew up a few years ago and was adapted into a television series. There are so many layers to this small town of Shaker and it intertwines so many people’s stories that it’s inevitable they’d get tangled up in something messy. Mia has been on the run with her daughter Pearl for years. She really keeps to herself except when she’s trying to do the right thing for people who don’t deserve the treatment they’re experiencing. Elena is your typical Stepford Wife type of character. Like, if there was a “Nosey Neighbors of Shaker” Facebook group, she’d be its admin. Ya dig? She tries to put on a facade for the world when really, her life is anything but perfect. This book takes so many turns and goes down some unexpected, dark paths. I was INVESTED to say the least. If you haven’t read this book yet, I definitely recommend picking it up or giving the audiobook a try. It’s addicting. 

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrik Backman in the Libby app.

The Deal of a Lifetime by Fredrik Backman

THE DEAL OF A LIFETIME by Fredrik Backman

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: A father and a son are seeing each other for the first time in years. The father has a story to share before it’s too late. He tells his son about a courageous little girl lying in a hospital bed a few miles away. She’s a smart kid - smart enough to know that she won’t beat cancer by drawing with crayons all day, but it seems to make the adults happy, so she keeps doing it. As he talks about this plucky little girl, the father also reveals more about himself: his triumphs in business, his failures as a parent, his past regrets, his hopes for the future. Now, on a cold winter’s night, the father has been given an unexpected chance to do something remarkable that could change the destiny of a little girl he hardly knows. But before he can make the deal of a lifetime, he must find out what his own life has actually been worth, and only his son can reveal that answer.

My Thoughts: Fredrik Backman does it again with an incredibly melancholy short story that hits you right in the feels. This was a super quick audiobook about a guy who is dying in a hospital and he’s given the chance to save someone’s life who he doesn’t believe is meant to go yet. It almost gives Ghost of Christmas Past vibes because there’s a lady dressed in gray with a clipboard who shows up when it’s someone’s time to die. After he begs her not to take the life of this other person, she makes the guy understand she will need to take a different life in order to save the other. He then takes time to reflect on his life and whether he’s willing to be erased. Fredrick Backman does a phenomenal job at getting at the vulnerable core of who we are as people and this short story is no exception. 

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center in the Libby app.

Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center

THINGS YOU SAVE IN A FIRE by Katherine Center

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Cassie Hanwell was born for emergencies. As one of the only female firefighters in her Texas firehouse, she’s seen her fair share of them, and she’s excellent at dealing with other people’s tragedies. But when her estranged and ailing mother asks her to uproot her life and move to Boston, it’s an emergency of a kind Cassie never anticipated. The tough, old-school Boston firehouse is as different from Cassie’s old job as it could possibly be. Hazing, a lack of funding, and poor facilities means that the firemen aren’t exactly thrilled to have a “lady” on the crew, even one as competent and smart as Cassie. Except for the handsome rookie, who doesn’t seem to mind having Cassie around. But she can’t think about that. Because she doesn’t fall in love. And because of the advice her old captain gave her: don’t date firefighters. Cassie can feel her resolve slipping… but will she jeopardize her place in a career where she’s worked so hard to be taken seriously?

My Thoughts: This book has been on my radar for a few months now, but because I visually read so much romance, I don’t tend to lean that direction when it comes to audiobooks. I’m here to say though, I’m glad I finally listened to this! Per usual, I went into it not knowing what it’s about and was pleasantly surprised with the direction. Cassie is an incredibly relatable character in the sense that she is incredibly guarded when it comes to her heart based on a terrible experience from her past. She’s solely focused on the career she loves as a firefighter and her drive to help people is what fuels her. Until an unfortunate situation forces her to leave her beloved station in Texas and move in with her sick mother in Boston. Her new firehouse is not used to having women on their team and, therefore, they’re not super welcoming. There’s even someone who ends up terrorizing Cassie in an attempt to get her to quit. I loved all of the different personalities of the supporting characters because it made Cassie’s new life so much more fun - as much as she tries to resist enjoying it. Owen aka Rookie is bae. I don’t know what else to say other than I was SWOONING as Cassie’s relationship with him grew. This was my first Katherine Center book, but it definitely won’t be my last!

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells in the Libby app.

Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells

ROGUE PROTOCOL by Martha Wells

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: SciFi’s favorite antisocial A.I. is again on a mission. The case against the too-big-to-fail GrayCris Corporation is floundering, and more importantly, authorities are beginning to ask more questions about where Dr. Mensah’s SecUnit is. And Murderbot would rather those questions went away for good.

My Thoughts: LISTEN. I freaking love Murderbot and how sassy they’ve gotten in this series. They’re still on the run after Dr. Mensah tried taking them back to her planet where SecUnits aren’t owned by anyone. They’re also still trying to figure out what’s going on with murder attempts on various research teams. In this book, Murderbot befriends a “pet robot” named Mickey who they assume isn’t very smart because of the life she’s had so far. There are some assassins involved along the way and Mickey ends up REALLY surprising Murderbot. I just love this rogue SecUnit so much and cannot wait to start the next book in this series. 

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar

This is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: Among the ashes of a dying world, an agent of the Commandant finds a letter. It reads: Burn before reading. Thus begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents hellbent on securing the best possible future for their warring factions. Now, what began as a taunt, a battlefield boast, grows into something more. Something epic. Something romantic. Something that could change the past and future. Except the discovery of their bond would mean earth for each of them. There’s still a war going on, after all. And someone has to win that war. 

My Thoughts: Okay I tried reading the physical book earlier this year and it just wasn’t sticking for me, so I returned it to the library. However, I’ve heard good things and since I was trying to make it to my 2022 reading goal via shorter books this month, I decided to give it another try as an audiobook. Luckily, it was much easier to follow with someone else reading it to me lol. This book is pretty different from anything else I’ve read and is the epitome of “enemies to lovers.” Two time-traveling/dimension-crossing agents are on opposite sides of the Time War. The encrypted letters they leave each other at the various disaster zones start as competitive banter, but slowly transition to love letters over the years. Obviously their love is forbidden, and either agent could be killed by her own faction if they found out she was in love with the enemy. What I admired most in this book is the lyrical quality to the writing. It’s almost like small poetry nestled into the dialogue and descriptions. I don’t think this storyline will be interesting to everyone, but it’s a great option if you’re looking for a quick read with a flowy writing style.

My hand is holding a Kindle with the cover of Tangled in Tinsel by Trilina Pucci on the screen. The cover shows an assortment of Christmas decorations.

Tangled in Tinsel by Trilina Pucci

TANGLED IN TINSEL by Trilina Pucci

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Imagine being snowed in with four successful men. P.S. they’ve all played the hero in too many of your naughtiest dreams. Problem is, you work for them, and that makes them off-limits. Except now they’re looking at you like you’re Santa’s cookies. And they definitely want to take a bite. Talk about making you reconsider your life choices. These four are aiming for Santa’s naughty list, and I’m pretty sure I’m getting: Jace, Reed, Alec, and Cole for Christmas. It might’ve started as a decorating job, but it ended up tangled in tinsel. 

My Thoughts: Y’all. This book was NAUGHTY. I was looking for some quick holiday romance novellas to read and this one came up in my search. Obvi I was expecting it to have some spicy elements to it, but this book was just one steamy scene after another. And, to the author’s credit, I genuinely enjoyed all of the characters. Like this wasn’t just a raunchy romance without any storyline depth to it. There was definitely a small plot with overarching character development lol. However, if you’re not into open door romances and/or tend to be more on the “pearl clutching” side of the smut consuming spectrum, then I’d say it’s not for you. Anyone else who enjoys some quality smut would probably find this lil Christmassy tale enjoyable lol. And that’s all I have to say about that.

