Blogging or just distracting myself because T-Minus 14 minutes until the Battle of Winterfell?????
So, I realize it’s been more than a month since I’ve blogged, but hear me out. APRIL HAS BEEN QUITE THE MONTH.
Between Game of Thrones ABSOLUTELY RUINING MY EMOTIONS AND MENTALITY EVERY SUNDAY and then running back to Battle Creek literally every weekend for bridesmaid duties, house warming parties, etc., I just haven’t found the time nor energy to blog.
My sincerest apologies. But, also since no one has complained, then my expectations/predictions of those who actually read this blog are proven to be true. Those people include:
My parents when they remember to check every so often
A handful of friends who i know don’t mind when I say “hey can you read my latest blog post?”
Someone who was probably hoping to use this domain name, realized it’s taken and wanted to see what it’s being used for only to be mildly disappointed, yet hopefully entertained.
Anyway, I thought about what I should do for this post and tonight’s Game of Thrones episode is the “Battle of Winterfell.” A.k.a. the MOST EPIC BATTLE EVER FILMED.
I’m not being dramatic. That’s actually a fact. You can read it here.
My initial thought was to do a live reaction blog while I watched the new episode. However, after some thought, I needed to be honest with myself. There’s no fucking way I’m going to be able to focus on anything but this episode. I may even need to write the words “breathe” and “blink” on the back of my hand so I don’t forget to do both after this episode tears me to shreds.
Instead I figured I’d do a little more of an uplifting blog consisting of nothing but tweets that sit patiently in my drafts folder because they sadly never saw the publish button. If you find any of them funny, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for more LOL.
ENJOY AND Mīsagon Ghost! :)
(That’s Valyrian for Protect Ghost).
Keeping the GoT theme going, a tweet from last summer:
Been waiting for GoT season 8 for a hot minute, ja feel?
In honor of my social sand volleyball league starting again soon, a tweet from last summer’s league:
I guess i misunderstood the whole “social” part.
The extent of how my dating life is going:
Hit ya girl up tho if you have any chiropractor friends who are 26-31 and aren’t high maintenance.
Other essential requirements for any potential suitors:
Because fuck Burpees, amiright?
I wonder if that family has since changed their last name since so many people loathe burpees.
I eat a lot of vegetables and it’s truly just about finding joy in the little things:
Aren’t they the cutest?
Nothing says I have my life together and strive for a well-balanced diet like digging into a full jar of Jif, amiright? :’)
How to tell people you're an introvert who lives alone and are mildly socially awkward:
Love a good house plan though.
Last, but not least, more proof that ya girl is truly a completely sane and normal person:
That’s all folks. T-minus 10 minutes until Game of Thrones literally ruins me as a person. My full reactions will be obnoxiously expressed later on, you guessed it, Twitter. So, give ya girl a follow if you’re ever so inclined! :)