An iPhone 12 lies face up on a decoratively painted armchair. The screen shows a screenshot of the audiobook cover for Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire. There are two AirPods sitting next to the phone.

Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. No Solicitations. No Visitors. No Quests. Children have always disappeared under the right conditions; slipping through the shadows under a bed or at the back of a wardrobe, tumbling down rabbit holes and into old wells, and emerging somewhere… else. But magical lands have little need for used-up miracle children. Nancy tumbled once, but now she’s back. The things she’s experienced… they change a person. The children under Miss West’s care understand all too well. And each of them is seeking a way back into their own fantasy world. 

My Thoughts: This audiobook was such a whimsical, transportive experience. It was as creepy as it was comforting and I found absolute peace with the oddest of this misfit gang of characters. I loved that although you’re being introduced to a completely new structure of worlds between the nonsensical and logical, it makes total sense through the eyes of these quirky characters. The mystery element added an addictive quality to this peculiar story and although it becomes clear who the killer is at a very specific part, it didn’t take away from waiting for the realization to hit everyone else. Seanan McGuire really has a way of tossing you into these bizarre worlds while making the experience an absolute delight. I will definitely be continuing on with the Wayward Children series. 

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire in the Libby app.

Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Twin sisters Jack and Jill were seventeen when they found their way home and were packed off to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children. This is the story of what happened first… Jacqueline was her mother’s perfect daughter - polite and quiet, always dressed as a princess. If her mother was sometimes a little strict, it’s because crafting the perfect daughter takes discipline. Jillian was her father’s perfect daughter - adventurous, thrill-seeking, and a bit of a tom-boy. He really would have preferred a son, but you work with what you’ve got. They were five when they learned that grown-ups can’t be trusted. They were twelve when they walked down the impossible staircase and discovered that the pretense of love can never be enough to prepare you for a life filled with magic in a land filled with mad scientists and death and choices.

My Thoughts: EEEEK! I am loving this quirky little series with creepy children and their magical doors! We met Jack and Jill in Every Heart a Doorway and were introduced to snippets of their background story, but I’m so glad they got their own book. Basically, their parents wanted to have kids for strictly aesthetic reasons. Not that they actually wanted kids to be parents. Yanno? The last thing they expected was twins and, as another kick to the nuts, they had two girls. Once Jack and Jill were born, their parents immediately deemed one their sweet princess (Jack) and the other their tomboy (Jill). Growing up with parents who tried to fit them into molds only messed up the girls even more and they never truly developed a sisterly relationship because they were always pitted against each other. When they finally find the door to the Moors, they’re offered to either stay with the Master, who also happens to be a vampire, or they can work for an oddball scientist down the hill as an apprentice. Staying with the master meant they’d be treated with luxuries in exchange for being the Master’s source of feeding. Being the scientist’s apprentice meant getting their hands extremely dirty while learning a plethora of information about the world as they worked on projects with him. The sisters essentially trade roles they’ve had so far in life and Jack becomes the tomboy scientist while Jill becomes the prim, proper princess. I loved this story so much - specifically Jack’s character. This book was just as fun as the last and I’m going to continue with this series. The only reason I couldn’t give this book five stars is because, and no shade to her, the author narrates this one. Whereas she was not the narrator for the last one? So, I’m not sure if she just really wanted to tell Jack and Jill’s story or if there were budget cuts when the audiobook went to production lol, but I preferred the narrator of the last book. She doesn’t do a terrible job by any means, but the other narrator sucked me into the story more. 

My hand holds a hard cover copy of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabriielle Zevin over an orange chair. The cover shows a video game-like quality.

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: On a bitter-cold day, in the December of his junior year at Harvard, Sam Masur exits a subway car and sees, amid the hordes of people waiting on the platform, Sadie Green. He calls her name. For a moment, she pretends she hasn’t heard him, but then, she turns, and a game begins: a legendary collaboration that will launch them into stardom. These friends, intimates since childhood, borrow money, beg favors, and before even graduating college, they have created their first blockbuster, Ichigo. Overnight, the world is theirs. Not even twenty-five years old, Sam and Sadie are brilliant, successful, and rich, but these qualities won’t protect them from their own creative ambitions or the betrayals of their hearts. Spanning thirty years, from Cambridge, Massachusetts, to Venice Beach, California, and lands in between and far beyond, Gabrielle Zevin’s Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is a dazzling and intricately imagined novel that examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love. Yes, it is a love story, but it is not one you have read before. 

My Thoughts: Where to start with this book? Going into it, I was nervous it was going to be a victim of its own hype as it was voted Goodreads 2022 Book of the Year as well as BOTY for the Book of the Month subscription box. Now that I’m finished with it, I can see clear as day why so many people fell in love with it. The writing is absolutely stunning and this author has one of the deepest vocabularies I think I’ve ever come across. I had to keep looking up the definitions of words because there were so many I had never encountered before. I actually kept a running list in my notes app and ended up with 21 words. As for the main characters, I honestly didn’t love Sadie and Sam. They were so incredibly flawed and terrible at communicating, and yet I could not stop rooting for them - both individually and as friends, business partners, etc. Especially when you throw Marx into the mix, the threesome had the oddest relationship, but it also made complete sense. The number of emotions this storyline puts you through as the years go on are unreal. I don’t want to say it was exhausting to read but I definitely needed to take recovery time from some of the grief-saturated pages. The overall theme of this book is about how all people at their core need to connect to others and I loved that video games were the vessel for that here. Do I think it’s the greatest book I’ve read all year? No. Do I think it’s worth picking up? Absolutely.

My hand holds a paper back copy of Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman.

Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman

FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK by Elissa Sussman

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Then. Twentysomething writer Chani Horowitz is stuck. While her former MFA classmates are nabbing book deals, she’s in the trenches writing puff pieces. Then she’s hired to write a profile of movie star Gabe Parker. The Gabe Parker - her forever celebrity crush, the object of her fantasies, the background photo on her phone - who’s also just been cast as the new James Bond. It’s terrifying and thrilling all at once… yet if she can keep her cool and nail the piece, it could be a huge win. Gabe will get good press, and her career will skyrocket. But what comes next proves to be life-changing in ways Chani never saw coming, as the interview turns into a whirlwind weekend that has tabloids buzzing. Now. Ten years later, after a brutal divorce and a heavy dose of therapy, Chani is back in Los Angeles, laser-focused on one thing: her work. But she’s still spent the better part of the last decade getting asked about her deeply personal Gabe Parker profile at every turn. No matter what new essay collection or viral editorial she’s promoting, it always comes back to Gabe. So when his PR team requests that they reunite for a second interview, she wants to say no. She wants to pretend that she’s forgotten about the time they spent together, years ago. But the truth is that those seventy-two hours are still crystal clear, etched in her memory. And so… she says yes. Chani knows that facing Gabe again also means facing feelings she’s tried so hard to push away. Alternating between their first meeting and their reunion a decade later, this deliciously irresistible novel will have you hanging on until the last word. 

My Thoughts: Ooo this book was so charming! I loved how the format was a mix between blog posts, magazine and news articles, and character dialogue. The timeline jumps between the past - what happened ten years ago during the initial interview - and the present where Chani is interviewing Gabe for the second time. I was obsessed with the banter and sexual tension that naturally occurred between these two characters. What starts as a formal interview quickly transitions them into a gray area where Chani isn’t sure if everything Gabe is sharing with her is still interview eligible or if he genuinely wants to get to know her. Whereas Gabe keeps forgetting the reason Chani entered his life that weekend is because she’s doing an interview and instinctively slides a “media mask” on anytime she tries to get clarification. This story was a wild ride and although there’s a lot of unprocessed emotions between the two of them, I was on the edge of my seat hoping the book would end the way I wanted. This was a super cute rom-com with a really unique format, so if you’re looking for something a little different, I’d recommend giving this a try!

My hand holds a Kindle with the cover of After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid on the screen.

After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid

AFTER I DO by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: When Lauren and Ryan’s marriage reaches the breaking point, they come up with an unconventional plan. They decide to take a year off in the hopes of finding a way to fall in love again. One year apart, and only one rule: they cannot contact each other. Aside from that, anything goes. Lauren embarks on a journey of self-discovery, quickly finding that her friends and family have their own ideas about the meaning of marriage. These influences, as well as her own healing process and the challenges of living apart from Ryan, begin to change Lauren’s ideas about monogamy and marriage. She starts to question: When you can have romance without loyalty and commitment without marriage, when love and lust are no longer tied together, what do you value? What are you willing to fight for?

My Thoughts: This book was a tough read because the heartbreak of Lauren and Ryan was palpable as they separated for a year to figure out what they wanted from their marriage. I think everyone has felt the irritable animosity towards a partner at one point in life, and the way this book sucked you into the trials this marriage was facing felt almost nostalgic. Although the pain they experienced during the separation felt similar to grief and mourning, I absolutely LOVED that Lauren was figuring out who she is without Ryan. They started dating when she was 19 and married young, so she never truly had the time to figure out who she is as a standalone person without Ryan somehow intertwined with that identity. It’s clear throughout the entirety of this book that the love they share is something not everyone experiences. Even during the rough spots when they’re seeing other people, Lauren is still entirely unsure as to how she feels about her marriage. I’m not sure it’d be possible to not speak to someone for an entire year that you literally have not spent more than a few days apart during your marriage, but I commended the strength they showed in staying true to their one rule of this separation. The most refreshing part of this book is Lauren does something morally questionable and I thought that was going to cause a big blow up later on, but it actually did the opposite. This story is a little different from the historical fiction novels I’ve read by TJR, but I enjoyed it all the same!

Evidence of the Affair by Taylor Jenkins Reid

EVIDENCE OF THE AFFAIR by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Rating: 4/5stars

Summary: A desperate woman in Southern California sits down to write a letter to a man she’s never met - a choice that will forever change both their lives. The correspondence between Carrie Allsop and David Mayer reveals, piece by piece, the painful details of a devastating affair between their spouses. With each commiserating scratch of the pen, they confess their fears and bare their souls. They share the bewilderment over how things went so wrong and come to wonder where to go from here. 

My Thoughts: This is my first TJR novella and I absolutely loved the creativity of how the story unfolded using the unique format of letter correspondence. It’s a collection of letters between Carrie and David - who realized their spouses are cheating on them - and between Janet and Ken - their spouses and the lovers. At first, the letters exchanged between Carrie and David are solely to feel not alone in this betraying situation. They find solace in knowing the other is going through the same feelings and thoughts as they navigate their spouses’ indiscretion. As the letters go on, the sentiments transition into something more of a friendship and become more frequent with time. Although I wanted to predict the ending, there was a small unexpected plot twist towards the end that I appreciated. Honestly, if you’re looking for something quick and unique, this book was a pleasant surprise!

My hand holds a Kindle with the cover of There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark on the screen. The cover shows one white snake and one black snake intertwined with each other.

There Are No Saints by Sophie Lark


Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: I loathe Alastor Shaw. The city of San Francisco thinks we’re rival artists. In truth, we’re predators battling for hunting ground. We never chased the same prey. Until the night we both laid eyes on Mara Eldritch. Shaw wants to use her as a pawn in his twisted game. I’m fixated on her for a different reason… She makes me feel things I never thought I could feel. Want things I never wanted. Only she can make me lose control. I don’t know if I should protect her at all costs… or destroy her before she ruins me.

My Thoughts: Sophie Lark QUICKLY became one of my new favorite authors this year after I read the Brutal Birthright series. She has a way of sucking you into her writing that feels like you can’t put the book down or else you’ll miss something. This book is no exception. I wasn’t expecting the premise but it kind of gives a You (aka a book but also a Netflix show) vibe. Cole is an extremely wealthy, talented artist who is also a serial killer from time to time. He becomes obsessed with Mara, an artist who is trying to make a name for herself, after she escapes an attempted murder by his rival. The story then progresses into your expected trope of Cole being whole heartedly CONSUMED by Mara and the things she makes him feel. I didn’t love Cole nor Mara, but I think it’s because I wasn’t sure if I could get behind this dynamic since he IS a serial killer lol. However, the story still had my nose glued to the pages as I devoured it. I appreciated that the ending leaves us on a cliffhanger because now I obviously am going to continue onto the second book in this duology.

My hand holds a Kindle with the cover of There is No Devil by Sophie Lark on the screen. The cover is black with an illustrated black and white snack intertwining.

There Is No Devil by Sophie Lark

THERE IS NO DEVIL by Sophie Lark

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: I couldn’t kill Mara… but that doesn’t mean Shaw won’t. She’s living in my house, always with me, always under my control. The more I push her, the more she pushes back. She’s peeling away my secrets, one by one. And I’m tempting her to do things she never thought she’d do… Shaw won’t stop hunting her. When the time comes to act, will Mara be ready?

My Thoughts: Okay, okay, okay the second book came in hot and I loved where the story went here based on the first book. Mara’s character really finds her stride not only as an artist, but also as a woman recovering from previous trauma. Cole, our sweet little psychopath, is the more patient, validating boyfriend to Mara and truly supports her in all aspects of life. I also loved that Mara opened up sides to Cole he didn’t realize he had. He’s been so closed off and cold his whole life that finding joy with another person and truly loving them is an arsenal of new emotions for him. They’re still on high alert about the other serial killer/artist, Shaw, who has set his sights on Mara as a way to assert his dominance over Cole. My adrenaline was PUMPING during some of these creepier scenes - especially what happens at the end lol. I had to put the book down and really prepare myself for the gruesome event that was foreshadowed literally the entire time. We still got the steamy scenes we wanted out of this, but I think the plot was built so well that I was more itching to see what happened than I was focused on the spice. As I’ve mentioned, Sophie Lark has become one of my favorite dark romance authors and she really got vulnerable in this book. There’s an author’s note at the beginning of the story that explains how she decided to use her real life experiences/traumas in Mara’s narrative specifically. I just really love her writing and cannot say enough good things!

My hand is holding a paperback copy of Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. The cover is grayish blue with a giant blue eye in the center. The eye lashes look like dead trees.

Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

SHATTER ME by Tahereh Mafi

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Juliette hasn’t touched anyone in exactly 264 days. The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette’s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn’t hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don’t fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color. The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war - and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she’s exactly what they need right now. Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior.

My Thoughts: OH MY GOD Y’ALL. I DO NOT KNOW WHY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO READ THIS BOOK. It is so freaking good, I cannot. So we’ve got Juliette, who you cannot have skin-to-skin contact with because her touch is lethal and will kill you. She’s been locked up in an asylum for a majority of a year when The Reestablishment decides they want to use her as a weapon. She’s such a complex character with so many layers of emotions and the trauma she’s experienced throughout her life due to her “gift” is unreal. I loved her as a main character and could not get enough of her story. There’s also Adam, a boy next door type who, it turns out, Juliette knew from school back in the day and ends up being assigned to guard her. The other star player in this book is Warren - a 19-year-old BOSS of Sector 45 and the reason Juliette is leaving the asylum. There is a romantic storyline woven throughout this book, however, I didn’t feel like it was the main focus and it definitely helped move the plot forward. There is no shortage of action scenes and carnage to this story, and my heart was beating FAST. The writing style is freaking phenomenal. It’s just unlike anything else I’ve ever read. It’s written from Juliette's point of view, but also her stream of consciousness. So it has you searching for answers and normality along with Juliette. Just the way her mind works, how she describes things, and more was just *chef’s kiss.* I saw some reviews that said they felt like some characters are melodramatic which, I can understand to an extent, but I was just so sucked into this story that all of the emotions and reactions felt incredibly justified. I am absolutely UNAPOLOGETICALLY diving into this series and you cannot stop me now.

My hand is holding up a paperback book. On the page is the cover of Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi. It's black and white with a giant closed eye in the center.

Destroy Me by Tahereh Mafi

DESTROY ME by Tahereh Mafi

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Back at the base and recovering from his near-fatal wound, Warner must do everything in his power to keep his soldiers in check and suppress any mention of a rebellion in the sector. Still as obsessed with Juliette as ever, his first priority is to find her, bring her back, and dispose of Adam and Kenji, the other two traitors who helped her escape. But when Warner’s father, The Supreme Commander of The Reestablishment, arrives to correct his son’s mistakes, it’s clear that he has much different plans for Juliette. Plans Warner simply cannot allow.

My Thoughts: UGH. This novella is EXACTLY what I needed after that first book. An entire book from Warren’s perspective???? Ma’am. Yes. Gimme. This boy. Good LORT. I was on the fence in the first book as to whether I wanted to dislike him. He’s definitely giving off unforgivable antagonist vibes, but I also felt like he might just be lonely. Sure enough, we get to know Warren’s mind so much better in this lil treasure. He is head over heels for our girl Juliette and feels like he’s never met someone who he can relate to on such a deep level. He was dealt a shit hand in the father department and hasn’t really had the smoothest ride. At one point in this book, he finds the journal Juliette kept while she was in the asylum and the emotions he feels while reading her entries sucker punched me right in the heart. Like I instantly had that stomach drop, throbbing chest feeling as he reacted to some of the beautifully sad thoughts she confessed via pen. Honestly? By the end of this book, I am officially rooting for Warren. Whatever direction that takes him. I want good things for him because he has no one else to protect him. You must must must read this novella after finishing Shatter Me. I promise, you won’t regret it. 

A screenshot of the audiobook cover for Exit Strategy by Martha Wells in the Libby app.

Exit Strategy by Martha Wells

EXIT STRATEGY by Martha Wells

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Murderbot wasn’t programmed to care. So, its decision to help the only human who ever showed it respect must be a system glitch, right? Having traveled the width of the galaxy to unearth details of its own murderous transgressions, as well as those of the GrayCris Corporation, Murderbot is heading home to help Dr. Mensah - its former owner (protector? friend?) - submit evidence that could prevent GrayCris from destroying more colonists in its never-ending quest for profit. But who’s going to believe a SecUnit gone rogue? And, what will become of it when it’s caught?

My Thoughts: YUS. Murderbot is finally reunited with Dr. Mensah and the OG research team it was assigned to protect. I absolutely love how much more humanized Murderbot has become over the last three books. It makes no sense because it’s a SecUnit that shouldn’t know how to empathize and yet, when someone threatens to kill Dr. Mensah and her team again, Murderbot is there to throw down. It is simultaneously trying to save Dr. Mensah while also exposing GrayCris for its crooked operations and how deep those schemes go. Per usual, I was hooked from the start with this audiobook and cannot wait to continue on my Murderbot journey lol.

My hand holds a Kindle with the cover of Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi on the screen. It's a black and white cover with a giant eye in the center. The eyelashes look like they're frozen.

Unravel by Tahereh Mafi

UNRAVEL ME by Tahereh Mafi

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: It should have taken Juliette a single touch to kill Warner. But his mysterious immunity to her deadly power has left her shaken, wondering why her ultimate defense mechanism failed against the person she most needs protection from. She and Adam were able to escape Warner’s clutches and join up with a group of rebels, many of whom have powers of their own. Juliette will finally be able to actively fight against The Reestablishment and try to fix her broken world. And perhaps these new allies can help her shed light on the secret behind Adam’s - and Warner’s - immunity to her killer skin. 

My Thoughts: Okay okay okay, so this book mostly takes place with the rebel group fifty feet underground in their top secret compound. We meet a few other people who also have special abilities like Juliette’s and start to learn where these people came from and more information about how The Reestablishment is running civilization. I liked that the writing makes you just as skeptical as Juliette about whether you can trust this rebel group. Their leader, Castle, is pretty intense and the way he carries himself made me feel like she needed to be on high alert with him. What transpired between Juliette and Adam was absolutely heartbreaking. Not that I was super invested in their developing romance only because it felt like they were clinging onto each other for the first form of comfort they’ve experienced basically ever. That said, the grief that ripped through Juliette was palpable and I definitely shed a few tears lol. For 17 years she’s never been able to have skin-to-skin contact with anyone. She didn’t think it was possible. Then Adam comes along and all of a sudden having hope doesn’t seem out of reach for her. However, once they started testing Adam’s abilities to understand why he can touch Juliette, the rug gets pulled out from underneath her and she’s back to an isolated loneliness that I can’t even fathom. Warner is my boy in this series and we got to see so much more vulnerability from him in this book. Especially after learning who his father is (and how his father is connected to Adam!!!) and what he tries to do to Juliette, not once, but TWICE. I’m rooting for Warner babe, not only in this love triangle, but also as the person who can help take down his father. Y’all already know I’m addicted to this series and cannot wait to start the novella in between this book and the third. 

Well that’s that on that. Thanks for following along if you’ve made it this far lol. 

I hope everyone has an awesome start to 2023 and cannot wait to jump into a fresh year of books!

2022 Book Count: 206

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February 2022 Reads

Happy Pisces szn! :D

We - and by “we,” I mean me, but you can as well - are calling February, “The month of fake dating and audiobooks” because that was the theme. 

Though the fake dating trope isn’t anything new to my list of favorites, audiobooks sure are. I started using the Libby app this month and by golly what a game changer! They have SOOO many popular books available on audiobook and I went hard in the paint on listening to all sorts of books while cleaning, doing a puzzle, taking a walk, etc. 

So needless to say, I flew through way more books than I expected to this month for the sheer fact that I can now bop between multiple books at the same time via different formats. :))

Also, all you need to utilize Libby is a library card at your local library. I highly recommend giving it a try if you haven’t yet!

All righty. Let’s get into what I read during the shortest month of the year, shall we?

*All summaries are taken or paraphrased from Goodreads. 

Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Luc O’Donnell is tangentially - and reluctantly - famous. His rock star parents split when he was young, and the father he’s never met spent the next 20 years cruising in and out of rehab. Now that his dad’s making a comeback, Luc’s back in the public eye, and one compromising photo is enough to ruin everything. To clean up his image, Luc has to find a nice, normal relationship… and Oliver Blackwood is as nice and normal as they come. He’s a barrister, an ethical vegetarian, and he’s never inspired a moment of scandal in his life. In other words: perfect boyfriend material. Unfortunately, apart from being gay, single, and really, really in need of a date for a big event, Luc and Oliver have nothing in common. So they strike a deal to be publicity-friendly (fake) boyfriends until the dust has settled. Then they can go their separate ways and pretend it never happened. But the thing about fake-dating is that it can feel a lot like real-dating. And that’s when you get used to someone. Start falling for them. Don’t ever want to let them go. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this audiobook via Spotify and could not get enough of it. The narrator does a phenomenal job giving distinctly different voices to all of the characters which made the whole experience so much more immersive. Luc was an imperfectly perfect main character for this book. He definitely had his flaws and made me want to smack him over the head multiple times, but between his endless comedic internal rhetoric and his overall development throughout the story, I adored him. Oliver, by contrast, was the golden boy who I loved but also wanted to shake so that he’d let loose a little bit. The banter between these guys was unconventionally witty, their chemistry was unexpectedly sweet, and I just loved how much they went to bat for each other. Would I have liked this book as much had I read it in physical form? I’m not sure I would’ve. But, I 100% recommend giving the audiobook a listen because I was cheesin’ like a big doofus throughout the entire thing. :)

The Off Limits Rule by Sarah Adams


Rating: 2.5/5 stars

Summary: I have found rock bottom. It’s here, moving in with my older brother because I’m too broke to afford to live on my own. But that’s okay because we’ve always been close and I think I’m going to have fun living with him again. That is until I meet Cooper… Turns out, my brother has very strong opinions on the idea of me dating his best friend and is dead set against it. According to him, Cooper is everything I should stay away from: flirtatious, adventurous, non-committal, and freaking hot. My brother is right though. I should stay away from Cooper James and his pretty blue eyes. He’s the opposite of what I need right now. Nah - Who am I kidding? I’m going for him.

My Thoughts: This was another Spotify audiobook and it had such potential. Before I start mildly shitting on this book lol, I want to preface that it wasn’t awful. It was just really ok. However, even if I had read this in a physical book form, I know it wouldn’t have made a difference. The book flips between Lucy and Cooper’s perspectives which means the audiobook had two narrators, and though I could handle the woman’s voice, the man’s voice was all wrong. Like I couldn’t tell if the guy was in his 50’s or if they were trying to make him sound like a big burly dude or what. It just did NOT match Cooper’s physical description at all. The storyline was kind of all over the place. They basically wanted Lucy’s brother’s permission before pursuing anything (even though they’re adults…?), but end up breaking their own rules anyway. Lucy acted really immature for a 29-year-old and her character development never improved all that much. Cooper was a decent character, but nothing to write home about. The main trope of this book was instant love which isn’t my cup of tea. As I said before, this book had potential, but it just missed the mark.

Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert


Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Chloe Brown is a chronically ill computer geek with a goal, a plan, and a list. After almost - but not quite - dying, she’s come up with seven directives to help her “Get a Life”, and she’s already completed the first: finally moving out of her glamorous family’s mansion. But it’s not easy to complete her list, even when you’ve written step-by-step guidelines on how to do it correctly. What Chloe needs is a teacher, and she knows just the man for the job. Redford ‘Red’ Morgan is a handyman with tattoos, a motorcycle, and more sex appeal than ten thousand Hollywood heartthrobs. He’s also an artist who paints at night and hides his work in the light of day, which Chloe knows because she spies on him occasionally. Just the teensiest, tiniest bit. But when she enlists Red in her mission to rebel, she learns things about him that no spy session could teach her. Like why he clearly resents Chloe’s wealthy background. And why he never shows his art to anyone. And what really lies beneath his rough exterior. 

My Thoughts: I’m not sure why it took me so long to read this book, but I’m so glad I finally did! It checked all of the boxes that I love in a romance novel: witty banter, tear-jerking moments, entertaining side characters, built-up sexual tension, and more. Chloe’s character was hard not to like. Sure, she’s a little grumpy at times, but I admired her resilience and strength while dealing with a chronic illness that causes her endless pain. (It was a reminder that not every disability is visible.) Besides, she’s truly just a teddy bear under that tough exterior. Red was the sweetest guy with a “bad boy” appearance and I could not get over how attentive he was to Chloe’s pain as they got to know each other. The author also did a wonderful job handling the sub plot line about Red previously being in an abusive relationship and how it affected him almost 2 years later. It felt really real and authentic to how someone would truly react/respond to certain situations. Overall, I just really loved Chloe and Red’s story, and already requested the next book in this series from the library lol.

Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray

BEASTS OF PREY by Ayana Gray

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Magic doesn’t exist in the broken city of Lkossa anymore, especially for girls like 16-year-old Koffi. Indentured to the notorious Night Zoo, she cares for its fearsome and magical creatures to pay off her family’s debts and secure their eventual freedom. But the night her loved ones’ own safety is threatened by the Zoo’s cruel master, Koffi unleashes a power she doesn’t fully understand - and the consequences are dire. As the second son of a decorated hero, Ekon is all but destined to become a Son of the Six - an elite warrior - and uphold a family legacy. But on the night of his final rite of passage, a fire upends his plans. In its midst, Ekon not only encounters the Shetani - a vicious monster that has plagued the city and his nightmares for nearly a century - but a curious girl who seems to have the power to ward off the beast. Koffi’s power ultimately saves Ekon’s life, but his choice to let her flee dooms his hopes of becoming a warrior. Desperate to redeem himself, Ekon vows to hunt the Shetani down and end its reign of terror, but he can’t do it alone. Meanwhile, Koffi believes finding the Shetani and selling it for a profit could be the key to solving her own problems. Koffi and Ekon - each keeping their true motives secret from the other - form a tentative alliance and enter into the unknowns of the Greater Jungle, a world steeped in wild magic and untold dangers. The hunt begins. But it quickly becomes unclear whether they are the hunters or the hunted. 

My Thoughts: Let me tell you, I had seen a LOT of hype around this book recently because its sequel comes out later this year. So, I went into it with some higher expectations, and my friends, Beasts of Prey did not disappoint! For starters, the world building was phenomenal. All of the visuals and descriptions of the characters’ surroundings were so vivid, I didn’t even have to look at the map in the front of the book. Though the storyline bounces between the past and present, it’s easy to know right away which character you’re following. Plus, that also allowed me to draw conclusions about some things we find out later in the book. The main characters, Koffi and Ekon, were from different walks of life, but worked so well together as a team. I will say, Ekon annoyed me on more than one occasion because he just had the wrong energy in certain situations. This was just one of the more unique YA fantasy books I’ve read in a while and I did NOT see some of the plot twists coming towards the end. It was also cool that most of the story elements are based on African Folklore which the author explains in her Author’s Note at the end of the book. Overall, if you haven’t read this yet and want a good YA fantasy, I urge you to go pick this one up!

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi


Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Ibram X. Kendi’s concept of antiracism re-energizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America – but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it. In this book, Kendi weaves together an electrifying combination of ethics, history, law, and science, bringing it all together with an engaging personal narrative of his own awakening to antiracism. How to Be an Antiracist is an essential work for anyone who wants to go beyond an awareness of racism to the next step: contributing to the formation of a truly just and equitable society. 

My Thoughts: I listened to this audiobook via Libby and though I enjoyed it, I am a visual learner. So, if you are too, I would recommend buying the physical book to make notes or highlight things as you listen to the audiobook because it’s a LOT of information to absorb.  Every chapter is packed full of historical, cultural, and systematic examples, personal anecdotes, various studies, and more to reframe your thinking towards being an antiracist. The book’s format helped make everything mentally digestible though because each chapter is dedicated to a specific topic, so you only have to focus on one concept at a time. I liked that Ibram X. Kendi is the narrator for the audiobook because you can hear the inflections of emotions when he’s sharing personal stories from his life which made the experience feel more like he was talking right in front of me. This book definitely makes you reflect and engage with your own way of thinking, and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for a new way to address their ideology surrounding race. 

A Not So Meet Cute by Meghan Quinn

A NOT SO MEET CUTE by Meghan Quinn

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: How did you two meet? The quintessential question asked to every couple. And the answer is usually some bubbly, lovey dovey tale of being struck in the bum by Cupid’s arrow. My meet cute (well not so meet cute) is slightly different. I was strolling in a wealthy neighborhood in Beverly Hills, searching for someone to take me as their bride, you know to make my arch nemesis jealous who consequently just fired me. He was stomping around the block like some sort of gorgeous ogre, mumbling about a business deal gone wrong and attempting to finagle his way out of it. That’s when we bumped into each other. There were no sparks. Not even a hint of blossoming love. But next thing I knew, I was scarfing down free chips and guac, listening to this man lay out all of his problems which led to his big ask… he wanted me to be his Vivan Ward from Pretty Woman - minus the frisky behavior. We’re talking about living in a mansion, intimate double dates, and pretending we’re head over heels in love… and engaged. Can you imagine? The absolute audacity. But people do crazy things when they’re desperate. And I reeked of desperation. So, I struck up a deal. My one big mistake though…? I accidentally fell for the incomparable Huxley Cane. 

My Thoughts: Oh my gosh. Lottie and Huxley were two strong characters that were equally stubborn, driven, and loyal which made watching them butt heads while fulfilling their deal absolutely addicting. Besides, not only am I an absolute SUCKER for a good fake-dating trope, but there was really only ONE big miscommunication situation in this story and that is incredibly rare, my friends. Usually, fake-dating tropes have a whole “will they, won’t they” thing going and the biggest obstacle is the two main characters not confessing their feelings to each other when that’s literally ALL they need to do. Lottie and Huxley were both transparent about their feelings once they recognized them and that was truly a breath of fresh air. So, the author scored big points for me there. The non-stop bickering was entertaining, you could cut the sexual tension with a freaking knife, and seeing their walls come down for each other made my heart melt. Definitely add this romance novel to your list if you’re looking for a quick, steamy read with a fake-dating trope done right. 

Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert

TAKE A HINT, DANI BROWN by Talia Hibbert

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Danika Brown knows what she wants: professional success, academic renown, and an occasional roll in the hay to relieve all that career-driven tension. But romance? Been there, done that, burned the T-shirt. Romantic partners, whatever their gender, are a distraction at best and a drain at worst. So Dani asks the universe for the perfect friend-with-benefits someone who knows the score and knows their way around the bedroom. When brooding security guard Zafir Ansari rescues Dani from a workplace fire drill gone wrong, it’s an obvious sign: PhD student and ex-rugby player Zaf are destined to sleep together. But before she can explain that fact, a video of the heroic rescue goes viral. Now half the internet is shipping #DrRugbae - and Zaf is begging Dani to play along. Turns out, his sports charity for kids could really use the publicity. Lying to help children? Who on earth would refuse? Dani’s plan is simple: fake a relationship in public, seduce Zaf behind the scenes. The trouble is, grumpy Zaf’s secretly a hopeless romantic - and he’s determined to corrupt Dani’s stone-cold realism. Before long, he’s tackling her fears into the dirt. But the former sports star has issues of his own, and the walls around his heart are thick. Suddenly, the easy lay Dani dreamed of is more complex than her thesis. Has her wish backfired? Is her focus being tested? Or is the universe just waiting for her to take a hint?

My Thoughts: Lowkey obsessed with The Brown Sisters series, and this second book was no exception! We caught a glimpse of Dani in Get a Life, Chloe Brown, but I am so glad she got her own book. Her personality is truly one-of-a-kind and following her as a main character was such an enjoyable experience. Zaf is also such a loveable main character because he’s such a big grumpy teddy bear. He’s faced some adversity in his life which still affects his present, but it was fulfilling to watch him work through things with Dani by his side. Especially when he’s trying to find peace between his past and present, and looking at it from a new angle to reframe the story behind his non-profit. The level of thoughtfulness and genuine adoration they had for each other made me swoon every step of the way. There’s some spice sprinkled throughout this book as well that make the sexual tension and build up between Dani and Zaf even steamier. Overall, I loved Dani’s story and cannot wait to start the next book in this series that follows the youngest sister Eve. 

Fix Her Up by Tessa Bailey

FIX HER UP by Tessa Bailey

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Georgette Castle’s family runs the best home renovation business in town, but she picked balloons instead of blueprints and they haven’t taken her seriously since. Frankly, she’s over it. Georgie loves planning children’s birthday parties and making people laugh, just not at her own expense. She’s determined to fix herself up into a Woman of the World… whatever that means. Phase one: new framework for her business. Phase two: a gut-reno on her wardrobe. Phase three: updates to her exterior. Phase four: put herself on the market (and stop crushing on Travis Ford!) Living her best life means facing the truth: Georgie hasn’t been on a date since well, ever. Nobody’s asking the town clown out for a night of hot sex, that’s for sure. Maybe if people think she’s having a steamy love affair, they’ll acknowledge she’s not just the “little sister” who paints faces for a living. And who better to help demolish that image than the resident sports star and tabloid favorite? Travis Ford was major league baseball’s hottest rookie when an injury ended his career. Now he’s flipping houses to keep busy and trying to forget his glory days. But he can’t even cross the street without someone recapping his greatest hits. And then there’s Georgie, his best friend’s sister, who is not a kid anymore. When she proposes a wild scheme - that they pretend to date, to shock her family and help him land a new job - he agrees. What’s the harm? It’s not like it’s real. But the girl Travis used to tease is now a funny, full-of-life woman and there’s nothing fake about how much he wants her.

My Thoughts: This was such a solid Tessa Bailey book! I was kind of lowkey obsessed that part of Georgie’s storyline was wanting to expand her business as a birthday party clown to a full-blown entertainment company. Truly not a typical occupation for rom-com books like this lol. She was such a fun main character and made you want to be her friend because of how light-hearted, yet sassy she was. Travis wasn’t my favorite main character, but he was the best love interest for this book for sure. He was kind of a dick lol, but once you learn about his childhood and everything else he’s gone through, I found a soft spot in my heart for him. Plus, the way he treated Georgie gave him some bonus points! There are a few side characters that make this story even more fun to read because their uniquely outrageous personalities bring so much more depth to the experience. Per usual of a Tessa Bailey book, there are a handful of extremely steamy scenes that are definitely open door lol. So if that’s not your cup of tea then you may want to pass on this. Otherwise, it was a really fun “read in one sitting” rom-com!

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn

LEGENDBORN by Tracy Deonn

Rating: 10/5 stars

Summary: After her mother dies in an accident, 16-year-old Bree Matthews wants nothing to do with her family memories or childhood home. A residential program for bright high schoolers at UNC-Chapel Hill seems like the perfect escape - until Bree witnesses a magical attack her very first night on campus. A flying demon feeding on human energies. A secret society of so called “Legendborn” students that hunt the creatures down. And a mysterious teenage mage who calls himself a “Merlin” and who attempts - and fails - to wipe Bree’s memory of everything she saw. The mage’s failure unlocks Bree’s own unique magic and a buried memory with a hidden connection: the night her mother died, another Merlin was at the hospital. Now that Bree knows there’s more to her mother’s death than what’s on the police report, she’ll do whatever it takes to find out the truth, even if that means infiltrating the Legendborn as one of their initiates. She recruits Nick, a self-exiled Legendborn with his own grudge against the group, and their reluctant partnership pulls them deeper into the society’s secrets - and closer to each other. But when the Legendborn reveal themselves as the descendents of King Aurthur’s knights and explain that a magical war is coming, Bree has to decide how far she’ll go for the truth and whether she should use her magic to take the society down - or join the fight. 

My Thoughts: Not to be dramatic, but this is definitely one of the best fantasy books I’ve ever read. And, I might be on a Legendborn-high because I’m writing this review literally right after I finished the book, but I have receipts that I texted a friend when I had just started the book and said: “Let me tell you. I am only 20% into Legendborn and I am already predicting it will be a new top five YA Fantasy favorite for me. You heard it here first.” And, that prediction held, my friends. The world building of this urban fantasy was phenomenal, the structure of magic had several layers, but wasn’t hard to follow, and the characters? *Chef’s kiss* I could not ask for a better main character than Bree for this story. She was a badass heroine who grabbed me by the hand and said let’s fuckin do this. I loved how curious, resilient, stubborn, and driven she was trying to uncover the mystery surrounding her mother’s death. Nick was such a golden boy sweetheart and I genuinely liked him just because of how much he went to bat for Bree. Even SELWYN - the broody Merlin boy - found a soft spot in my heart along the way. There are hella plot twists that will definitely keep you on your toes, heart-pumping action-packed scenes, and plenty of emotional scenes to round out the kick to your feels. Additionally, it was incredibly impactful how the author unapologetically addresses the topics of deeply-rooted racism, systematic oppression, and more that have gone on for centuries and still affect the current generations of those families today. Honestly? I loved it. I don’t know what else to say other than I’m ITCHING to get my hands on the next book that comes out in November this year. :’).

A Lady’s Formula for Love by Elizabeth Everett

A LADY’S FORMULA FOR LOVE by Elizabeth Everett

Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Lady Violet Hughes is keeping secrets. First, she founded a clandestine sanctuary for England’s most brilliant female scientists. Second, she is using her genius on a confidential mission for the Crown. But the biggest secret of all? Her feelings for protection officer Arthur Kneland. Solitary and reserved, Arthur learned the hard way to put duty first. But the more time he spends in the company of Violet and the eccentric club members, the more his best intentions go up in flames. Literally. When a shadowy threat infiltrates Violet’s laboratories, endangering her life and her work, scientist and bodyguard will find all their theories put to the test - and learn that the most important discoveries are those of the heart.

My Thoughts: Hello quirky historical fiction mixed with steam and women in STEM! I listened to this audiobook on Libby and became quickly invested in Violet and Arthur’s story. Violet is a brilliant chemist who is trying to find a formula for the government which puts her life at stake as rebel groups try to stop her from doing so. Cue Arthur - a trained anti-assassin a.k.a. highly trained body guard of sorts who is hired to protect her. I’m not sure how to describe Violet other than quirky and whimsical, but in a scientific way lol? She’s just a badass - especially in the era this story takes place - and although her confidence has taken some hits from a previous marriage, she’s such a strong leader and main character. Arthur has some emotional baggage to work through, but the only thing nobody needs to question is how much he adores Violet even before he has the words to describe how he feels for her. There are plenty of laugh out loud moments, some action-packed scenes, and so much more to enjoy in this book. So if you’re looking for something a little different from your regular romance book, I definitely recommend giving this one a try!

Credence by Penelope Douglas

CREDENCE by Penelope Douglas

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

Summary: Tiernan de Haas doesn’t care about anything anymore. The only child of a film producer and his starlet wife, she’s grown up with wealth and privilege but not love or guidance. Shipped off to boarding schools from an early age, it was still impossible to escape the loneliness and carve out a life of her own. The shadow of her parents’ fame followed her everywhere. And when they suddenly pass away, she knows she should be devastated. But has anything really changed? She’s always been alone, hasn’t she? Jake Van der Berg, her father’s stepbrother and her only living relative, assumes guardianship of Tiernan who is still two months shy of 18. Sent to live with him and his two sons, Noah and Kaleb, in the mountains of Colorado, Tiernan soon learns that these men now have a say in what she chooses to care and not care about anymore. As three of them take her under their wing, teach her to work and survive in the remote woods far away from the rest of the world, she slowly finds her place among them. And as part of them. She also realizes that lines blur and rules become easy to break when no one else is watching.

My Thoughts:…I don’t know where to begin here lol. I saw a Goodreads review that was literally just the gif of the Kombucha girl (IYKYK) and I can honestly say that’s 1000000% accurate lmfao. Okay so like this is SMUT CITY, but with such a great storyline to carry it. Not to mention, I am not a crier and there were some VERY emotional scenes in this book that generated heavy tears from my eyes. Basically, this book will make you need both a cold shower AND a box of tissues for your feels. My heart ached for Tiernan due to everything she experienced growing up. She has developed some strong defense mechanisms that you can’t even fault her for because she’s never had a true family. So even though I had mixed feelings about Jake at first, I did appreciate that he wanted to tear those walls down to show her she’s not alone in the world. Noah was the biggest sweetheart while Kaleb was complicated af, but you learn about his trauma later which made me more understanding. This book is NOT going to be for everyone - especially if you’re not down for some reverse harem open-door steam. However, if you’re looking for something smutty that will also provoke emotions, I say go into this book with an open mind lol. Please check content and trigger warnings before diving into it though. 

Don’t Hate the Player by Alexis Nedd


Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary: By day, Emilia is a field hockey star with a popular boyfriend and a mother obsessed with her academic future. But by night, she’s kicking virtual ass as the only female member of a highly competitive eSports team. Emilia has mastered the art of keeping her two worlds thriving, which hinges on them staying completely separate. When a major eSports tournament comes to her city, Emilia is determined to prove herself to the male-dominated gaming community. But her perfectly balanced life is thrown for a loop when a member of a rival team - Jake - recognizes her…

My Thoughts: I listened to this audiobook and it was cute, but I don’t really feel strongly about it one way or another. To be fair, I’m not and have never been a huge gamer, so if I enjoyed or was involved in the eSports world, then I may have appreciated this book more. The main characters, Emilia and Jake, were likable and had just enough quirks to keep their personalities interesting. Though the story definitely focused more on Emilia, I appreciated Jake’s character arc starting as an underdog and coming out on top. Emilia’s storyline had multiple layers to it and explored more complex issues including sexism, racism, and the dangers of online bullying. If you’re looking for a quick read and are into video games, then you may like this book! I just didn’t have a strong enough investment in it to ever think about it again lol. 

My Favorite Half-Night Stand by Christina Lauren


Rating: 3.9/5 stars

Summary: Millie Morris has always been one of the guys. A UC Santa Barbara professor, she’s a female-serial-killer expert who’s quick with a deflection joke and terrible at getting personal. And she, just like her four best guy friends and fellow professors, is perma-single. So when a routine university function turns into a black tie gala, Millie and her circle make a pact that they’ll join an online dating service to find plus-ones for the event. There’s only one hitch: after making the pact, Millie and one of her guy friends, Reid Campbell, secretly spend the sexiest half-night of their lives together, but mutually decide the friendship would be better off strictly platonic. But online dating isn’t for the faint of heart. While the guys are inundated with quality matches and potential dates, Millie’s first profile attempt garners nothing but dick pics and creepers. Enter “Catherine” - Millie’s fictional profile persona, in whose make-believe shoes she can be more vulnerable than she’s ever been in person. Soon “Catherine” and Reid strike up a digital pen-pal-ship… but Millie can’t resist temptation in real life, either. Soon, Millie will have to face her worst fear - intimacy - or risk losing her best friend, forever.

My Thoughts: I saw this audiobook was available on Libby and got so excited because usually books by popular authors like Christina Lauren aren’t available right away, so I jumped on the opportunity. I loved that the book bounced between Millie and Reid’s POV because we got a glimpse at both sides of this love story. There were also some group chats, text messages, etc. sprinkled throughout which was a fun change of pace and fitting for a plotline involving online dating forums. The personalities of the side characters truly made the dialogue and banter so much more fun. Their guy friends Alex, Ed, and Chris, specifically, were so quirky and I was obsessed with the dating profiles Millie drafted for them to use - like we single people who are online dating should definitely take pointers from that portion of the book lol. The chemistry between Millie and Reid was undeniable and felt so natural - it wasn’t hard to root for them. Although communication breakdown was the big issue (per usual), I LOVED that the author made Millie go to therapy because that’s not a frequent tactic I see in rom-com novels during the upswing of a character’s development. On a side note, I got incredibly misty-eyed towards the ending, so fair warning lol. I can’t bring myself to give this book a full 4 stars, but I would say it’s super relatable if you’re online dating, and a really fun audiobook to listen to if you’re looking for something quick!

Velvet of the Night by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

VELVET WAS THE NIGHT by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Rating: 3.5/5 stars

Summary: 1970s, Mexico City. Maite is a secretary who lives for one thing: the latest issue of Secret Romance. While student protests and political unrest consume the city, Maite escapes into stories of passion and danger. Her nextdoor neighbor, Lenora, a beautiful art student, seems to live a life of intrigue and romance that Maite envies. When Lenora disappears under suspicious circumstances, Maite finds herself searching for the missing woman - and journeying deeper into Lenora’s secret life of student radicals and dissidents. Meanwhile, someone else is also looking for Lenora at the behest of his boss, a shadowy figure who commands goon squads dedicated to squashing political activists. Elvis is an eccentric criminal who longs to escape his own life: He loathes violence and loves old movies and rock n’ roll. But as Elvis searches for the missing woman, he comes to observe Maite from a distance - and grows more and more obsessed with this woman who shares his love of music and the unspoken loneliness of his heart. Now as Maite and Elvis come closer to discovering the truth behind Lenora’s disappearance, they can no longer escape the danger that threatens to consume their lives, with hitmen, government agents, and Russian spies all aiming to protect Lenora’s secrets - at gunpoint. 

My Thoughts: This was a really interesting reading experience. I was bopping between a few books while I was also reading this one, and though I wasn’t necessarily itching to pick this up, I was definitely invested in the story once I did. Each chapter goes back and forth between the main characters’ - Maite and Elvis - points of view. Though they aren’t connected at the start, the mystery they’re both trying to solve for different purposes eventually causes their paths to cross. I have to say, Maite wasn’t a super likable character for me at first. She just felt naive, disgruntled, and like a bland try-hard. However, as the book went on and she stepped outside of the comfort zone I was personally holding her to, she became more interesting. Elvis was much easier to like right from the start. He was just a young lad trying to make some money in this gang, so that he could leave as soon as he could. There was an air of naivety with his character as well, but it felt more endearing. The main mystery of this book kept me hooked and though I predicted a few things correctly, there was for SURE a plot twist I did not expect at the end. Overall, this book wasn’t a WOW for me, but I definitely enjoyed it!

The Last Eligible Billionaire by Pippa Grant


Rating: 4/5 stars

Summary: Emotionally unavailable doesn’t even begin to describe my new fake boyfriend. He’s cold. He’s distant. He has more defenses than a nuclear missile silo. And he’s the ultimate catch of the century. At least, according to his bank statement. My job’s simple: Keep Hayes Rutherford’s matchmaking relatives and all interested ladies away from the cranky, grumpy, walled-off heir to my favorite movie empire, and in return, he won’t ruin my life over a teensy, tiny little misunderstanding. But the more I sneak past Hayes’s walls and fences, the more I realize that while we might be from different worlds, we have more in common than either of us expected. The man under all the glitz, glamor, and dollar signs could be the real love of my life. But you know what they say about fake dating a billionaire - it’s all fun and games until the scandals start.

My Thoughts: Thank you to Valentine PR for sending me an ARC of this book! This fun little rom-com follows Begonia and Hayes who are both looking for a quiet escape from their personal lives and are thrown together in an unexpected circumstance. I gotta say, the author truly just tosses you into this story. There’s not a whole lot of build up to the conclusion that Begonia and Hayes need to establish a fake-dating agreement which threw me off a little bit at first. I feel like we usually meet the characters a little better before the plotline is established but this book was the other way around. Once I got my footing with the story though, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Begonia’s character is a LOT to take in lol. Right away, we’re introduced to one of her nonsensical monologues that felt a little OTT, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to vibe with her at all. However, her distinct, whimsical personality quickly becomes endearing and the perfect contrast to Hayes’s grumpy personality. Their slow burn romance was cute, swoony, fun, and I loved that they became somewhat of a team with an “us against the world” attitude. It would be wrong not to give an honorable mention in this review to Begonia’s dog, Marshmallow. He just wakes up every day and chooses chaos which provided many laugh out loud moments for me. This was my first Pippa Grant book and it definitely won’t be my last!

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender

FELIX EVER AFTER by Kacen Callender

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: Felix Love has never been in love - and yes, he’s painfully aware of the irony. He desperately wants to know what it’s like and why it seems so easy for everyone but him to find someone. What’s worse is that, even though he is proud of his identity, Felix also secretly fears that he’s one marginalization too many - Black, queer, transgender - to ever get his own happily-ever-after. When an anonymous student begins sending  him transphobic messages - after publicly posting Felix’s deadname alongside images of him before he transitioned - Felix comes up with a plan for revenge. What he didn’t count on: his catfish scenario landing him in a quasi-love triangle… But as he navigates his complicated feelings, Felix begins a journey of questioning and self-discovery that helps redefine his most important relationship: how he feels about himself. 

My Thoughts: God this was a beautiful book. Felix’s journey to self love, discovery, and acceptance was an emotion-provoking story to say the least. He’s dealing with many internal struggles such as believing he’s unlovable because his mom left him when he was young and started a new family, feeling unsure about how to label his gender identity, navigating insecurities relating to his artistic abilities and more. Following him through this experience made me want to give him the biggest hug and fight anyone who had anything to say about him. Ezra, his best friend, was such a strong supporting character and I was grateful Felix had someone like that in his life. I listened to this on audiobook which I think intensified the emotions in Felix’s narrative because I could easily feel everything in the narrator’s voice. There are plenty of incredible messages/perspectives about what people in the LGBTQ+ community go through in their daily lives, specifically trans people, and I think it’d be an impactful read for anyone who picks up this book. 

That’s that on that! Hopefully, one of those books sparked your interest. I know I read a lot of romance, so I’m making it a goal to move outside of that comfort zone in March. So stay tuned!

2022 Book Count: 31

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